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Creativity & Entrepreneurship: The Secret to Discovering Your Purpose in Life!©
Hello Creative Entrepreneurs! In the second course on Creativity & Entrepreneurship we begin with a guided meditation that I created entitled: Dream Keeper-Gift Giver©. You ask: what in the world does this mean? Well, it's a very profound secret I discovered about myself fifteen years ago. After doing a lot of self-discovery and embarking on a long vision quest to heal the hurts of my childhood and past, in search of my true self; my authentic self and to try to figure out what my purpose on this earth was. I was also seeking my own understanding of God, our creator. You may call him (or her) a Higher Being, a Higher Power or Creative Intelligence. In this search, that still unfolds every day, I discovered many, many things. But what I bring to this course is one of the unique things I learned about myself and my own spirit and the limitless depths of my creativity and personal power. I learned that the child within was alive and well. And so is yours. Remember when you were a kid and had so many dreams? You were going to be a dancer, a policeman, an astronaut, a doctor, a scientist, a teacher, an actor, an artist. Remember you were going to conquer the world? Remember how fearless you were? How fearless we all were? Remember when you were a young entrepreneur? Be it President and CEO of your own lemonade stand, or a door-to-door salesman selling Girl Scout cookies or Christmas candy for your school. Yes, those were entrepreneurial endeavors. You had, or created a product. You created a store-front or went door-to-door. You set your price, you advertised by hanging you little sign on the table, you promoted it usually by word of mouth, and you received a payment. Maybe a profit too if you were lucky and didn't eat or drink all the profits. But above all you had fun! You interacted with people, proved you were a good sales person and built self-confidence and self-esteem. Remember how happy it made you? You see that child is the dreamer and the keeper of your dreams. As we grew older we lost touch with that precious and sacred child. It's easy to do. Some of us became disconnected from our child-spirit because of childhood, trauma or abuse or fear. Perhaps your parents divorced, or there wasn't enough food to eat. Perhaps we lost a loved one or there was physical or psychological abuse. Perhaps you were put-down all the time. Perhaps you had a learning disability. The list can go on and one. Each one of us is different. But what we all have in common is all of us were programmed and conditioned by our families, our schools, our religion, or society in general. As we grew older, we went off on another path-from the original dreams we had--most likely we went down a path that someone else chose, or paved, for us. Most of us have simply forgotten that child-spirit because of everyday stresses like children to feed and educate; bills to pay or debt, which brings so much fear and bondage that we can't even think straight, so how could we possibly remember our original dreams, our child-spirit? And now, today, the state of the world, as projected into our lives is so violent, so chaotic and fear-based than many of us have become numb, or worse, paralyzed by fear. This is the intent: to separate you from your own divine spirit, your pure spirit, your child-spirit from what is real, and true, and pure. I could go on and on about this, but I think you understand what I'm saying. Foe more information about JJK's dynamic tele-seminars and books visit website below. JOHN JOSEPH KENNEDY President & CEO JJK Enterprises - John Kennedy Enterprises, Inc. Founder, JJK School of Entrepreneurship? (A Business Franchise) International award-winning speaker, 2004 Presidential Candidate, author, marketing guru and entrepreneur extraordinaire. Mr. Kennedy is the author of Creativity & Entrepreneurship© and The 72-Hour Entrepreneur? As a journalist and writer, JJK has more than 100 news bylines to his credit, and more than 5,000 article have been written about him worldwide. His work and inspiring life-giving messages and speeches have reached television, radio, newspaper and live audiences of more than 100 million people in the United States, Latin America, Canada, Mexico, England, India, France, Switzerland, Ireland, Poland, Africa, and other countries. JJK e-mail: JJK@JJKEnterprises.com Website: http://www.jjkenterprises.com/ JJK Bio: http://jjkenterprises.com/page_003.html JJK Blog! http://www.JJKEnterprises.blogspot.com
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Customers - Why Should They Buy From You? There are a whole range of reasons why customers buy aproduct or service. They usually buy to solve either real orperceived problems. They want to move away from pain andtowards pleasure. They want to feel better after having madethe decision to buy a product or service than they didbefore. The Desire For Money, Do You Have Business Sense? For those of us who grew up with parents who worked for businesses rather than owned them, the world of business can be quite a mystery. Even more so if we've dared to try to start one of our own. There is the factor of what type of business to start - a product or service business. There are the issues of doing a good market analysis, licensing the business, understanding the codes of law governing businesses, and determining just what type of business structure to choose - especially if the business will have employees. For example, should we start a sole proprietorship or a corporate business? It's a lot to work on, and it's not an overnight process to the road of success. But, the most crucial challenge to whether a business succeeds or fails lies deep within the realm of emotional versus financial intelligence. Definition of Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Expand Your Resourcefullness! The success and failure for the entrepreneur is largely dictated by the ability to gain access to resources, both personal as well as those of others. Top 10 