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Hearing That Entrepreneurial Voice?
Women business owners are our only clients, so naturally we celebrate and support female entrepreneurship. Operating in this market gives us the good fortune to learn about some of the deeper themes in the lives of women business owners. It gives us insights into what really matters to women, and to what contributes not only to their success, but more importantly to their happiness and gratification in their professional lives. So what are some of the common denominators among women who on the surface appear very different and diverse? Female entrepreneurs got comfortable enough with the idea of risk to take action. Notice I did not just say "comfortable" I said, "comfortable enough." By being a risk-taker, I don't mean adopting a "ready, fire, aim" mentality. I also don't mean "ready, aim, do more research, aim again, talk it over with friends, aim again, do another market analysis, prepare to fire, ask more questions, aim again?" and never fire. Successful women entrepreneurs do not suffer from what we might call "analysis paralysis." And they would see this as a blessing. Most entrepreneurs would tell you that it's a good thing they didn't know what their future would look like and how many challenges they would face, or they would never have begun! To be an entrepreneur means having the courage which is best summed up by John Wayne when he said, "Courage is being scared to death and saddlin' up anyway." Many, perhaps most, women business owners simply "started" ? they didn't found a company with a formal business plan and an SBA loan so much as they hung out a shingle and began doing what they knew they did well. They recognized they were good at what they did and thought, "I know as much (or more!) as the owner of this company does about how to run a good business. Why am I working for him (her)?" Or they were uncomfortable with something in their work environment (perhaps the values, the management style, the vision) and decided it was time to fly. Most women found something they loved to do and turned it into a business. They didn't buy a business based on market analysis or how much income they could generate. It wasn't a process based solely on logic, but more on love. Recently, more women have become entrepreneurs by accident, not by choice, when corporate downsizing eliminated their position. They became a consultant or bought a franchise or started a company. Women who began entrepreneurship through unemployment shared the attitude that they were the lucky recipients of a severance package that will help them start their own business, not victims of the corporate machine. While women entrepreneurs are a diverse group, they do share some important character traits. In general, we see women owners inclined to take initiative, to act; they are blessed with a high energy level. They are persevering, not daunted by problems, but facing them squarely they find a way through, around, or over to a solution. Women business owners honor the importance of making their work a reflection of who they are and what is important to them. They know who they are, what their values are, what brings them satisfaction and what gives their days meaning. This often has less to do with the content of their work than with the process. For example, one of our members owns a wholesale meat company. This doesn't mean that she has a lifelong love of cattle, (or worse, of cattle carcasses), but it does mean that she works in a business that is a perfect fit for her skills and talents. She loves the process of creating the vision, the systems, the structure and the teamwork to carry out the plan. She loves the process of improvement, the process of making something better. And last, but perhaps most important, the most successful female entrepreneurs we see are those who have a grounded sense of self-confidence. They are not arrogant by any means. In fact they are usually quite humble. But somewhere along the way they learned the importance of removing any self-imposed limitations or psychological glass ceilings. I know several successful women business owners who never graduated from college. If they let that get in their way, if they somehow saw themselves as less able, less capable than other women, they would never have built the successful businesses they have today. Are you hearing that entrepreneurial voice? If so, I hope you'll see yourself as competent and capable enough of accepting the full manifestation of the success you desire, see yourself as deserving. You don't need to know all there is to know, but please do hold in your mind your specific image of what success looks like for you. I wish you much success! FIVE FACTS ABOUT WOMEN BUSINESS OWNERS From the Center of Women's Business Research ? Nationwide, as of 2004, nearly half (48%) of all privately-held U.S. firms are 50% or more women-owned ? Between 1997 and 2004, the estimated growth rate in the number of women-owned firms nationwide was nearly twice that of all firms (17% vs. 9%), employment expanded at twice the rate of all firms ? In the U.S., women-owned firms employ 19.1 million people and generate $2.5 trillion in sales. © 2004 Darcie Harris Darcie Harris is co-founder of EWF International®, an Oklahoma based firm providing personal advisory boards for women business owners and executives. With 30 years experience in marketing, sales, management and entrepreneurship, she is achieving her dream by helping others achieve theirs. EWF International® franchises are available throughout the Southwest.
