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Making the Financial Transition
Making the financial transition from paid employment to earning a living on your own is probably the single biggest challenge facing many would be entrepreneurs. For most, the mere thought of financial insecurity holds them back from even trying. But if you have the vision, persistence and the ability to respond to market feedback the financial rewards will soon follow. Two ways to make the transition. There are essentially two main ways that you can make the financial transition. 1. Establish a revenue stream before you quit your job. 2. Quit your job and then build a revenue stream before your start-up capital runs out! Establish a revenue stream before you quit your job. Establishing a revenue stream whilst you continue to work, for most people is probably the more sensible of the two options. The advantage of this approach is that it gives you the freedom to try things out at your own pace to see if there is a market for your pro or service before you actually cut off your regular income stream from your job. A disadvantage of this approach is that it is often hard to devote the time necessary to get your business up and running particularly if you have a demanding full time job. Another slightly less obvious disadvantage is that the comfort of a regular income may make you less prepared to take the risks necessary to make your business succeed. Quit your job and build a revenue stream before your start-up capital runs out!* Now this is the riskier of the two strategies and definitely not for the faint hearted! The advantage of this approach is that you have all your time to dedicate to your new venture. Another bonus is the uncomfortable fact that you don't have a regular income stream yet. It's incredible what you can achieve in life when you place you self in a position where you absolutely must succeed. This fact alone, if channelled effectively can rapidly propel you towards the achievement of your goal! A disadvantage of taking this approach is the fact that it can put you under extreme financial pressure which can then impact upon the other areas of your life as well as the lives of any of your dependants. It could even mean depleting all you capital creating a need to return to paid employment. The approach I took to set up my Coaching Business? In setting up my own coaching business I decided to take the later of the two options. I gave up my ridiculously well paid corporate consulting job so I could dedicate all my energies into establishing a successful coaching business. What I personally like about this approach is the uncomfortable feeling you get when you start eating into your start-up capital whether it be savings, borrowings or venture capital. This feeling has compelled many an entrepreneur to push forward rapidly and make breakthroughs that they would not have been able to achieve had they kept their job. So which approach should you take? This a question that only you can answer. Give deep consideration to how you feel about both approaches and determine which one is more suitable for you given your current circumstances. It is also important to consider the type of business that will satisfy your entrepreneurial needs. This may also impact upon your ultimate decision. Regardless of your which approach you take, there is one thing that is for certain; if your will is strong enough and your idea compelling enough you will find a way! * Financial Health Warning: if you do decide to take this approach please consult with your financial adviser first. Damien Senn is a Life and Business Coach as well as a qualified Chartered Accountant. He helps people create compelling futures. He is the author of the 'Senn-Sational Success Journal' and has developed his own coaching model called the 'Senn-Sational Success System'. For your free download '101 things to do before you die' please click the following link: http://www.senn-sational.com/freeresources.htm
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The Ideal Length of Your Business Plan How long should a business plan be? A business plan needs to be whatever length is required to excite the investor, prove that management truly understands the market, and detail the execution strategy. From surveys of investor needs, Growthink has found that 15 to 25 pages of text is the optimum length in which to accomplish this. Any more and the time-constrained investor will be forced to skim certain sections of the plan, even if they are generally interested, which could lead them to miss essential elements. Any less and the investor will think that the business has not been fully thought through, or will simply not have enough information to make an investment decision. Preparing to Outsource It's important to understand when to add individuals to your business model. Adding a new team member should be an easy transition - that's where organization comes in. Clearly defined processes such as workflow, workspace, filing system, and other key functions in the business should be identified. Structure is one of the most overlooked aspects of business success ? especially time management and documentation structures. Six Degrees of Separation Through just five or six intermediaries, you could be linked to millions of others. It is the notion behind what has been dubbed the small world effect. Used-Book Case Study Dwight Payne and Gary Heap reside in Santa Barbara, CA, where they attend college and pursue their mutual hobby of science-fiction book collecting. They pooled their book collection of over 4,000 volumes, and sci-fi magazines going back over twenty-five years. All neatly catalogued and indexed, they estimate it would cost $20,000 to assemble the collection today. Before Getting A Franchise Buying into a franchise is a great way to be part of a recognized brand with the benefit of lower advertising outlay. With many franchises to choose, here are some tips before you get involved with franchise: Interview with Best-selling Entrepreneurial Authors Barbara Winters and Nick Williams Ray Bradbury's quote, "You've got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down" may sound extreme but, as anyone building a business knows, it has a lot of truth in it. Cut to the Quick - What is an Entrepreneur? The Inside Story Enjoying the title of entrepreneur is a hollow feeling. Hearing That Entrepreneurial Voice? Women business owners are our only clients, so naturally we celebrate and support female entrepreneurship. Operating in this market gives us the good fortune to learn about some