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Entrepreneurial Ongoing Education Advice
I would like to give some advice to all the up and coming entrepreneurs; if you really want to be a superstar not only do you have to work harder and smarter than the competition, but you must always keep learning. I built a company from a bucket of water and a sponge into a National Car Wash Franchise System in 23 states. To do this you need to know more than what they taught you in school and you can never turn off your brain. Every person is different and has different interests. But I would like you to read thru my recommended reading list. This is a list I hand out to MBA and Entrepreneurial Students when I give speeches. It is a list of recommended book, biography, audio tapes and movies. I see the need for the modern Entrepreneur for on going learning, which must not stop after HS. In order to continue a life long education it is important to understand and observe the world, understand our places in it. We must also realize the ideals that got us here and the people who worked so hard to bring about the change needed to propel mankind's future.Below is a list of recommended Biographies, Books, Audio Tapes and Movies, which can assist you in your lifetime of learning and your pursuit of happiness as you Entrepreneur warriors deliver mankind everything we see, every where we go. We owe it all to you; you are the most noble of all people, you are the builders of civilization. I thank you for your continued efforts and urge you to continue your education do you can be even stronger. People: Maya Angilou Bertrand Russell John Nash Chuck Yeager Charles Deming Milton Friedman Fredrick Winslow Taylor Cecil Rhodes Jane Goodall Juaque Custaeu Betsy Ross Aristotle Winston Churchill Alexander the Great Bill Gates Steve Balmer Fred Smith (Fed Ex) Michael Dell General Patton Ronald Reagan Princess Diana Jack Welsh Ray Kroc Tom Monahan Richard Branson Einstein HP Founders Greenspan Volker Sam Walton Walt Disney Thomas Edison L. Ron Hubard Gandhi Thomas Paine Howard Shultz (starbucks) Yanklevich Henry Ford Lance Armstrong Pele Louis Roukeyser Von Clauswitz Vince Lombardi Tiger Woods Joe Nameth Wayne Gretsky Mark Spits Carl Lewis Neil Armstrong Hank Aron Schwartzkoff Babe Ruth Steven Wolfram Steven Hawkins Thomas Jefferson The President Nelson Mandella Warren Buffet Larry Ellison Dave Thomas Ted Turner Craig McCaw Andy Grove Steven Spielberg Gene Roddenberry Carl Seagan Books:What they don't Teach You at Harvard Business School The Death of Competition Win Win Scenarios Infoprenuers Swim With the Sharks... What Color is Your Parachute The Sky is not the Limit The Ground is Winning Numbers People of the Century By Dan Rather Profiles of Genius Winning It is Always Something Holographic Universe Believe to Achieve The GE Way The World on Time Millionaire Next Door Think and Grow Rich Bible 500 Year Delta Finite Capacity Scheduling Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance It Ain't as Easy as it looks Blown to Bits A Future Perfect The Whiz kids Disruptive Technology Opportunity in Chaos Dilbert series Trump series Essays of Warren Buffet If it Ain't Broke, Break it We Seven Rocking the Ages In all His Glory Big Blue Shapes of Time Start Small Finish Big E-Myth Psychocybernetics A Salesmen is a Problem Solver Innovation Guerilla Marketing series Slim Forever Grinding it Out Net Centric Warfare On War Pour Your Heart Into It Books to understand reality: Virus Hunters of CDC Bin Laden, INC. Germs Hot Spot Cobra Event Clone Brief History of Time The Road Ahead Most of the reading list of the "Futurists" Machiavelli Theory and Practice of Hell Mien Koff Proudy's book on JFK US VS. Microsoft Confessions of a Stockbroker Confessions of a VC Secrets of the Temple McLibel The Rotten Heart of Europe Amsterdam and the History of Commerce The Art of War VonClauswitz on War JFK Reckless Youth Tapes: The Psychology of Winning Benjamin Franklin Series from Franklin Quest Mega Memory Executive Summaries Audio People: Brain Tracy Tom Hopkins Tom Peters Tony Robbins *comments: Motivational Tapes tend to be too showy, but have some value. People should listen to tapes instead of wasting time, if you are not observing things, you should be learning something. Favorite Movies: Top Gun Vision Quest Karate Kid St. Elmos Fire Rocky Matrix Star Wars Authors with multiple books he reads (fiction): Ayn Rand Arthur C Clark Michael Creighton Ben Bova Tom Clancy Tolstoy Shakespeare Plays and Cliff 's Notes Charles DickensIsaac Asimov Favorite Periodicals: Foreign Affairs Aviation Week and Space Technology Wired Red Herring Scientific American Popular Science Popular Mechanics Flying Economist "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Youve Found Your Guru, Now What? In my last article, "Follow That Guru", I told you about the one (1) simple technique I used when starting my home business, "A Name". Be Where the Pucks Going To Be The "Great One" said it best Starting Up and Keeping Going So you had that fantastic business idea, the one that'sgoing to be wildly successful and make you a fortune - andeven better, you actually