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Beware the Opposition!
Any time you make changes in your life you are going to be met with opposition from people who would prefer you to stay exactly as you are. Sadly, these people are often the ones that love you the most; your family, friends, partners and even work colleagues. However, in your moments of entrepreneurial seizure, the greatest opposition that you will experience (particularly if you're a seasoned employee) will come from within yourself. What's your great business idea? They say that each one of us has an unwritten book lying within us. It's my belief that each of us also has a great business idea lying in the depths of who we are as well. However, the reality is that very few of us actually dig deep enough to uncover this aspect of self. Of those who do, fewer still are prepared to inject the passion and enthusiasm necessary to bring these ideas to life. Understand your entrepreneurial process. If you hold aspirations of transitioning from paid employment to running your own business, I think it is important to understand the mental and emotional process you go through when you experience moments of entrepreneurial inspiration. When you get a business idea, do you immediately think of all the ways you could make it work or are you someone who automatically sabotages yourself by thinking of all the ways it could fail? Pushing through entrepreneurial sabotage. If you are someone who experiences entrepreneurial sabotage, start to note down your habitual opposing thoughts. Here are some examples of sabotage you may already be familiar with; - if the business idea was that good, why hasn't someone thought of it before? - how can I start a business - I don't have any money? - what will people think of me if the business fails? - I'm too old / young to start a business. - how can I start a business if I don't have a business degree? Once you have an awareness of your own internal resistance you can start to counteract it. You may like to try experimenting with the following self empowering questions: - how can I start this business using none of my own capital? - what partners do I need to attract to make this business a success? - how can I communicate my vision to attract a skilled workforce? - who successfully runs a similar business? - what would I have to do to imitate their success? Leap of faith Establishing any kind of venture requires a 'leap of faith' as there are no certain outcomes in business. When you are starting out spend most of your time focusing on 'why' you want to run your own business rather than the 'how'. The how will follow naturally once you understand the why. There is never a 'perfect time'. If you are waiting for the perfect moment to launch your business you'll be waiting a very long time. The only perfect time to start a business is right now. If you've got a great idea that you are passionate about, don't delay! Immerse yourself into it right now! You don't need any money to start planning and visualising your dream. If you can feel, touch and taste it, all you have to do is get out there and start sharing your vision with as many people as you possibly can. And if you do it effectively and with passion you will attract the right business partners and customers. To quote Goethe, "whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now!" About the author: Damien Senn is a Life and Business Coach as well as a fully qualified Chartered Accountant. He helps professionals, artists and entrepreneurs create compelling futures. He is the author of the 'Senn-Sational Success Journal' and has developed his own coaching model called the 'Senn-Sational Success System'. For your free life coaching tool '101 things to do before you die', please click the following link: http://www.senn-sational.com/freeresources.htm
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The Boss is DEAD! Some of us are born into families with "it", some of us are just driven over the edge to "it", and some of us crave "it", but just haven't figured out how to attain "it." That "it" is an Entrepreneurial Spirit that is a powerful force that can be the key to your success, and yes?sometimes even failure. The 9 Key Distinctions of Successful Solo-Entrepreneurs! SUCCESSFUL Solo-Entrepreneurs approach life and business from a perspective that is new, fresh, and rather unorthodox. The differences are subtle, yet significant. These distinctions are more than just fads or interesting tips; they are direct, measurable SHIFTS in how you will approach your business, your personal life, your relationships, etc. - for the rest of your life! They are direct from the experience of hundreds of successful solo-entrepreneurs! Message to Prospective Franchisees for Franchisors Many franchise companies fail to send the proper message to their prospective franchisees. This is partly due to the over regulation and intensity of litigation in the industry. Smaller franchisors are generally hurt the most from these factors and consumer or buyers of their American Dream seem to feel slighted at a the impersonal approach. Many franchise company's sales departments walk a fine line between disclosure laws and the information they are allowed to depart to the prospect franchisees. This immediately causes friction. To alleviate this problem smaller franchisees need to send a more personal message in the name of their founder to re-assure prospects that they care. Below is a sample letter our company, The Car Wash Guys, www.carwashguys.com , has used to allow our prospects to see thru the legal quagmire created by the regulatory bureaucracy and the franchise lawyers in their haste to sue franchisors. I recommend you copy this article read the letter a few times and put it into your own words so