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Starting Up and Keeping Going
So you had that fantastic business idea, the one that'sgoing to be wildly successful and make you a fortune - andeven better, you actually did something about it and startedyour own business. Good for you! Not everyone gets eventhat far. Most people sit and day dream about what theymight do if only .... "The world is full of dreamers, there aren't enough who willmove ahead and begin to take concrete steps to actualizetheir vision" - W. Clement Stone But you got over the biggest hurdle, you took that firststep and you actually created something. Well done - you already did more than most. But once you'vegot started and you've maybe lost that first flush ofenthusiasm with the day to day details of running yourbusiness how do you keep going? There are several things to look at here: 1. What are you really good at and what do you enjoy doing?Make two lists - one of all the jobs you like and/or aregood at, and one of all the jobs you hate and/or reallydon't do very well. Take the second list and have a look atwhat you might outsource or automate. Do you really lovedoing those accounts or would your time be better spent inforward planning while your accountant does the sums? Mustyou personally reply to every last enquiry or could youcreate a FAQ which you can post on your website and referpeople to by autoresponder? Obviously in the early stagesof your business you might find you don't have the money topay someone to do the jobs you hate but you've got to thinkabout what is best for you and your business long term. Becreative - could you swap skills to get the help you need? The more routine jobs you can outsource or automate the moretime you have to plan and to market your business, and tothink about even more ways to bring in all that lovely cash- not to mention you get to spend more of your time doingthe things you really enjoy doing. 2. Why are you doing this? You really need to be motivatedto start a business and keep it going and the best way to dothis is to know what all that effort is for. What reallymoves you to get up in the morning and do what you need todo even when you don't really feel like it? Write yourreasons down and stick them on your wall. Even better findpictures of that house in the country, the Lamborghini orthat 'must have' holiday and put them where you can see themevery day. 3. How do you deal with those inevitable bumps in the road?Not everything you do will be perfect - sometimes thingsyou've tried will be a total disaster - but it's the way youreact to problems that matters. If you curl up in a balland give up at the first sign of failure you'd better not bein business. "Patience and perseverance have a magicaleffect before which difficulties disappear and obstaclesvanish." - John Quincy Adams. It's all about attitude. 4. Have a plan and stick to it as far as possible butalways be prepared to be flexible and open minded. Sometimes the most unexpected opportunities come up and youneed to be ready to seize them with both hands - as JoeVitale says 'Money likes speed'. 5. Get yourself a mentor - learn from someone who has doneit before. Having someone to bounce ideas off and someonewho can encourage you when things get tough is invaluable. And most importantly, never let anyone put you down andnever be afraid of failure: "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points outhow the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deedscould have done them better. The credit belongs to the manwho is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dustand sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs andcomes short again and again; who knows the greatenthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in aworthy cause; who at the best, knows in the end the triumphof high achievement; and who, at worst, if he fails at leastfails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never bewith those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nordefeat" - Theodore Roosevelt. Don't ever forget that! Megan Mart, Webmaster and Publisher.http://www.accessbizinfo.com. Subscribe to Megan's Free Marketing Newsletter and receive free ezine advertising weekly. http://www.accessbizinfo.com/signup.html You may reprint this article as long as this resource box remains.
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Business Start Up Tips From Some Hearty Entrepreneurs When's the last time someone asked you: "What's new?"If you're starting or growing a business, an e-business, or a web site, the answer is: "Everything!" ? especially on the inside. Envisioneering It never ceases to amaze me. Almost everyone peers into the future through a rear-view mirror. The future is imagined as a continuation of the past. I suppose there is a certain security in that; much like a padded cell. Hardly anyone practices creative envisioneering. What Makes An Entrepreneur Tick? It is only natural that when you start a business, you are doing something different than most people. They not only will look at you because you stick out like a sore thumb _ but human nature will cause people to naturally ridicule what you are doing. They will tell you all types of things like: "You're not business material." "You can't make a living working for yourself." "You'll fail because nobody can ever make any money that way." Seven Key Qualities of Successful Entrepreneurs A recent poll conducted by Forbes magazine shows that majority of its readers would prefer to become a billionaire rather than a Nobel peace prize winner, a great scientist or a famous athlete. There is no secret that most of the average people dream about getting rich albeit very few makes any real effort to become one. Franchises - Emotional Fulfillment - The Challenge Does A Franchise Meet Your Needs? Customers - Why Should They Buy From You? There are a whole range of reasons why customers buy aproduct or service. They usually buy to solve either real orperceived problems. They want to move away from pain andtowards pleasure. They want to feel better after having