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Great Ways To Obtain Link Popularity
I hate reciprocal linking. It is such a hassle. Even specialized reciprocal linking sites don't really help all that much. Many of the link requests that I do get are from poker sites that are totally irrelevant to my site's content. Most of the sites that I would like to link to don't respond. Some sites supposedly do respond, but, when I search their sites, I can't find my link anywhere. It is just so totally and completely frustrating. Link popularity is a major factor in search engine rankings. How does someone like me, who despises reciprocal linking, go about improving my site's link popularity? Fortunately for me, I have discovered two ways to do exactly that. They are blogging and submitting articles. I added the Work At Home Ideas Blog(http://www.affiliateutopia.com/blog/) to my website two weeks ago. Search engines love content and blogs are about the easiest way to add fresh content to your site. But, how can a blog improve your site's link popularity? Most blogs feature their own RSS or XML feed. If a visitor to your blog likes your content, then he just might decide to syndicate your content on his website. In the past two weeks, my blog's XML feed has been hit more than 150 times. I expect to get at least some new links out of that. Writing articles and submitting them to article directories is another great way to get more links pointing back to your site. You can place your own "resource box"(similar to the one at the bottom of this article) at the bottom of your articles. Your resource box wiil contain a link back to your website. The article directory will publish your article and--BAM-you have an instant link back to your website. Submitting articles is a great way to get your site's popularity going like gangbusters. Here are some outstanding article directories that you should be submitting to:IdeaMarketers -- http://www.ideamarketers.com/EzineArticles -- http://www.ezinearticles.com/GoArticles -- http://www.goarticles.com/ISnare -- http://www.isnare.com/Internet Home Business Articles-- http://www.internethomebusinessarticles.com/ Here is a little tip for your article submissions. Many article directories allow you to enter HTML code in your articles. This gives you the ability to control the anchor text of your site's link in the resource box of your article. The anchor text of your link serve as keywords for the search engines. Use a keyword research tool, such as Good Keywords(http://www.goodkeywords.com/), to vary your anchor text from week to week. By doing this, you will rapidly build up a number of keywords for your site. By using your blog's RSS or XML feed and submitting articles, you can increase the link poularity of your website without all of the hassles of reciprocal linking. Copyright 2005 Ronald Gibson Ronald Gibson is a Web Designer and Web Marketer. He is the Webmaster of AffiliateUtopia.com, which offers information about some of the best money making opportunities on the Web. For more information, visit:http://www.affiliateutopia.com/
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Marketing Your Web Site Congratulations! Your Web Site is finished! Now what? Your first instinct is to submit to every search engine possible and leave it up to them to bring traffic to your site. Despite what you may have been told, it doesn't happen quite that way. Yes, you will need to submit to the search engines, and they will eventually bring traffic your site. It will take anywhere from 3 ? 6 months for a search engine to even get you listed. After that another year or so to make it to the top of the listings, that is, if you are extremely diligent in promoting to them monthly and following all the different rules for each search engine. Product Marketing for Internet Based Home Businesses All small business owners, especially those internet based, are concerned about product marketing and how to increase traffic to their web pages in order to increase sales. In addition, most want to not only market their products and increase traffic, but they want to do it affordable or free if at all possible. Fortunately, this is an option for home businesses, and all it takes is a little creativity combined with dedication. Also, for those businesses with advertising budgets, there are even more advertising options available. The following suggestions should help your product marketing plan significantly. Website Sales: 10 Exploding Ways To Intensify Your Website Sales Are sales at your website weak? Top Ten Steps To Prepare Yourself for Online Marketing Still marketing through press releases, networking groups, and talks to groups? If these ways have brought you few clients or product sales, you may now be ready for your virtual marketing machine, the Internet! Internet Marketers and Two-Year-Olds: Just Toddling Around Asking Lots of Questions I recently noticed that my friend's two-year-old, Conor, is getting to be quite the big boy. For one thing, he has suddenly morphed from a pudgy baby into a mini version of her husband. For another, he's becoming increasingly curious. The last time I saw him he must have asked me at least 20 times, "What's that?" Website Sales: Using Direct Response Secret To Get Your Prospects To Buy - Now I'd like to let you in on a little secret that most webmasters don't know: 9 Pointers for Evaluating a Business Proposal Finding a business opportunity on the net is easy. But evaluating the right one for you, takes a little knowledge. With so many scams, takers and failed ventures you need a little more than the, "highest dollar for the least amount of work" approach. So what should you look for when evaluating an opportunity? Here are 9 pointers. Identify your Target Market by Tracking and Exploiting Profitable Search Engine Keyword Phrases There's a very lucrative "marketing formula" to targeting prospects on the Internet with "laser-beam"-like precision. Internet Marketing, Fact Or Fiction? I'm sure you've seen it before, your inbox overflowing with promises of making millions in the span of a few weeks. If your like me you have these "opportunities" safely tucked away in your recycle bin faster than you can say "Spam", Internet Marketing Secrets Spiel Wouldn't you like to know all the Internet marketing "secrets" that have made me the man I am today? Blog and Ping ? A Search Engine Traffic Bonanza Everyone is talking about blogs these days as the magic money-making marketing tool. Some of the hype may actually be true, but I suggest you cut through most of what you read about blogs just long enough to understand why every business needs a blog. 4 Simple Secrets for Net Marketing Success Starting an internet based business when you have zero marketing experience is, to say the least, bewildering. I speak from personal experience as I started out with no specialized knowledge. I gradually weaved my way through what seemed like hundreds of sites selling just about everything and tried to resist buying every white elephant that was offered. Its All About The Leads: Publishing to Capture Profits All online businesses are nothing more than lead capturing machines. They capture traffic from search engines and links from other sources and turn that traffic into leads which turn into sales of products and services being sold on their sites. Internet Marketing Online: How To Make Your Customers To Keep Coming Back To Buy From You There are a few internet marketing online secrets that when implemented, will force your customers to keep coming back to buy from you. The Most Important Marketing Tool As an online marketer, there are many tools available to help you succeed. Some are free, while some will cost you money. Essential tools include a computer, an internet connection and the various softwares. Everywhere you turn nowadays, 'gurus' will tell what you need to do in order to succeed. Think Your Way to the Gold Online! If you have ever wanted to know HOW the Internet Experts make money on the Internet, then this article could be the most important report you have read this year! Internet Marketing: Are You Penny Wise And Dollar Foolish? It never ceases to amaze me how many people set-up a web site, without any type of plan or clue about how to promote it--how to write a sales letter--how to write an ad--nothing! Fact is, nowadays, anyone can have a web site. But once you get one, then what? How are you going to make money with it? 10 Killer Ways To Multiply Your Sales 1. When you make your first sale, follow-up with the customer. You could follow-up with a "thank you" email and include an advertisement for other products you sell. You could follow-up every few months. Overcoming The Fear Factor In Online Sales No I am not talking about the classic board game, that Aunt Hester bought you the past two years for your birthday! Risk is what first time visitors to your website views your product as. Before they spend their hard earned money they want to know that your product is worth it. Shoppers today see so many offers, so many sales pitches that they are trained to be skeptical about many products. How To Make A Lot Of Money On The Internet Doing Nothing "You can make a lot of money on the Internet doing nothing!" That's the number one Internet marketing myth. ![]() |
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