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make Before They Even Start So you want to start a business. You have an idea. Lets say you want to be a carpenter. You print some brochures, some business cards, and take out an ad in the Yellow Pages. You pay $600 for a website and a domain name that tells everyone about your amazing credentials and experience. You distribute your fliers at a local grocery store. And then you wait. And wait. And wait? Franchisor Sample Grand Opening Launch for New Franchised Outlets It is paramount that all franchising companies work hard in the critical launching of all franchises in their new territories. In this present period most franchisees come into the franchise systems with much personal debt and barely squeak by on their initial capital needed. One major error or mistake and the franchisee will fail due to under capitalization. Below it a sample outline and message to new franchisees; I recommend that you take a look at this and develop a policy and plan to help your new franchisees in the beginning gain ground on their new markets. You should copy this article and make notes on it and then take the outline below modify it to fit your business model and write several paragraphs for each number and lettered item to cement your new franchised outlet marketing plan. While reading this policy and outline below realize that it was written for a mobile car wash business and your plan will be significantly different but this will help you in making a first class strategy to win market share for your newest team members. How Much Risk is Necessary to Grow Your Business? A business owner is thoroughly responsible for their own financial survival and possibly the financial survival of their employees. Business owners, for the most part, seem to be "risk takers", who really don't easily "go with the flow". They are inventive and somewhat confident, as just having their own business does mandate that they possess these qualities. Opportunity Does Not Knock Q: I'm graduating this year with a degree in business and would like to start my own business rather than get a corporate job. I have a few business ideas, but none of them really gets me excited. Should I just put my business plans on hold and get a job until the right opportunity comes along?-- Carlton M. The Myth of Undercapitalization - Six Ways Entrepreneurs Achieve Success in Spite of Start-Up Money This year more than 17 million people will become entrepreneurs, according to the National Association of Self Employed (NASE). By the end of the year, 8 million of them will return to the corporate world because their entrepreneurial effort did not succeed. Many will say the businesses failed because of insufficient capitalization. Actually under-capitalization is not the cause of failure, but a symptom of a far more serious problem. Interview with Best-selling Entrepreneurial Authors Barbara Winters and Nick Williams Ray Bradbury's quote, "You've got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down" may sound extreme but, as anyone building a business knows, it has a lot of truth in it. Is Running a Business for You? Not everyone is cut out to run a business. Not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. It takes a special talent. Some owners of small businesses have it and some don't. Beware the Opposition! Any time you make changes in your life you are going to be met with opposition from people who would prefer you to stay exactly as you are. Sadly, these people are often the ones that love you the most; your family, friends, partners and even work colleagues. However, in your moments of entrepreneurial seizure, the greatest opposition that you will experience (particularly if you're a seasoned employee) will come from within yourself. Online Women Entrepreneurs Need To Pace Themselves Saving time means pacing yourself, being organized, and always prioritizing your duties, responsibilities and efforts. How To Find Focus And Turn Your Talent Into A Thriving Professional Business There are tons of books and articles available to help professionals start up their business, but few that give practical insights on how to nurture your business once it's out of its infancy. At some point, every self-employed professional reaches the same dilemma: how to build a strong brand and grow their business without taking on too many clients, undervaluing their expertise, or sacrificing their lifestyle. The Secrets to Becoming a Successful Creative Entrepreneur: JJK Secrets #19-21 Hello Creative Entrepreneurs! Rambling Confessions of a Recovering Entrepreneur I told my family that I finally accepted that my passion had become an ob- session, and you could even call it an addiction. They all laughed. What had taken me 25 years to accept, they had known for years.My wife detected my addiction as early as our honeymoon in Paris. All I wanted to do was spend time at the Bourse trading francs on the spot market. She kept on nudging me to see some old picture in the Louvre. Differentiation Strategies for Franchise Companies With the growing number of franchise offerings recently it is difficult for the smallest franchise companies to compete. They generally do not have the advertising budgets to pick and choose which markets the franchise prospects will be calling from. Many rely solely on Internet Marketing; unfortunately 80% of such leads are not so good. On top of this obstacle they must compete with sales departments of larger franchise companies, which have lots of experience. When Your Business Feels Like an Arranged Marriage Q. I was laid off six months ago. Jobs in my field are scarce so I moved to a new town to start a home business. People have paid me for everything from website maintenance to pet sitting. How To Find Hot Online Business Ideas Would you like to find the key that unlocks thedoor to a gold-mine of online response, sales and results for your business? 5 TIPS for Home-Based Business Entrepreneurs Have you ever heard that only a small part (5%) of 'all' Home-Based Business entrepreneurs achieve success? ![]() |
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