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How to get an Internet Marketing Education Without Spending a Nickel
Do you want to create a passive income? Are you bewildered by all the educational Marketing products out there? Are you on a low budget or trying to escape from a huge debt load? Well, I answered a big "Yes!" to all the above, especially, the last one My job sucks. I can barely make ends meet and I have some medical problems which make a "normal" working lifestyle very difficult. That's why I become an Affiliate. I refer people to a merchant's site and make a decent commission. I run ads on Google linked to the product. It is a really easy way to make money but there is a learning curve involved. Without a solid understanding of Internet marketing, pay-per-clicks and affiliate programs you could waste a lot of money. I did. At first.But, then I discovered a way to get a free education. You can do it, too. Five Simple Steps to Valuable free Information 1. Search the net for marketing products in the areas you are interested in ie: Affiliate programs, Search Engine optimization, Keywords, website building etc. 2.Find the sign-up for their free newsletter or ezine. All the Marketing Pros have them (but you might have to allow popups on some sites) 3. Sign up for the ezine or join the affiliate programs. 4. Repeat the process. 5. Check your inbox. Now, you may be thinking: "Hold on a sec, there Dave! Aren't these guys just going to pitch the hell out of me for stuff I can't afford? What's in it for me?" All the Web Gurus have to face these questions everyday. How do they stop people from unsubscribing? How do they keep them coming back? Lots and lots of free stuff! They reward their readership on a regular basis because they know "Buy! Buy! Buy!" is not going to... sell. I receive about 40 newsletters from the Uber Affiliates and the like. It's amazing the amount of free info I have acquired. They give away reports and ebooks. They give away How-to's and tutorials. They give you free e-courses and informative interviews. It's a great headstart on your new marketing career but they don't reveal everything. That's when you can judiciously spend your hard-earned dollars on some of their products. It has saved me thousands! So, if you are a running on a shoe string, have the time to read and assimilate tons of good info, and are willing to separate the wheat from the chaff... this method is for you. Oh, and you have to like get something for nothing. That is key. ;) There's gold in them thar emails! Why would anyone buy information or an ebook online when they can find it for free? It takes time to search and acquire all this free information and, as they say: time is money. If you find a product that will immediately provide you with the solutions you need (and you can afford it) I suggest you consider buying the information. I buy as many marketing ebooks as my budget allows. -David Parton ___________________________________________ Now You can Expand your Opportunities & Increase your Cash Flow with FREE Tips & Resources about Affiliate Marketing, Making Money from Home, Running your Own Website, Ezine and List building & Self-improvement for Both Sides of Your Brain! Discover... http://ExpandingMind.com NOTE: Feel free to "reprint" this article online as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including my "resource box" at the end). Please send me a copy of your reprint to david@expandingmind.com
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How To Hold On To Your Customers Like Hell And Make Them Pay You Again And Again! With the years competition online, has become fierce. Studiesshows already that there are more web pages in cyberspace todaythan there are humans on the face of the earth. All thesejostling for the same customers. And if you remember that theprimary purpose of every business is to acquire customers, thenyou will understand how serious this is. I Don?t Smoke, But I Love a Good .sig! .sig, or "Dot Sig" as it's affectionately known, stands for "Signature File" and is the text and (usually) other contact information placed at the bottom of email or other computer-based correspondence. It is traditionally used for things like phone numbers, alternate email addresses, mailing addresses, web site addresses, etc. However the real truth is, it can contain anything the author wishes to include. It is like having your very own piece of legitimate, non-intrusive, socially acceptable, 100% SPAM-free advertising space on every piece of email you send or posting you ever make! After Fifteen Years Or More Of Frustration With Internet Marketing, I Think Ive Found It! Hello Internet junkies and friends, The Five Golden Keys To Massive Passive Income You can earn a large monthly passive income with a minimum knowledge of the Internet, sales or marketing. In fact, you don't even have to have a website to be successful. How to Profit From Your Ad Space in this Economic Downturn Recent research predicts that the online ad market will decline by 25% in 2003.