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Independent Auto Detail Shop VS Biz Op or Franchise
Owning a detail shop can be an exciting and rewarding business indeed. Many times an owner of an independent Detailing Shop will wish to add those items he/she believes their customers want. Since an independent detail shop is not a franchise or affiliate they can try new things and do what ever they want. They use their knowledge of the industry, a little intuition and luck; it is a best guess issue. For an independent detailing shop entrepreneur; there is no proven business plan to go by, but the savvy operator who is in touch with their customers seldom has to face a shot in the dark. A franchise system on the other hand has grown through market adaptation and innovation. There is really little guesswork since other franchisees and corporate units have already been there and done that. Companies such as Detail Plus, Ziebart and The Detail Guys with a combined number of nearly 1000 units sold; take the school of hard knocks out of the equation in trade for a periodic royalty payment for their experience. That experience is available on an ongoing basis as well as all the benefits of all new innovations from their teams (franchisees). With Business Opportunities it is a similar situation, if it doesn't work they will not be able to keep selling units. For instance National Detail Systems a mobile detailing Biz Op has well over 500 units sold. Obviously it works otherwise the word of mouth would have killed them years ago. Greg Dumond of National Detail Systems has over 28 years experience in the industry. Biz Ops must give the buyer what sells and the more realistic and simple their business model is the easier it sells. A Biz Op, which works, is a no-brainer, why wouldn't you add it to your current business? Franchising is a more long-term approach and you must put as much faith in the franchise systems team as the market potential, business model, equipment and training. Lots of choices and one answer doesn't fit every situation. Study, read, and ask the right questions in advance. With so many great companies out there in our industry it is hard to choose the best one for you. On the other hand, with that many choices there is surely the perfect fit. Continued success in your quest to own or expand your auto detailing shop. Think on this. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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PTO; Justification of the Means and the Ends Some would say about certain issues that the means do not justify the ends. Well more often the ends do not justify the means. For instance if you are trying to accomplish something and know that if you do use the most approved PC methods then you cannot get to the desired results, but use those methods anyway as to not appear to offend anyone, then in the end you offend everyone by wasting their time and by failure of the project. Securing Second and Third-round Venture Capital Financing Widget sales are booming ? the competition is scrambling, demand is up, and the books are finally treading water. Your core management team has big ideas for the future of Widget Inc. Opportunity is abundant; but how will you fund that next big leap? Top Ten Ways to Increase Your Profitability 1) Go back to basics.Take a couple of steps back and address the fundamental facts or principles of your business. Going back to basics can mean cleaning the slate and focusing on basic elements that create success. Entrepreneurs - 9 Top Mistakes to Avoid 1. Isolating YourselfWhen setting up a business, you can get so overwhelmed with the administration that you don't focus on building up your network. Networks can provide a way to catapult your business forward through referrals, joint ventures, or providing industry knowledge. Networking does not need to be through formal events but can come in many forms. Even using websites to become aware of who and what is out there is useful. Giving time for self development and training activities to grow your skills, can be one area that is given a lower priority which can often lead to unwise decisions. What Kind of Business Should I Start? It's not uncommon to reach your 30s, 40s or even 50s and still wonder, "What do I want to be when I grow up?" Few people are fortunate enough to be certain of their destinies early on and the rest of us are forced to do some soul searching. Before Getting A Franchise Buying into a franchise is a great way to be part of a recognized brand with the benefit of lower advertising outlay. With many franchises to choose, here are some tips before you get involved with franchise: Success Secrets - What I, Mike Litman Learned From This Old Book Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny day in New York and yes, I spent it alone :}. Entrepreneurial Hate, its out there Today, I got an email from a lady who hates all business people and entrepreneurs, because they are Greedy, Arrogant and a Host of other atrocities. She was replying to an article I wrote about entrepreneurs and how they bring to the civilization; everything you see, everywhere you go and without us, you would have nothing. Here is the email I received: Oil Change Guys History; Part II Franchise companies are not born they are made and when studying the history of franchise companies, it is amazing how similar they really are. To continue this story we are in the height of the Dot Com Bubble with money flowing in Silicon Valley and personal services and labor is at a premium indeed; An Entrepreneur Is An entrepreneur is an innovator. She sees a need in the marketplace and creates something new to fulfill that need or improves upon an existing mechanism that already fulfills that need. Independent Auto Detail Shop VS Biz Op or Franchise Owning a detail shop can be an exciting and rewarding business indeed. Many times an owner of an independent Detailing Shop will wish to add those items he/she believes their customers want. Since an independent detail shop is not a franchise or affiliate they can try new things and do what ever they want. They use their knowledge of the industry, a little intuition and luck; it is a best guess issue. For an independent detailing shop entrepreneur; there is no proven business plan to go by, but the savvy operator who is in touch with their customers seldom has to face a shot in the dark. Hurricane Katrina, Death, and a Different Type of Entrepreneurship I've seen terrible images today on the television and internet-bodies of the elderly and infants floating in attics, buildings collapsing, seals washing up in the middle of highways. All I can say is that our thoughts go out to those in New Orleans, Gulfport and surrounding areas in this sad time. We will keep the people who have been hurt or passed away and those who were close to them in our prayers today and in the weeks to come. Time Management Tips for Solo Entrepreneurs Does it seem like everyone and everything is vying for yourattention all at once? It can be hard for solo entrepreneursto know what to do first, let alone try to find the time to get caught up. Here are some time management tips that will help youto stay on top of it all: Designing a Comprehensive Franchise Company Computer System One of the most important management tools a franchised company needs is a great computer system. The system must integrate with all the franchised outlets and also be able to interface with the Corporate HQ computer system. There are many companies which have already set up specialty IT systems for franchisors, but much of an off the shelf system will need modification. Be sure when talking with software vendors that you make sure that you get what you want and do not simply fall for the sales approach of them telling you what you need? After all, how on earth would they know that? Designing and/or securing a computer system will require some pre planning thought on your part. Applying The Daffodil Theory into Business Practice At times all of us need a bit of inspiration to add to our day. When I first read this article, I had started my own home based business and was in a bit of a slump. This inspirational story was exactly what helped spring me into action and keep on going. Three Cs - What Startups Need to Get a Business Loan, Part 1 You want to get a good, solid overview of what it takes to acquire that business loan you need, especially if you are a startup. The essential element of what the lenders out there require of you can be wrapped up in the acronym, C. C. C. These are... Everything You Wanted to Know About Public Domain Info, but Were Too Afraid to Ask! What to Look Out For: Near-death Experience is the Mother of Invention for Two Dallas Electricians To morning commuters, the hulking truck encircled with barricades and traffic cones may be nothing more than a road-clogging nuisance. 7 Lean Marketing Laws For The Inspired Entrepreneur The following laws will provide guidance on how to act,think and work in a lean way. You can apply these laws toall areas of your life, work and business to get biggerresults from the time you invest. 5 Tips to Step Boldly into the World & Set Yourself Apart from Others "Real champions believe in themselves even when no one else will!" Author Unknown ![]() |
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