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To All Internet Marketers - How To Get My Business
More and more people are realizing that the Internet offersgreat potential to set up a healthy business for pennies on the dollar. This is good news for internet marketers - but it also means that they need to lift their game. Why? Because the would-be "netpreneur" has access to way more training than ever before. It's possible to get up to speed very quickly on what is needed to get started online. This, in turn, means that people quickly recognize what offers true value and what does not. They see so many sales letters that they become, to a certain degree, immune to the typical hype. They're willing to spend - but they want value for money. They want to be treated like intelligent and discerning adults. So here's a message to all 'gurus' (and aspiring gurus) who are keen to get their share of the dollars waiting to be sent flying their way via cyberspace. 1) What does it take to make people want to buy "you" rather than some other internet marketer? 2) What might make people want to unsubscribe from your list? 3) And what pushes them into asking for a refund? What Makes People Want to Buy? - They buy if they can see that a product will give them new knowledge and understanding. - They buy if the purchase will speed up business growth. - They buy if a product will automate a task that eats into their time. (People quickly learn to spend their time on marketing and product creation, rather than repetitive tasks.) Tip: Once newbies have been exposed to a few sales pages, it's not long before they learn to look beyond the sales hype. They study a sales letter carefully to work out what the product will"really" offer them. (Do they need this? Or will it duplicate something else they own?) They also learn to look for value for money. Some higher-priced products are worth every cent. Some cheaper products add very little to what they already know. (Note: Savvy internet marketers already realize that if they put together online interviews offering truly valuable information, they are far more likely to attract and keep new customers. A quick example: Jane Smith listens to a one-hour audio interview on search engine optimization and traffic. She finds out some really useful information she has not so far heard anywhere else. She decides that this guy knows what he's talking about and shells out a couple of hundred dollars for his products.) What Makes People Want to Unsubscribe from a List? - Getting four identical emails trying to sell them the same product, because the sender hasn't figured out how to move them from one list to another after they buy. - Getting a 'canned' email sounding full of excitement about a new product or service - which turns out to be a duplicate of the email they get from six other marketers who are affiliates for the same product. - Getting email from a product creator about anything under the sun because you bought XXX product from them. If your customers sign up for a newsletter, they expect mailings. What Makes People Want to Ask for a Refund? In the past, buyers tended to shrug and write off a bad purchase. But increasingly, people are prepared to stand up for their rights. If they feel they have not received value for money, they will ask for a refund. So what makes them decide to ask for their money back? - Software that doesn't work as it is supposed to. - Physical products (CDs, DVDs) that don't work on their systems. - An e-book that is full of content easily found in an hour's net-surfing. - An e-book that has skimped on content or that has been poorly written. - An e-book that not only skimps on content but is full of links to up-sells to get the 'really valuable' information, or is full of affiliate links. The last case, an e-book full of affiliate links or links to an up-sell...is something you should be giving away free as part of your viral marketing campaign. Charge for it and you risk your reputation for being a source of quality information. Other things that bite into your customer's valuable time. - MP3's that are streamed from a website rather than being downloadable. - e-books that are in ".exe" format only, so the customer can't print them out in one 'hit' (and can't access them on a Mac computer). Give your clients anything that they can listen to or read away from the computer. Most of them spend enough hours a day at the keyboard already. They'd rather load an audio interview into their MP3 players and listen while they go for a walk or relax in the sun. They'd prefer to print out an e-book and read it or mark it up while sitting in an easy chair. Please, please don't tether them to the computer! And finally, about those "name squeeze" pages. People are very quickly getting tired of having to give up their email addresses just to get to a sales page. Do you want them to buy or not? These days, unless there's a huge buzz around the Net and they want to see what it's all about, prospective customers are just as likely to click the 'back' button on their browser, or close the window and leave. After all, there's always another internet marketer waiting to sell them a product. Probably one very similar to yours. Marketers who respect their client's time and intelligence are the ones who will get their loyalty - and their cash. David A. Bailey, Jr shares his best, little-known, and top-secret, money-making ideas, projects, plans and hot new information products and services. Learn the latest ways to make money on the Internet that really work. No filler, just the facts about new ways to make fast money - delivered daily. SERIOUS ONLY. Have you ever imagined what it would feel like to Join The Top-Secret, Money Making Mastermind?