did something about it and startedyour own business. Good for you! Not everyone gets eventhat far. Most people sit and day dream about what theymight do if only .... Work vs Play: Which is the Better Way to Make Big Money? If you want to make big money, you have to play not to work. Franchises - A Proven Business System Franchises offer the first time business owner a proven and successful business opportunity. If you are looking to start your own business for the first time, franchises provide you with the greatest opportunity for success. When you purchase a franchise from the "Franchisor", and become a "Franchisee", you are not only purchasing a business, but a complete business system. Salon Marketing Using Wireless Broadband Internet Access Our client in Chicago did, located right outside downtown too...a right competitive area. Everbody's looking for some kind of edge and we found it for them. Want to hear...the rest of the story. The Entrepreneurs Prayer As I awaken with the gift of yet another day and prepare for thetasks at hand, I offer up this most ardent prayer: The Magic of Thinking Small Hey! The Perfect Little Coffee Shop: Are You Afraid of Failure? Are You Letting that Failure Cripple You Ah, coffee, the drink of choice when I want to share a special moment with friends, when I want to sit and ponder life or when I want a moment alone. I am an avid coffee drinker. I love coffee and I love the atmosphere of a good coffee house, a café. Differentiation Strategies for Franchise Companies With the growing number of franchise offerings recently it is difficult for the smallest franchise companies to compete. They generally do not have the advertising budgets to pick and choose which markets the franchise prospects will be calling from. Many rely solely on Internet Marketing; unfortunately 80% of such leads are not so good. On top of this obstacle they must compete with sales departments of larger franchise companies, which have lots of experience. New Rules Last week I was working with one of my small business clients, a bright and dynamic woman who's passionate about positioning her artisan business for growth. We were talking about her financial picture and forecasting robust sales over the next three years. The Secrets to Becoming a Successful Creative Entrepreneur: JJK Secrets #19-21 Hello Creative Entrepreneurs! Entrepreneurial Hate, its out there Today, I got an email from a lady who hates all business people and entrepreneurs, because they are Greedy, Arrogant and a Host of other atrocities. She was replying to an article I wrote about entrepreneurs and how they bring to the civilization; everything you see, everywhere you go and without us, you would have nothing. Here is the email I received: Raising Capital for Your Business ? How Long Does it Take? Most companies vastly underestimate the time commitment necessary to successfully complete a financing. In actuality, a company seeking financing needs to budget between 500 to 1000 work-hours to the capital-raising process, spread out over a 6-9 month time period. Solo Mojo for Solo Entrepreneurs --- Where?s Your Juice? I recently read a magazine article about Andrew, a 42-year old businessman. He gave up a demanding law practice in the Northeast, moved South to launch a new furniture and interior-design store, and wrote his first fiction novel in the midst of that transition. He persevered with his passion for writing, buoyed by the love and support of his family, by drafting ten pages daily for two years. Since the completion of his novel, he started a new advertising business and is co-authoring a non-fiction tale on top of his other interests. Good Questions, good Answers; Bad Questions, Bad Replies I'm convinced that asking the right questions is one of the most important skills you need to become a successful business person. Questions have the power to direct you or to distort you. The right kind of questions will direct you to success the wrong kind of questions will direct you to bankruptcy. Focus is the Key to a Successful Startup The definition of a startup means you have very few resources to employ and little time to get them to do something valuable. The clock is always ticking, and the money (if you even have any) is running out by the day. With so little to leverage, you need to make sure that the focus of your company's product offer is as razor sharp as possible. Adding a Service After You Buy a Business When you buy a business, you should have a plan. Why have you chosen that particular business? Why that particular time to buy a business? What can you bring to the business? Some of the most successful business stories are of people who buy a business with the intention of bringing their specialized set of skills to it, and using them to grow the business. Its Good to Know Your Banker Recently my bank opened a new branch that is a few miles away from my house. I used to visit the local branch that was located in the grocery store and enjoyed seeing the ladies on a weekly basis who were the tellers. Determine Your Niche & Be Successful What's a niche? ![]() |
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