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Words That Can Leave You Powerless
The lines below come from this weeks mind treatment, written by Rev. Angelica Jayne who is a regular weekly contributor to this site. I seldom ever include other people's writing with my own, and very rarely use quotes and almost never comment on them. I sit in front of my computer knowing that I had to this time and wandering why, I am trusting the answer will come out in my writing as is always does. Please read the three paragraphs below first, and then my comments following. There is One Infinite Mind from which all things come. This Mind is everywhere present, all powerful and all knowing. This Mind is expressing as my mind now. The Unconditional Love of the Universe flows though me expressing itself as my Life. My desires are its desires. Therefore I know my dreams and visions are Divine Ideas in the Mind of God. I accept this as my Truth, knowing everything needed to fulfill these ideas is also within me. I let go of all doubt and fear. I let go of any feelings of not being enough to live my Vision. I now declare I am clear about what I want and stay focused on the end results. I let go and let God do its magnificent work through and as me. I am a living expression of God's Highest Vision for Its Life as me. I Am so grateful to know this, and to know it is not me, but the Law within me that is doing the work. I keep my eye single, and see God in and as everything. And this is good, very good. With a heart filled with awe and gratitude, I release these words knowing they are already done. I believe that one of the reasons these lines caught my eye is that they express in a special way how the process of manifesting what we desire in our lives works and who is really in charge of it all. Angelica's words may reach others that mine would not. The process of manifesting remains the same and it is a three part progression of thought, word and deed but the expression can be said many ways and that diversity of expression is most important. Not all of us speak the same language because not all of us understand the same language, so there are many of us writing the same lines but in different ways so that we may reach as many people as possible with this valuable information. When I read these articles by Angelica and by other writers I get hung up on the use of the word God most of the time or any other related symbol. The words can and do leave you powerless unless you use critical thinking to read between the lines. In the explanation and study of spirituality and how we are related to God or Source, I believe that the words are appropriate and essential to these explanations and studies. The issues I have are in the carrying over of the idea that there is God and there is us. The confusion for many that read these articles and related books as I see it would be in separating these two statements, "God is the creator of all that is," "God will give you what you desire," because the idea behind the lines takes away your power to create or manifest and the words leave wanting and waiting for God to deliver. When you leave your fate in the hands of another, you are powerless to change anything. Life is about change and it is always moving, it is the only constant and the only consequence of life is life itself, which is change by its nature. As individualized pieces of God or source we all have the power to make change, to create life. I believe that the greatest reason that humanity does not effectively get what it desires on demand, is that it gives up that power to others and to a God, that it envisions as an anthropomorphic individual that looks down upon us, and sometimes grants us what we desire. I believe that it is self evident through humanities history and our own lives from the time you were born. We do not get what we desire because we are waiting for someone else to give it to us. The issue as I see it is in the words that we use. The words have enslaved us in and ideology that no longer works for us. Intuitively humanity knows that it must change, it changes its words constantly. The dictionary is a living example of that progress as it expands every year. The one area that is slow to change is in the realm of spirituality and religion practiced. This area of awareness that can really set us free remains locked in religious jargon that is designed to make us powerless. Words are so powerful and we are so careless in using them. The one guiding principal of the law of creation is that whatever follows the words "I Am," becomes so, it is known and it is absolute. "I am hot," "I am cold," "I am a failure," "I am so lucky." All of these statements are law and they are absolute because they are known as truth. "I," is the authority, "am," is the word and what ever follows is the result. "I am hungry," is known and it can not be any other way. Until you decide differently as in "I am full," "I am not hungry." You will never find God or the source or its power looking outward, you have being doing that for centuries. It is only when you look inward and truly know yourself as the source, as an individualized piece of God and then finally God, that you can claim any power at all. You cannot go around calling yourself God, there are those that will kill you, condemn you or lock you away, this has been our history. Our language has to change, to reflect the new awareness. New Age and other belief systems will not work effectively as long as we are tied to words that deny who we are and limit our power, until we are prepared to go all the way. Did you notice the "You cannot," statement above, how limiting is that? The words are so easy to say and carry absolute power. Know in your heart who you really are then begin to act like it, claim your power and use it to teach others, bring the awareness level of others to your own and encourage them to move past you. Use the words that best reflect your awareness and never again give up your power to anything or anyone that is outside of your "self," and especially to the illusive image of God. Listen closely everyday to the words that you are using, and notice how they reflect perfectly the circumstances of your life. Change your thoughts about using them and notice the changes in your life as you begin to use consciously the authority and power that is yours, and always was. Keep this awareness, "I am the authority, I am the power." Begin to use the words then exert that authority and power. To the extent that you know these things will be the extent of your power and your ability to access it. Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker and Teacher. Roy has written and published five books on New Age wisdom. Roy's books are thought provoking and designed to empower you to take responsibility for your life and what you create. His books and articles are written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom. You may not always agree with what he has to say. You will always come away with a new perspective and your thinking will never be the same. Roy's style is honest and comes straight from the heart without all the metaphorical mumble jumble and BS. Visit Roy at: http://www.klienwachter.com
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