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Use Landing Pages to Boost Sales and Capture Metrics If you are sending out a periodic email newsletter, no doubt it contains links back to your Website. These links probably take the responder to a product promotion, a featured offering, a contest sign-up location, or essentially any offer which is a means of gaining new clients or increasing your sales. What happens all too often, however, is that the person responding to your link wanders off somewhere else on your Website or else quickly leaves your site for other Internet destinations. Once you entice a newsletter recipient to visit your site, it is critical that you carefully guide him or her to take the actions you wish. Local Search Makes Your Business a Big Fish in Your Local Community The Internet Contains Billions of Website Pages - All Clamoring for Attention The Truth About Info Business Let me save you, at least, several hundreds of dollars you would have spent on different business guides and tutorials, claiming to bring you online wealth. Internet Marketing Online: How To Help Yourself By Helping Others If you want to go far in business, and be a roaringsuccess, you must understand that your successdepends on others. Great Ways To Obtain Link Popularity I hate reciprocal linking. How You Can Use Free Public Domain Content to Drive Hoards of Targeted Traffic to Your Websites There is an interesting phenomenon on the Internet and that is free public domain content. This is content whose copyrights have long since run out, or other information like dates, figures, government forms, and tons of other information. The problem with public domain content is that it is frequently difficult to find and it is not just organized and available on one website for people's needs. You can use this to your advantage however. All you have to do is seek out free public domain information and include it on your website in order to attract the traffic that is looking for this type of information. Find Your Niche - the Internet Marketers Goldmine If you haven't heard the word 'niche' being batted around by Internet Marketers then you haven't been listening. Finding a niche has become the antidote to competing in overly saturated online markets. Fast Forwarding Your Business with Instant Messaging Instant Messaging is rapidly becoming accepted in the business community as a viable communications tool and process - it's faster than e-mail, free on the client side, even a novice user can easily grasp the interface in just a few minutes and it enables remote workers and business partners to "talk" and share files and information effortlessly using the in-place infrastructure of the internet. Its mushrooming in popularity too - according to IDC, corporate and general business users will jump from 5.5M in 2001 to close to 200M by 2004. 3 Simple Steps for Revealing Marketing Secrets of the Experts Learn the easy method I use to reveal marketing secrets. Details of my findings using this method are also disclosed. Viral Marketing - Use This Free Reminder Service to Go Viral The busier you are the harder it is to remember all those appointments. Now you can get an E-Mail everyday to remind you of all your important appointments. Better yet you can turn other peoples need for reminders into a Viral Marketing Tool right now and it's all free. Many Small Revenue Streams Are Best There's an old story about a guy who had a fruit stand. On the fruit stand there was a single orange with a price tag hanging on it. The price? One million dollars. Internet Profits the Smart Way: Let Your Business Fund Itself Although many Internet marketers spend thousands of dollars on Internet marketing resources before turning a profit, it is certainly not the only way to succeed, and in many cases, not the best way. Here are three levels of investment that will allow your business to fund itself. How You Can Promote Products And Services In Internet There are two ways how you can promote products and services in Internet: Profitable Online Marketing - Guaranteed! When you boil it right down, there are really only three things that you need to do exceedingly well to market your business effectively online, and you should think of all three simultaneously with each new advertising campaign you entertain. Building An Effective Banner Campaign Banner advertising can dramatically help you increase traffic to your web site. Banner advertising can be a very cost effective marketing solution and can help you to gain access to millions of internet users. It can also prove to be a huge waste of time, even creating a net loss rather than increasing your bottom line. So we'll try to guide you onto the path to true results and a very successful Internet Marketing campaign using banner ads.First things first: What's it going to cost you? Assuming you're going to design and building your own banners, you can still loose money on the cost of advertising if you're not careful. Work out the estimated cost of each banner advertising campaign:Cost-per-Visitor: If you pay $10 per thousand impressions ($10/CPM), and you get a 2.0% click-through (20 visitors), your cost-per-visitor is $.50 ($10 per 20 visitors).Cost-per-Sale: Now you know about what you're going to pay per visitor. So what does that amount to per sale? Well, if 1 in every 20 visitors buys your product, your cost per sale is $10.00.Total Sale Amount : $9.95 USD Paypal's Fee Amount : -$0.59 USD Net Profit Amount : $9.36 USDSo if each sale of your product produces a gross profit of $9.36, then your net profit per-sale will be -$.64 ($9.36 gross profit - $10 cost-per-sale). This campaign is not profitable!As you can see, something has to change in order to make a profit. That's why it's important to track and calculate every campaign. So what went wrong with this example?-Paying too much for the banner space?-Need a better click-through rate?