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Website Marketing: 10 Smart Tactics To Make Your Online Testimonials More Credible
You know that using testimonials can help persuadeyour website visitors to buy from you. Here are 10 website marketing tactics to makethe testimonials more believable and effective: 1. PICTURESAsk people if they would e-mail a picture with theirtestimonial. If they don't have one scanned you couldhave them send their picture by mail and you couldscan it. This technique will give your testimonials morecredibility. 2. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURESMost online testimonials you see have text signatures.You could have people mail their written signature,scan it, and upload it with their testimonial. Peoplewill feel the testimonial is more official. 3. ONLINE AUDIOYou could record people's testimonials with a mini taperecorder over the phone, on your answering machine,or voice mail. Then you could convert the recordinginto a online audio file and upload it to your web site.You can find more information about converting audiorecording's by typing "real audio" at a search engine. 4. POSTCARDSHave people mail you their testimonial on a postcard,scan it and upload it to your web site. This will givepeople proof that the testimonial isn't fake becauseit will have a post mark on it. 5. PROFILESAsk people to include a profile of themselves with theirtestimonial. You could just have them answer somequestions like age, occupation, hobbies, favorite quote,etc. This will make your testimonials more entertainingto read. 6. HAND WRITTEN LETTERSThis is similar to the "electronic signature" tip. Scanand upload the entire written testimonial or letter toyour web site. This will give your testimonials a feelof realism. 7. RECORDINGSYou could record peoples testimonials over the phonewith a mini tape recorder. Then, take the recordingand record it to an answering machine or voice mailsystem. Under each one, include a phone number theycan call to hear the actual testimonial. 8. E-MAIL MESSAGESWhen you get e-mail testimonials, publish the entiree-mail message instead of just the contents. It will bemore believable because it will include the date, time,subject, who it's from and who it's to. 9. CONTACT INFORMATIONWhen you get testimonials from people, ask them ifyou could include their contact information under thetestimonial. This will allow potential customers to askyour current customers questions about your productor service before they buy. Usually, they will trustthem more than you. 10. ONLINE VIDEOIf some of the people who give you testimonials havea camcorder, ask them to record their testimonial onvideo and send it to you. Then you could convert thevideo to an online video file and upload it to your site.You can find more information about converting audiorecording's by typing "real video" at a search engine. May these website marketing secrets help you to makea lot of money and succeed. Warmly, I-key Benney, CEO I-key, a Millionaire CEO from New York City is the creator of "Mscsrrr: Millionaire Secret Cash System", (currency trading) program, which has helped thousands of ordinary people from all over the world to attain financial security and shining success during the past 2 yrs. Mscsrrr Millionaire Secret Cash System helps you to generate $1,500+/Week for life, from home or office, part time or full time. No large investment or hassles. Win $1000-$2000 free "cash"?
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