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9 Rock Solid Ways To Explode Your E-Zines Readership!
Are you like most of us who created an E-Zine. You heard how great it would be for your business and that an unlimited amount of new subscribers and traffic would come marching to your website. So you spent hours crafting this masterpiece that would send untold thousands to your online business door, but nobody came. Keep on being the creative genius that you are just add these rock solid methods and see your readership soar: 1)You Have Won! Hold an ongoing prize drawing in your e-zine. The prizes should be something of interest or value to your subscribers. Most people who enter will continually read each issue for the results. 2)100% Original Give your subscribers content they can't read anywhere else. I'm not saying all your content has to be 100% original, but a portion of your e-zine should have original information. People will usually read information they haven't read before. 3)Was I Right? Give your subscribers a quiz or a series of trivia questions. Publish the correct answers in your following issue. The people who participate will want to see if they were right. 4)Read All About It! Supply news stories related to your e-zine's topic. People want current and up-to-date news. If you can be their first source, they will become loyal readers. 5)The Polls Are In! Hold an interactive poll in your e-zine. Ask subscribers a poll question. Have them e-mail their vote or opinion. People love to give their two cents worth. They would also like to read the results in your next issue. 6)Become A Jester! Give your subscribers a little humor now and then. Don't be so serious, tell them a joke. If they associate your e-zine with being happy they will want to read every issue. 7)The Information Free-way People love to get free stuff. Tell readers were to get free stuff online or offline. It could be software, services, sample products, e-books etc. The freebies should be related to your e-zine's topic. Keep the freebies coming and your subscribers will keep reading! 8)Mini-Google! Tell your subscribers about Web sites related to your e-zine's topic. The web sites should be interesting and helpful. Become your readers miniature "Google", you know how many readers they get. 9)In Our Next Issue... Get your subscribers excited about your next issue. Tell them about upcoming articles, prize drawings, freebies etc. If they know what's in store for them, they won't want to miss reading your next issue. Dale Lance is the publisher of Online Wealth, a newsletter filled with powerful tips and techniques to explode your online business into a wealth building machine! Subscribe by blank e-mail to: pluginwealth@getresponse.com Receive 6 FREE gifts!
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5 Essential Online Tools for Writers and Publishers Writing a newsletter or article can be very time consuming. The Disintermediation of Content Are content brokers - publishers, distributors, and record companies - a thing of the past? EZines: Get from Adequate to Fabulous If my in-box is any indication, most of the business world is hot on e-newsletters. I receive half a dozen every day. Some are thinly masked advertisements; most, however, provide some degree of valuable information. American OverDrive - LCDs in LDCs OverDrive - an e-commerce, software conversion and e-publishing applications leader - has just expanded an e-book technology centre by adding 200 e-book editors. This happened in Montego Bay, Jamaica - one of the less privileged spots on earth. The centre now provides a vertical e-publishing service - from manuscript editing to conversion to Quark (for POD), Adobe, and MS Reader ebook formats. Thus, it is not confined to the classic sweatshop cum production centre so common in Less Developed Countries (LDC's). It is a full fledged operation with access to cutting edge technology. You Can Publish an Ezine Publishing an Ezine can be scary to the newbie. But you can do it. Your Ezine helps you keep in contact with your list which will build a relationship of trust with your readers and is one of the best ways to promote your business. How Many Articles Can An Author Write As An Expert In A Field? More and more smart business people are finding the value of writing articles and putting them online in order to propel their expert status in their field. From this they develop a clientele base, which will patronize their businesses. One anonymous author has debated the number of articles one individual can write as an actual expert. Is there really a limit? Can it be possible to write 1000 articles on one subject? I believe it is possible and let me tell you why. The Sticky Issue of E-zine Schedules While many new e-zine publishers are anxious about developing good content for their e-zines, many of them seem to have more trouble simply deciding on a schedule and sticking to it! A Newsletter Publishers Main Task: Packaging Value Content The main task of a newsletter publisher is to select and package quality content of direct, practical relevance to its specific readership audience. Producing Ezines for Growing Your Business What an ezine is ?An ezine is an electronic newsletter sent out by email at intervals of your choice to a list of subscribers. An ezine is a mutual bargain, a kind of compromise between editor and his subscribers.How comes that ? Let's see :Every ezine has a topic : marketing, humor, gardening, sports, etc... An