-Need to charge more for your product?The truth is that only you have the information required to decide but at least at this point you're in a better position to make a qualified decision.Return on Investment Ratios: Your return-on-investment (ROI), before non-marketing expenses, is 0.0% ($0.00 total net profits with a $10 investment).Experiment by advertising on multiple sites or using different banners if your budget will allow it. Find the perfect campaigns that yield the highest ROI.A few terms to know:» CPM - Cost Per Impressions (The "M" comes from the Roman numeral for 1,000). So $20 CPM represents $20 per 1,000 displays of a banner). An Impressions is simply each time your banner is shown.» CPC - Cost Per Click. You pay an agreed amount for each click-through to your site.» Click-Through (CT) - A click on an ad which takes the viewer to another site.» Click-Through Rate (CTR) - This is the number of people who click on an ad (banner or text link) divided by the number of displays of the ad, represented in percentages. Example: 500 people click on an ad that has been shown 10,000 times, which works out at: 500/10,000 X 100% = 5%.» Run Of Site (ROS) - This means your banner will be displayed on all or most pages of the site.Buying or Creating your own banners: You can find a graphic designer to create your banner or you can simply learn to design and build you own. We have done both on this site and our research shows almost equal results when using identical conditions. We're not going to give tutorials on banner design but we will offer a few tips to help get you started.If you decide to purchase your banners: Do your research. There are many so called ' graphic designers' that have very little training or experience with any type of graphics much less internet marketing or banner advertising.Get any promises or guarantees in writing. Keep in mind that anyone can setup shop online and many have no idea what they're doing to say the least.Do it yourself banners: There are several options when it comes to creating your own banners. Again, we're not here to teach you how to design and build your own, just to guide you in the right direction. Here are a few things to consider: » Think through your design. » Decide on a format. » Flash or Animated. » Image or HTML. » The best banner size. » Image load times.Image or HTML? Well, most of the banners we see are image based, whether .gif, .jpg of flash. But there is another very simple alternative. The HTML banner. You can even combine images and HTML to create incredible banners. A couple benefits of using a HTML banner are:» HTML banner will normally load faster. » On a HTML banner, you can promote many links.Banners sizes:468 x 60.....Full banner 234 x 60.....Half banner 392 x 72.....Full banner with vertical navigation bar 120 x 240...Vertical banner 125 x 125...Square button 120 x 90.....Button #1 120 x 60.....Button #2 88 x 31.......Micro buttonA few tips:Use attractive and attention grabbing images. Keep your text short and simple.Use proven key words like "free" and "now". "Free" is a very powerful incentive for the viewer to click on the button. Even the words "Click Here" can increase your click-through rate. Use a large font size for your message text. Create different versions of the banner. Test different banners to improve your click-through rate.Animate your banner, but use as few frames as possible to keep the file size to a quick loading minimum. Test new banners with a Pay Per Click network, before you use them in Pay Per Impression campaigns. Many sites display two different banners on each page, while others display the same banner at the top "top fold" and bottom "bottom fold" of each page. When given a choice, it's usually best to choose the top fold of page because the viewer is more likely to see your banner. You can expect to pay a lot less for "bottom fold" of page banner spaces.Brian Hawkins - Entrepreneur, Internet Marketer, Online business consultant, Author. Site owner and administrator of several sites including: http://www.extremesitepromotions.com/ and http://www.csc4u.com/ Why You Should Use Turnkey Websites To Jumpstart Your Ecommerce Activity Most people looking to do business online have heard of turnkey websites. They seem to be a one stop solution to getting an online business going without all the usual hassles associated with an online startup. Take a look thought the business & industry section of eBay and you'll see thousands of turnkey sites, sometimes going for hundreds of dollars. Content, Content, Content. Read any Internet marketing article, forum or tutorial these days and you will find that the one thing all the experts agree on is that you need to have lots of good quality content on your web site. It sounds like good advice doesn't it? But what precisely does it mean? 5 Secrets to Building a Successful Internet Business Everyday I talk with people who want to get started on the internet with their own business. But the whole process seems a mystery to them whether they have an affiliate marketing program, a real estate course or they sell health and fitness products. The easiest way I found to walk people through the basic building blocks is to use a real life example of building a brick and mortar business. Success on the internet is possible when you know how to build it and drive targeted traffic to your website. Flat Tires, Slow Leaks, and Online Marketing Does your online marketing campaign have a flat tire? Or is it more like a slow leak? How To Be A Web Entrepreneur With No Capital With the advent of the technology age, the Internet hasbeen used for everything from research to shopping. Recordnumber of households is signing up for internet access allover the world and a surprising number of individuals lookto the internet to purchase goods or services. The ease ofuse and flexibility of the internet makes this technologyan excellent forum for entrepreneurs to start their own webbusiness. The thought of starting your own business may beoverwhelming, as many individuals do not have any businessexperience. With the advent of the web business, anyonecan easily and successfully begin their own business.However, money is a major factor when starting your ownbusiness and individuals wonder how they can become a webentrepreneur with no capital. ![]() |
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