madethe decision to buy a product or service than they didbefore. Corporate Espionage in Franchising Franchising Trade Journals do not do well, because today with all the industry regulations only about 1800 active franchise actually exist in the US. Down sharply over the past five years. Why? Over-regulation. Now you have a Bank Cooperative, which owns a company that collect data, FranData of Uniform Franchise Offering Circulars, which are the industries required disclosure documents to new franchise buyers. The company sells it to attorneys and to competitors of which many probably are financed through that bank. My God can this be real. Then they work with industry Trade Journals to do Top 50 franchises lists, but to be qualified to be reviewed they of course wish to see your UFOC; Uniform Franchise Offering Circular. Identifying the Right Venture Capital Firm Partner Venture capital firms are comprised of individual partners. These partners make investment decisions and typically take a seat on each portfolio company's Board. Partners tend to invest in what they know, so finding a partner that has past work experience in your industry is very helpful. This relevant experience allows them to more fully understand your venture's value proposition and gives them confidence that they can add value, thus encouraging them to invest. A Startup Never Closes When it comes to a startup, the luxuries shared with established companies are few and far between. Chief among them is the luxury to close at the end of the day. Big companies have the benefits of capital, customers and receivables. Startups, on the other hand, have jack squat. They need to work twice as hard to make half as much, and even then they're not working nearly enough. How Much Risk is Necessary to Grow Your Business? A business owner is thoroughly responsible for their own financial survival and possibly the financial survival of their employees. Business owners, for the most part, seem to be "risk takers", who really don't easily "go with the flow". They are inventive and somewhat confident, as just having their own business does mandate that they possess these qualities. Outcomes - Thats What You Need to Focus On Successful business owners and managers need to be veryclear about what outcomes they want. Whether you call them goals, objectives or targets, theseare the factors that you're ultimately judged on. Outcomes determine whether your business is a success or afailure. Something From Nothing, With Something To Share Betrayal, it can hit you like a load of bricks falling from the sky, leaving you with a pit in your stomach that no pill can cure. Getting Rich Isnt a Bad Idea You've seen plenty of articles claiming to offer you the secret to getting rich. Some ideas, however, are thin veneers covering some scheme that often involves multi-level marketing or a service with questionable intents. Three Cs - What Startups Need to Get a Business Loan, Part 1 You want to get a good, solid overview of what it takes to acquire that business loan you need, especially if you are a startup. The essential element of what the lenders out there require of you can be wrapped up in the acronym, C. C. C. These are... Online Women Entrepreneurs Need To Pace Themselves Saving time means pacing yourself, being organized, and always prioritizing your duties, responsibilities and efforts. What It Takes To be An Entrepreneur Series: Action Many people have the professed desire to be their own boss, start their own business ecetera, ecetera... How To Find Focus And Turn Your Talent Into A Thriving Professional Business There are tons of books and articles available to help professionals start up their business, but few that give practical insights on how to nurture your business once it's out of its infancy. At some point, every self-employed professional reaches the same dilemma: how to build a strong brand and grow their business without taking on too many clients, undervaluing their expertise, or sacrificing their lifestyle. What Makes an Entrepreneur? Rupert Steiner in his book 'My First Break' attempted to define the secret of becoming an entrepreneur and following interviews with over one hundred entrepreneurs, Steiner concluded that there was not one defined path. He has, however, drawn out observations of an entrepreneur's personality traits. They have a tendency to be rebels, outsiders, original thinkers, risk takers and break new ground. Entrepreneurs are always on the lookout for new business opportunities and have the guts it needs to start up a business. They have total commitment to what they are doing, which verges on obsession behaviour. Can a Microbusiness Help You Enjoy a Better Retirement? Not having enough money for a comfortable retirement tops thelist of financial concerns among aging Americans, according to a recent Gallup Poll. It even outweighs peoples' worries about having a serious illness or accident. Franchisor Sample Grand Opening Launch for New Franchised Outlets It is paramount that all franchising companies work hard in the critical launching of all franchises in their new territories. In this present period most franchisees come into the franchise systems with much personal debt and barely squeak by on their initial capital needed. One major error or mistake and the franchisee will fail due to under capitalization. Below it a sample outline and message to new franchisees; I recommend that you take a look at this and develop a policy and plan to help your new franchisees in the beginning gain ground on their new markets. You should copy this article and make notes on it and then take the outline below modify it to fit your business model and write several paragraphs for each number and lettered item to cement your new franchised outlet marketing plan. While reading this policy and outline below realize that it was written for a mobile car wash business and your plan will be significantly different but this will help you in making a first class strategy to win market share for your newest team members. ![]() |
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