of the deeper themes in the lives of women business owners. It gives us insights into what really matters to women, and to what contributes not only to their success, but more importantly to their happiness and gratification in their professional lives. Self-Esteem and the Entrepreneur Isn't it funny how people think that being self-employed is so cool? They think that you get to take lots of vacation time and spend all of the profits. What they don't realize is that you put in outrageous amounts of blood, sweat, and tears to get there. They don't know that you have to take the blame for every single thing that goes wrong. They don't know how many times you fell flat on your face before making it work. They think that you simply come up with a cute little idea over dinner one night and within a couple of months you're flying high living the rich man's life. The reality of the situation is very different. Statistics consistently show that most successful entrepreneurs failed a handful of times before finally finding that winning formula. It's during the failure years that you earn all of those future vacations and big fat salaries. Delayed gratification takes on a whole new level, doesn't it? Starting Your Business: It All Boils Down To Making Money and Saving Money Bootstrapping in the context of business start-ups refers to the use of creative financing approaches such as leveraging personal savings, credit-card debt, loans from friends and family, bartering, and other means to launch a business. Some business founders use bootstrapping because they have no other choice. Just about anyone who has approached a bank has learned that "only established businesses need apply." Bankers typically look for cash flow, assets, an established customer base, and a successful track record on the part of the business that is seeking a start-up loan. Obviously, this is a short list that is impossible to fulfill when you are just getting started. PTO; Justification of the Means and the Ends Some would say about certain issues that the means do not justify the ends. Well more often the ends do not justify the means. For instance if you are trying to accomplish something and know that if you do use the most approved PC methods then you cannot get to the desired results, but use those methods anyway as to not appear to offend anyone, then in the end you offend everyone by wasting their time and by failure of the project. An Entrepreneurs Challenge Living in the twilight zone has its advantages. In the early days of starting my business, I found the limitations of living in a rural area to be restrictive. However, later I realized that those limitations were not an obstacle that could stop me; they were only a challenge that would strengthen me. Since my business would be smaller, I would have the advantage of fewer employees and less strife in the processes of doing business. From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money Selling Info Products The term "Infopreneur" is a relatively new industry buzz word that is making waves because it opens doors for entrepreneurs to generate new streams of income. Simply put, an infopreneur sells information. Judging Entrepreneurial Ideas Most entrepreneurs constantly come up with new ideas. Whether they are working on another project, driving, or lying in bed, their minds are constantly churning out new products, services and ways of doing things. For these entrepreneurs, the startup challenge shifts from coming up with ideas to choosing which idea to execute. How to Be an Entrepreneur and Keep Your Sanity Define for yourself what an Entrepreneur is: Staying Ahead of the Perils, Excerpt of Entrepreneurial Motivation Speech Running a business is not an easy endeavor, it takes courage, hard work and a strategic mindset. I feel now that I am retired looking back on it all, that it is my duty to provide to new entrepreneurs a few of the secrets of how to get things done. Every year through out our long history spanning over a quarter of a century, The Car Wash Guys Team had been careful to watch changes that affected our business. One year we are watching droughts in the North Western Hemisphere and how the water supply affects our operations. We needed the water to wash cars and our countrymen need it for farming and drinking. Water is life. We also saw heavy El Nino seasons on the Western United States, British Columbia Canada, Mexico, Central America and parts of Western South America; imagine running a car wash business when it rained almost 60 days straight and we are not talking the drizzle like in the North Eastern US each year. The New Paradigm for Entrepreneurial Success Entrepreneurship is a great magnet to deliver new ideas, unique approaches and innovative technologies. When conducted in a proper way, turning people into entrepreneurs improves a country's economic situation and aids sustainable progress. However, transition to become an entrepreneur is not that aspiring to all. Risks and uncertainties involved in starting a new business coupled with stagnant economy discourage people to step up the plate and take a swing. Cross Polination of Innovations in the Cleaning Industry According to the latest edition of Pool and Spa news; the costs of maintaining a pool, maintenance service averages about $30.00 to $150 per month depending on competition, size of pool and area you live in. This seems similar to maintenance costs associated with cleaning of the family cars if you hire out a mobile detailing service or mobile car wash. For this reason we have been studying their industry for parallels and ways to incorporate some of their methodology, software for scheduling and other anomalies associated with that industry for ideas to incorporate into ours. Meet Success: Business Profile of Sylvia Acevedo, Communicard Owner Sylvia Acevedo needed a break from her technology job so she bought an old Victorian house to remodel into a bed and breakfast. "Being an engineer working in technology, I really felt I didn't do a lot of tangible work. But with the bed and breakfast, at the end of the day, I felt like I had actually done something." Delivery Companies Make the Grade In the United States we have the most efficient delivery service companies in the world. This is because the free market competitive system has pushed entrepreneurs to become more efficient to make more profit and to keep costs down. More and more products are now delivered right to your door. Businesses have found efficient ways to do this and consumers are loving it. ![]() |
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