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Taking Charge and Getting Results: The Choice is Yours As one of the most successful direct sales entrepreneurs in the industry, I have found there are two kinds of people in the world, those who would like success and those who are serious about success. There really is no in between. Think about it. Everyone wants success in their life; they want to make more money, have more time, have less stress and really make their mark in the world. The people who actually do it are the people who will not accept any alternatives. Preparing to Outsource It's important to understand when to add individuals to your business model. Adding a new team member should be an easy transition - that's where organization comes in. Clearly defined processes such as workflow, workspace, filing system, and other key functions in the business should be identified. Structure is one of the most overlooked aspects of business success ? especially time management and documentation structures. Find Out If You WILL Be Successful As a Franchisee? Will I be successful as a franchisee? Prescription for the Future and Technological Revolutions The world sure has changed in the last two-decades hasn't it? When I started out in business, there were no cell phones, fax machines, computers, etc. And I am not that old, having just retired at age 40. Indeed, in the better part of two-decades everything changed. And it is still changing and moving along. What will the next two-decades bring? You can probably figure it out with a little thought and watching the trends, new discoveries and think of what kinds of things the military, health care, entertainment and government industries will want. I recommend this book which foretold much of what we see now about a decade before we had it: Used-Book Case Study Dwight Payne and Gary Heap reside in Santa Barbara, CA, where they attend college and pursue their mutual hobby of science-fiction book collecting. They pooled their book collection of over 4,000 volumes, and sci-fi magazines going back over twenty-five years. All neatly catalogued and indexed, they estimate it would cost $20,000 to assemble the collection today. Start a Business Selling Government Surplus Did you ever wonder what happens to all that government equipment that is purchased each year by federal, state, and local governments? They don't just throw it away! By law, all unused and out-dated equipment must be sold back to the public at a public auction! That's right. Everything is available to you and I the American taxpayer. There are primarily two ways that the government does this: on-site auctions or online auctions. 10 Essential Tips for Starting Entrepreneurs - Ignore these at your Peril! 1. Do What You LOVE: If you've chosen your business because you read that this niche was the next hot one, or because your favorite uncle (or your best friend) thinks you'd be well-suited for this business, you may as well pack up now and save yourself some time and money. If you don't love what you do, it will show...potential customers will know it and will go elsewhere. Is it possible to be successful anyway? Sure -- but it won't be easy and it won't be fun...and isn't that why you want to be in business for yourself anyway? Success Secret - How To Find Million Dollar Opportunities They're really are powerful million dollar opportunites everywhere. Territory Limitations Policies for Franchised Companies All franchised companies must have Territory Limitations to maintain the peace within their systems. Often the unspoken ethics of territory limitations are blurred with mobile, home based or online franchise companies. Territory limitations in fixed site franchises are fairly cut and dry. There is your store, no other stores will be placed in the surrounding area delineated on this map within your franchise agreement. Generally things run pretty smoothly in this case. However as co-branding methods, partnerships and online sales increase as consumer demand for the brand increases we often see the franchised companies embattled in encroachment lawsuits in an already litigious industry. Creativity & Entrepreneurship: The Creative Evolution of an Intellectual Property© In each of us, there is a creative spark - a unique purpose and destiny for which we are born. Most of us have forgotten what that special gift is, or we are afraid to live it. My successful secret formula as outlined in my seminars, e-book and CD's will help you unlock your creative potential and discover your purpose in life. Passion, right-action, hard work and a commitment to excellence will create the quantum leap you desire in your life today! Answering Why You, Why Now Critical in a Winning Business Plan Business plans continue to be an essential element of the capital-raising process. They must convince investors to take notice ? investors that are shrewder today due to the ups-and-downs they have experienced over the past few years. Financial Issues in Business Startup A primary inhibitor of business start-up is that few people have the financial cushion to give up a job for the uncertain income of a start-up venture. In a recent survey, about 30% of new business founders identified inadequate funding as their biggest hurdle, and a similar amount said lenders were too conservative. About 15% reported being unable to find investors, and a similar amount claimed a lack of collateral. 16 Vital Traits Shared by All Successful Entrepreneurs The first step in deciding whether to start a business is to ask yourself this important question: "Do I have what it takes to be an entrepreneur?" A variety of experts have documented research that indicates that successful small business entrepreneurs, whether male or female, have some common characteristics. How do you measure up? It will be up to you -- not someone else telling you - to develop projects, organize your time and follow through on details. What Kind of Business Should I Start? It's not uncommon to reach your 30s, 40s or even 50s and still wonder, "What do I want to be when I grow up?" Few people are fortunate enough to be certain of their destinies early on and the rest of us are forced to do some soul searching. Isnt it Time You Started to Fly? I am going to begin this article by sharing a shocking fact... Franchisor Sample Grand Opening Launch for New Franchised Outlets It is paramount that all franchising companies work hard in the critical launching of all franchises in their new territories. In this present period most franchisees come into the franchise systems with much personal debt and barely squeak by on their initial capital needed. One major error or mistake and the franchisee will fail due to under capitalization. Below it a sample outline and message to new franchisees; I recommend that you take a look at this and develop a policy and plan to help your new franchisees in the beginning gain ground on their new markets. You should copy this article and make notes on it and then take the outline below modify it to fit your business model and write several paragraphs for each number and lettered item to cement your new franchised outlet marketing plan. While reading this policy and outline below realize that it was written for a mobile car wash business and your plan will be significantly different but this will help you in making a first class strategy to win market share for your newest team members. Work On, Not In Your Business Are you busy? Everyone's busy! Ask anyone they'll tell you how busy they are. But how many people are accomplishing real results? Entrepreneurial Excerpt from a Speech to Small Business Having built a business from a bucket of water and sponge, which started over 25 years ago in a National Franchise chain in 23 states, I feel comfortable discussing entrepreneurship. Go Slow to Go Fast - Why Over 80% Of High Tech Startups Fail And What To Do About It With billions of dollars of venture capital residing down the street on Sand Hill Road, two Stanford professors are attempting to answer a fundamental question "why does it always take longer and cost more to build a hi-tech company than anyone ever expects?" For all the intellect, experience and graduate degrees in the venture capital industry, the sad truth is that 80% of venture capital investments do not pan out. While the reasons for this high attrition rate are too numerous to list here, a simple fact defines every successful investment - the company figures out how to bring in more money than it spends. The secret to solving this fundamental equation these two professors believe lies in the Sales Learning Curve. Independent Auto Detail Shop VS Biz Op or Franchise Owning a detail shop can be an exciting and rewarding business indeed. Many times an owner of an independent Detailing Shop will wish to add those items he/she believes their customers want. Since an independent detail shop is not a franchise or affiliate they can try new things and do what ever they want. They use their knowledge of the industry, a little intuition and luck; it is a best guess issue. For an independent detailing shop entrepreneur; there is no proven business plan to go by, but the savvy operator who is in touch with their customers seldom has to face a shot in the dark. ![]() |
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