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The Secrets to Becoming a Successful Creative Entrepreneur: JJK Secrets #19-21
Hello Creative Entrepreneurs! Welcome to the e-class on Creativity & Entrepreneurship: The Creative Evolution of an Intellectual Property© Let's start with the thought for the day: When you find the destiny for which you were born, all you need to bring is your courage, your honor and your commitment! From the movie North and South. I love this quote! It says it all. It's simply profound and applies to all my students that read my books, take my tele-seminars or attend my all-day seminars. My purpose is to inspire and teach a holistic, successful approach to creativity and entrepreneurship. I share this quote because it truly applies to my approach to teaching. My students desire to find their purpose and destiny in life, or clarify it even more. They brought this desire to the course, along with tremendous trust, courage, a commitment to learn and grow, and I hope always with honourable intentions! Being of service to your authentic self, your child-spirit and then sharing it with the world by being of service to others through your entrepreneurial ventures is what life is all about! One doesn't need a fancy office, a briefcase or a truck load of money to start?it was all within YOU....your courage, your honor and your commitment! The rest will follow suit if you strive hard and stay focused! I have *24 JJK Secrets to Becoming a Successful Creative Entrepreneur and I would like to share with you Secrets 19, 20 & 21. 19. Nineteenth Secret: Make a file for ALL your ideas! Label it: "My Creative Ideas" or use your journal and reserve a number of pages in the back just for your creative ideas. Creating a new enterprise is like building a puzzle-you find a piece here, you find a piece there. And somehow it all fits together. Some pieces might not fit so just set them aside. You may use them later or in another project! I have a file just on ideas that come to me. Rather you implement them or not, is not important. You will have fun going back and reviewing it from time to time. Sometimes I go back and say: "Wow what a great idea!" or "It's time to start that project now!" Or you might stumble across an idea you wrote down and thought it was fantastic at the time and then laugh and say: "what in the world was I thinking?" Remember these are YOU ideas! YOUR intellectual properties! 20. Twentieth Secret: Build a personal support team! Build friendships and relationships in all areas of business and especially those who share YOUR vision! Remember in the 12th secret I said study the masters. Now reach out to some of them and pick their brains. And in time you may ask some of these experts to set on your board of directors. Find people who believe in you and your dream! Find people who you can trust and really believes in YOU! All it takes is ONE GOOD sounding board. Avoid negative people and don't cast your pearls before swine! Now take this a step further and build a professional dream team! Carefully select partners and employee who have integrity, are loyal and are hard workers and good team players! Remember this person is representing YOU and YOUR name and product out in the world. Exercise due diligence when taking on new partners or employees. 21. Twenty First Secret: Keep a rolodex of everyone you talk to! Always ask their names, the name of the secretary, receptionist, etc., or whomever you speak to. Then asked their title. Remember them and they will remember you! Send them a thank you card or email. Let them know how they helped you. They will remember you for this. They might not remember your idea, but I assure you they will remember you and your politeness. You become not just a statistic, but a real person to them. If they really help you send them flowers or take them to lunch...you must acknowledge their support and kindness. Sometimes it may be the secretary or receptionist who can make or break a deal or an opportunity for you. Always demonstrate good business and social etiquette. Live & Love Your Passions! John Joseph Kennedy "Creativity is coloring outside the lines, and entrepreneurship is living outside the box!" JJK *These are my 24 JJK Secrets to Becoming a Successful Creative Entrepreneur! They mainly deal with the creative, spiritual and intellectual issues to get you started, or to help you find or define your destiny or purpose in life. There is a process or creative evolution to this....JJK THE HON. JOHN JOSEPH KENNEDY, President & CEO JJK Enterprises/John Kennedy Enterprises, Inc. Founder, JJK School of Entrepreneurship? (A Business Franchise). U. S. Presidential Candidate (2004 write-in), Justice of the Peace International, author, international award-winning speaker, marketing guru and entrepreneur extraordinaire, Mr. Kennedy is the author of Creativity & Entrepreneurship© and The 72-Hour Entrepreneur? As a journalist and writer, JJK has more than 100 news bylines to his credit, and more than 10,000 article have been written about him worldwide. His work and inspiring life-giving messages and speeches have reached television, radio, newspaper and live audiences of more than 100 million people in the United States, Latin America, Canada, Mexico, England, India, France, Switzerland, Ireland, Poland, Africa, and other countries. "Creativity is coloring outside the lines, and entrepreneurship is living outside the box!" JJK E-mail: JJK@JJKEnterprises.com Websites: http://www.JJKEnterprises.com and http://www.JohnJosephKennedy.com
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The Business and Life You Want to Build In the early days of my first consulting business, I knew I needed some sort of plan to give me the greatest chance at success. I took many a wrong step, yet in the end I managed to put a solid business together. Could a Book About Your Company be Worth $1.7 Billion? Building Value Through Publishing "Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A) to purchase Clayton Homes for $12.50 in cash per share. Deal worth $1.7 Billion." Used-Book Case Study Dwight Payne and Gary Heap reside in Santa Barbara, CA, where they attend college and pursue their mutual hobby of science-fiction book collecting. They pooled their book collection of over 4,000 volumes, and sci-fi magazines going back over twenty-five years. All neatly catalogued and indexed, they estimate it would cost $20,000 to assemble the collection today. If It Was Easy Everybody Would Do It Q: I started my business about a year ago and everything is going fine. We're growing and making a profit, but the stress of running the business is really starting to get to me. I spend more time worrying than working. Sometimes the pressure is almost more than I can take. I'm starting to think that I'm not cut out to run my own business. Do you have any advice that might help me decide what to do?