that you convey how you truly feel, make it sincere and understand that your prospect needs to know they are more than just a number. How to Be an Entrepreneur and Keep Your Sanity Define for yourself what an Entrepreneur is: Hearing That Entrepreneurial Voice? Women business owners are our only clients, so naturally we celebrate and support female entrepreneurship. Operating in this market gives us the good fortune to learn about some of the deeper themes in the lives of women business owners. It gives us insights into what really matters to women, and to what contributes not only to their success, but more importantly to their happiness and gratification in their professional lives. What Makes a Person an Entrepreneur? Entrepreneurship is generally characterized by some type of innovation, a significant investment, and a strategy that values expansion. The entrepreneur is often quite different in mindset from a manager, who is generally charged with using existing resources to make an existing business run well. The roles of entrepreneur and manager are not necessarily incompatible, but entrepreneurs are seldom patient enough to be good managers. The History of the Franchise Business - Learning about Business Opportunities by Looking at the Past Hair care has been around as long as humans have been on the planet. The earliest record of personal hair care dates back 2.5 million years ago, when brushes used to create cave paintings in Spain and France were adapted for use in hair grooming. Interestingly, many of the innovations in hair design that are still used today originated in the late 19th century. Chairman Greenspan and the FED, learn more you will be glad you did So many people work their whole life to make money, but they know so little about out monetary system. They know so little about the Federal Reserve Bank and so very little about the brilliant minds, which make it all work. To get a better insight to the behind the scenes strategic planning and the intense thought which goes into making it all work I recommend you read a few books on the subject. Let's start on an easy one for your on-going education as an Entrepreneur; I recommend you first read: Protect Your ASSets in Business Many people are starting an online business without a thought about the danger this may pose to their personal assets. The type of protection you need depends upon the nature of your business and the amount of your personal assets. Secrets of My Favorite Government Auction I love bargains. And there's no better place to find bargains than an auction. And there are no better auctions than government surplus auctions. My favorite government surplus auction takes place the 3rd week of September every year in the County Park. I won't tell you which county park as this is my best-kept secret! Even though the auction is advertised in the local papers (as required my law), I usually find the same 20-30 people mulling around, looking at all the lots. And many of them I know are not high-bidders! CHINESE TAKE-OUT: Oriental Business Principles Demystified For Online Enterprises "The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools."- Confucius Electronic Tools for Entrepreneurial Success "Half of any job is having the right tool" was one of the earliest lessons I learned from my father growing up on a farm in Nebraska. As an organizing and productivity consultant, it continues to serve me well. Questions For The Entrepreneur To Be Entrepreneurial e-gnorance Do You Have What it Takes to be a Successful Entrepreneur? Print off this page, take the quiz and find out if you've got what it takes! See the scale at the bottom to mark yourself. Empathy - Not Business Plans - Key to Your Home Based Business Success - Do You Have Empathy? EMPATHY is a Natural Talent, you were born with it and you will never loose it. It can be a blessing or a curse in a home based business. If you develop it, it can make you a Millionaire. Mary Kay, of Mary Kay cosmetics, did just that. If you have it, it is your most important key to a successful home based business. Business plans, cash flow projections, marketing analysis, etc. are skills that are needed in a home based business, but they can be learned from a workshops, courses or books. Your Natural Talent is what gives you the competitive edge. What Kind of Business Should I Start? It's not uncommon to reach your 30s, 40s or even 50s and still wonder, "What do I want to be when I grow up?" Few people are fortunate enough to be certain of their destinies early on and the rest of us are forced to do some soul searching. The Danger Of Hate As you have shown an interest in starting a business of your own it would be safe to assume that you want to changeyour life. You want more money - more control over yourlife - more respect. But just as we each have a dream, wealso have a reality. Entrepreneurship Story; Over Regulation in Franchising Final Chapter Sally and Jim have launched their automotive franchise business and are now selling franchises; problems arise as lawyers and over regulation threaten to ruin their life's work, see how it ends; tragedy or success. A realistic story of modern day franchising. . . Entrepreneurs Ask: As a Novice Entrepreneur, How Can I Feel Less Overwhelmed? Great question! Overwhelm is very common even among the most veteran entrepreneurs, so take solace in the fact that you are not alone. With the ever-increasing numbers of new entrepreneurial endeavors, and therefore new entrepreneurs, there are many who are experiencing the very same feelings as you. Ten Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs Successful entrepreneurs have many traits in common. Here are ten of those traits that I consider to be very important. ![]() |
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