** At Last, A Plain English Guide to Internet Marketing Have you ever been horrified and intimidated at the convoluted, jargon-reliant information about Internet marketing available on the Net? Some Practical Guidlines for Getting Involved with Internet Marketing This article addresses the 'how' and 'when' of getting involved with internet marketing. The Budget Webmasters Guide to Increased Credibility - Part One Hey, I just noticed something. I've been sitting here filling out a bajillion forms, submitting my dang article 'til I'm blue in the face (Vent much? Why, yes and thanks for listening!), and I realized what makes me give out my real email address. What is Internet Marketing? Since I sold my last business in 2004 I have been trying hard to make a living online. Most of my neighbors knew what my last business was as it was very obvious from the garage full of soda, water, snacks and vending machines. When I say garage full I am talking about maybe 1000 to 1500 cases at least. Yes, I was a vendor and I did this for about 8 years. 8 years of people complaining about out of date soda, warm candy bars and dimes stuck in the machines. 8 years of 40 foot Pepsi and Coke trucks coming up to my driveway and unloading materials. 8 years of counting coins and dollar bills every day. Had it not been for the recession, 9-11 and the dotcom bust I would probably have grown to where I hired a few workers and I would still be doing it. Do Online Business Ethics Exist? In the world of online busines something has gone wrong. Something has gone badly wrong. In the pursuit of wealth and success business ethics have not so much fallen by the wayside as been torn up, stomped on and burned to ash. Where some loose form of rule may have applied before there now only exists chaos, greed and hype. The Reality Of How To Make Money In An Online Business "Making money online quick and easy" seems to be the buzzword today in the home business and money making arenaonline these days. It would seem at first glance thatmaking money online seems to be a very simple thing.However, as most internet marketers would tell you, this isnot true as making money online is a serious business andhard work has to go into it. Avoid a Summer Sales Slump Did you ever see the movie "Terminator 3" by Arnold Schwarzenegger?Remember when the machines took over the controls and began toterminate society as we know it? Website Sales: 10 Scorching Hot Offers That Sell Like Crazy One of the best ways to increase your sales is to offeryour potential customers a special offer. Attract More Orders Attracting More Orders! Jump Starting Sales! Sky-RocketingProfits! Whatever you want to call it. It all boils down to one thing, MORE TRAFFIC! And the different ways to get it. Here's some more ideas to try. Online Advertising Traffic and the First Law of Web Surfing Hint: don't send send your online advertising traffic to your homepage. DOI, a Proven Marketing Tool for Driving Traffic and Increasing Search Engine Rankings The Digital Object Identifier otherwise known as the DOI is not new. The history of the DOI started when a group of major book publishers realized that the digital age was imminent. They needed an online cataloging system for books on the Internet, not just on book shelves. The ISBN had taken them as far as they could go and was a great bar coding/cataloging system for physical books, but it was not practical for "virtual shelves" where ebooks or digital media live in databases and hard drives. Publishers who use the DOI call it the "digital ISBN." Because of this need, the DOI was born. Now, the versatility of the DOIs are finding their way to other industries. Niche Marketing - How to Find Your Perfect Niche Market If you don't find a niche market for the product or serviceyou offer, you will have a difficult time being successful.Most newcomers who wish to do business on the Internetoften market to everyone they can find with the expectationthat everyone will do business with them. This is the same as throwing mud against the wall and hoping some of it willstick. They have not yet found their niche market. Website Marketing: 10 Smart Tactics To Make Your Online Testimonials More Credible You know that using testimonials can help persuadeyour website visitors to buy from you. Creative Offline Website Marketing Techniques Although the vast majority of website traffic is the direct result of search engines, there are many offline marketing techniques that can be used to draw customers to your website. The examples listed below are but a few ways in which you can market your online presence to an offline audience in an inexpensive manner. Some of the examples listed below even can be implemented at no extra cost! From Niche Marketing to Fragmentation Think about something Bill Cosby said and ask yourself "how does this apply to your current marketing. Cosby stated "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone." ![]() |
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