ezine can and should contain lots of helpful information and resources related to its topic. Everyone interested to receive these information, subscribe to ezine. On the other hand, besides all above information and stuff, the publisher delivers and materials promoting his business. The bargain I've spoke before is simple: subscribers agree to receive promotion materials altogether with other information they are interested in.An ezines is an excellent recruitment tool for your business.Let's say you sell books online through your website. If you chose 'new issues' as topic for your ezine, you will recruit more prospects for your venture saying "come here to see the newest books" than saying "come here to buy the newest books".Ezines are very efficient in business development. Fromthe very beginning I can say that they target the market(s) you are trying to reach with your products and services. As I said before every ezine has a topic. By choosing this topic close related to your business you may be sure that your subscribers are interested by your business as well, because they enjoy the ezines' topic.I already told you above that ezines are perfect promotion tools by delivering advertising materials to subscribers.I can tell a day or two about ezines and how they can helpto grow a business. I just want to tell you something very important. If you decide to publish an ezine, you must learn that there is a lot of work to producing a quality one. You should pay a special attention to the following items: How to discover your real audience - the ones who want what you have. If is better to write your own content than using someone else's. How to choose an attention-getting, enticing name for your email newsletter. What popular sections you can choose to include in your own ezine. Editing in plain text vs. HTML - what you must know before making this choice! Resources for building your subscriber base fast. Places to submit your ezine to gain more exposure and more subscribers. How to sell advertising and the amount of money you'll make.And the list may continue. Only by reading these 8 points you can see that publishing an ezine means work and abilities.It's hard but not impossible, you may learn by doing, from articles and books or talking with experienced publishers. Write Your Weekly Ezine in 5-Minutes! (or better yet, dont write it at all) How to write your ezine in 5 minutes by legally and ethically stealing other people's articles... The Future of Email Newsletter The future of email Newsletter - Llando Ford 07.28.2004 What are you doing with the Spam you receive? I'm sure you are not happy receiving it just like none between us. 6 Important Tips For Choosing Ezine To Advertise In Did you ever wonder why some business owners seem to be able to pull in all the business they want, while others ? perhaps you ?can't seem to get any momentum? More often than not, it is because the successful ones have learned from marketing experts what works and what doesn't work in their marketing and promotional materials. Some marketing secrets seem to be secrets simply because they're widely known or understood. Only from trial and error and ad tracking ? combined with research on natural psychologycal predispositions ? do marketing experts know what really triggers a sale. Internet Marketing Strategy: 9 Pragmatic Ways Increase Your E-zines Subscription It is possible to increase the subscription to youre-zine or newsletter. 10 Tips For Ezine Publishers 1. Many Ezine Publishers use too many styles of separatorin their Newsletter. I recently saw an Ezine that used noless than 7 different separators: Coping With Those Dreaded Ezine Publishing Deadlines Time, of course, doesn't stand still and never did, and it'sno wonder at all that in this highly pressurized modernworld of ours, time is regarded as a valuable commodity orprecious resource. What Makes An Ezine Worth Reading? What makes your ezine hot stuff? With literally thousands ofezines online today, how can yours stand out or is it doomed tostay in the junk mail folders?? E-Power The E-zine Advantage "Regular communication with your customers is essential to your success." - Heidi Richards - Secrets To Successful Publishing Have you ever wondered what would it take to compete successfully with the "big guys" like Simon & Schuster and even get to the top of the heap? If there is such thing as a magic formula for success, then the story of Geela, the author of the bestseller book THE AMERICAN DREAM can certainly make a believer out of you too. Mastering the art of the possible is at the heart of Geela's brand new book where her message is that the possible always exceeds the impossible. The Nitty-Gritty Of Ezine Publishing I sat here this morning, and decided to work out exactly how much time I use on creating my weekly ezine, and I almost kinda shocked myself. I`m not the ONLY publisher who refuses to automate, so please, after reading my hours, spare a kind thought for all those other publishers out there that do everything manually, and who really take the time to get down to a personal level with their subscribers. Newsletter Name Ideas - Creative Ideas to Choose A Good Name for Your Newsletter When you want to choose a name for your newsletter, you should come up with as many newsletter name ideas as you can think of. Because the more ideas you get, the easier it will be for you to choose a good name. ![]() |
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