-- Steven S. What Qualities Do Franchisors Need? When I got into business I wanted to build a company, which helped people and provide a product and service that people loved and were willing to pay for; one I would not have to sell or convince anyone of. Something that people truly wanted to extend and enhance their pursuit of happiness. I found the perfect service that everyone wanted and where sales were not really needed at all. In addition I found a way to allow my team to reap the rewards of delivery of that service to the masses. Prescription for the Future and Technological Revolutions The world sure has changed in the last two-decades hasn't it? When I started out in business, there were no cell phones, fax machines, computers, etc. And I am not that old, having just retired at age 40. Indeed, in the better part of two-decades everything changed. And it is still changing and moving along. What will the next two-decades bring? You can probably figure it out with a little thought and watching the trends, new discoveries and think of what kinds of things the military, health care, entertainment and government industries will want. I recommend this book which foretold much of what we see now about a decade before we had it: Entrepreneurs Ask: As a Novice Entrepreneur, How Can I Feel Less Overwhelmed? Great question! Overwhelm is very common even among the most veteran entrepreneurs, so take solace in the fact that you are not alone. With the ever-increasing numbers of new entrepreneurial endeavors, and therefore new entrepreneurs, there are many who are experiencing the very same feelings as you. Why eBay Is A Smart Choice For Entrepreneurs Attention entrepreneurs: If you think the search for the ultimate moneymaking business opportunity is like searching for a very small needle in a very big internet haystack, then think again! Entrepreneurship: Insight and Closer Look At The Entrepreneur Life as an entrepreneur is the American Dream. To be able to be your own boss, own your own business, never report to anyone else, work from home, make unlimited earnings and income potential, etc. Owning your own business most definitely has its perks. But on the other hand, there are the downsides. However, being an entrepreneur myself I view these only as challenges. The will to work hard, fanatically, solitary isolation, being slammed of your ideas from other people, the uncertainty of making the business grow to fruitation are all quite scary considerations. But it's best to know that it is out there, that it is the negative side. To be willing to gamble your money, other peoples money, to invest a massive amount of time and energy into your business is something that should be considered. Achievements Outweigh Education and Experience Q: When it comes to succeeding in business, which do you think is more important: education or experience?-- Regina M. Empathy - Not Business Plans - Key to Your Home Based Business Success - Do You Have Empathy? EMPATHY is a Natural Talent, you were born with it and you will never loose it. It can be a blessing or a curse in a home based business. If you develop it, it can make you a Millionaire. Mary Kay, of Mary Kay cosmetics, did just that. If you have it, it is your most important key to a successful home based business. Business plans, cash flow projections, marketing analysis, etc. are skills that are needed in a home based business, but they can be learned from a workshops, courses or books. Your Natural Talent is what gives you the competitive edge. Part-Time/In-Home Business - Low Expense and Low Risk As a first time entrepreneur, there are a variety of franchises, dealerships, distributorships, and licensing opportunities available for purchase. Many of these you can start by working part-time from your home. In doing so, you save thousands of dollars in start up and operating costs, while at the same time reducing your overall risk. Business Ideas Richard Branson, billionaire founder of Virgin Records and Virgin Atlantic Airlines, may be better known for his efforts to circle the globe in a hot-air balloon than for his business successes. He suggests that "Being an adventurer and an entrepreneur are similar? You're willing to go where most people won't dare." Secrets of My Favorite Government Auction I love bargains. And there's no better place to find bargains than an auction. And there are no better auctions than government surplus auctions. My favorite government surplus auction takes place the 3rd week of September every year in the County Park. I won't tell you which county park as this is my best-kept secret! Even though the auction is advertised in the local papers (as required my law), I usually find the same 20-30 people mulling around, looking at all the lots. And many of them I know are not high-bidders! Competitive Edge In his book, The Road Ahead, Bill Gates of Microsoft writes of "friction-free capitalism" made possible by developments in communications, chief among them the Internet and its World Wide Web. In this context, "friction" is everything that keeps markets from functioning as the "perfect competition" of economics textbooks. This friction can be a function of distance between buyer and seller, costs of overcoming this distance, and incomplete or incorrect information. Entrepreneurs - 9 Top Mistakes to Avoid 1. Isolating YourselfWhen setting up a business, you can get so overwhelmed with the administration that you don't focus on building up your network. Networks can provide a way to catapult your business forward through referrals, joint ventures, or providing industry knowledge. Networking does not need to be through formal events but can come in many forms. Even using websites to become aware of who and what is out there is useful. Giving time for self development and training activities to grow your skills, can be one area that is given a lower priority which can often lead to unwise decisions. The Lonely Hat: A Marketing Parable Jones was a typical entrepreneur who worked long hours and wore many hats. Isnt it Time You Started to Fly? I am going to begin this article by sharing a shocking fact... Veteran Entrepreneurs Are Growing In Ranks When I'm not running my own business, writing articles about business, speaking to groups and organizations about business, or consulting with companies who want my advice about the running of their business, I teach a weekly class on the subject of (care to guess?) starting and running a business. The Desire For Money, Do You Have Business Sense? For those of us who grew up with parents who worked for businesses rather than owned them, the world of business can be quite a mystery. Even more so if we've dared to try to start one of our own. There is the factor of what type of business to start - a product or service business. There are the issues of doing a good market analysis, licensing the business, understanding the codes of law governing businesses, and determining just what type of business structure to choose - especially if the business will have employees. For example, should we start a sole proprietorship or a corporate business? It's a lot to work on, and it's not an overnight process to the road of success. But, the most crucial challenge to whether a business succeeds or fails lies deep within the realm of emotional versus financial intelligence. ![]() |
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