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Good Credit -- Essential for the Prospective Home Buyer
Credit is a funny thing. It can be a useful tool in the hands of an informed individual, or a weight of burden to the unsuspecting. One thing is for certain, you must have a decent credit score to attain a quality mortgage loan. We speak to hundreds of individuals each month that are in the market to buy property. Unfortunately, many of them have less than desirable credit scores, and because of this, are not able to get prequalified for a loan. There are numerous reasons for bad credit scores: bankruptcies, late payments, large credit balances, and a host of others. There are many legitimate reasons a person may have bad credit, but frankly, most of the people we talk to have simply made poor financial decisions. In most cases, bad credit can be easily avoided: 1. On revolving credit card balances, make sure you pay your minimum balance each month. You will even receive a slight credit boost if you pay over your minimum amount, so do it if you can. 2. Avoid "maxing" out credit card accounts. Credit cards are good to have to build your credit, but make sure you keep your spending under control. Preferably, you should be able to pay off any CC balances completely in the same month you spent the money. 3. If you need to make any big purchases, avoid the temptation to place the entire purchase on your credit card. Instead, put money aside each month until you have enough for the purchase. Remember, just because you have a big spending limit on your cards, doesn't make it your money! You have to pay every penny back plus interest! 4. Try to think of a credit card as a tool for building credit as opposed to a tool for buying the things you want. You spend a small amount each month, and pay it off immediately. This will spike your credit score, and keep you out of CC debt. 5. Make sure to pull your credit rating at least twice a year. This will give you a good feel for what your score is, and most credit score reporting services will give you a detailed explanation for why your score is where it is. If you find any errors, make sure you report and resolve them immediately. It can be long and gruesome work to get a negative mark removed from your credit record, but it can be well worth it when it comes time to buy a house. I hope some of these tips will be helpful for you as you try to be a good steward of your finances. You may also want to check out these free resources: www.FamilyCredit.org Justin Smith is the President of the Christian Real Estate Network - http://www.HisMove.com
Credit Card Balance Transfers Explained What is a balance transfer ?A balance transfer can be explained simply as a balance transfer! When a balance is transferred usually from a credit card, but possible from a bank account or loan to a credit card with a offer interest rate (usually 0%) for a set period. It does not have to be the entire amount. The card receiving the balance will an interest rate for a set term, normally 6 months, but can be 9 months or even a year. Take a look at the current balance transfer deals currently available. This will give you a flavour of the typical kind of deal available. Balance Transfers Can Help You Stop Putting Money Down The Drain! As you probably know, interest rates are at all time low right now and if you aren't getting the best deal from your credit card company then they owe it to you to either lower your rate, or you owe it to yourself to find a better deal. You see, credit card companies need your business in order to succeed and if you refuse to pay a penny more than you have to then you'll be doing yourself and others a big favour indeed. By doing this, you'll avoid paying more than you should and the companies will stop treating its clients inappropriately. Bankruptcy Myths Busted The average American knows very little about bankruptcy. Most people probably are aware of bankruptcy's ability to dissolve debt and give the debtor a fresh start. Some of the information you might have heard is correct, but some is not. The purpose of this article is to dispel some of the most common bankruptcy myths. Establishing Credit ? What You Need To Know Part 2 In my previous article "Establishing Credit ? What You Need To Know Part 1" I discussed the need for a good credit history and what lenders were looking for prior to loaning an individual money or additional funds based on their credit history. This article will go into the necessary steps someone needs to take in order to initially establish their credit history. Special Credit Information for Married Couples If you are married, establish separate credit accounts. Errors on Your Credit Report: What You Should Do There are times when you may be turned down for credit and you do not understand why. According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act you are entitled to a free copy of your credit report if you have been denied credit because of negative items on your credit report within 60 days of the request for credit, if you are unemployed but looking for work, are on welfare, or believe that your credit report is incorrect because of fraud. You may also receive a copy of your credit report for a small fee at any time in which you want to review the information contain therein. Its Your Credit - Take Care of It! Thanks to the Fair and Accurate Credit Act, American consumers can receive a free annual credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus-Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. You can order your free credit report by visiting www.annualcreditreport.com or calling 1-877-322-8228. Fun with Credit Cards For those of us who know how to use them properly, credit cards can actually be quite fun and lucrative. To those who do not know how to use them properly, I would say that you should stop reading this column right about now, or at least I would advise you not to try any of this stuff at home. What I'm about to describe is not one of those illegal credit card schemes. Instead, I'm talking about taking full advantage of the benefits and offers that credit card companies and store chains offer their customers all the time. Credit Suicide Few things influence the home buying process more than your credit. I like how Clark Howard refers to the three credit repositories as, "the three screw-ups". There is some validity to that, and hopefully recent legislation will help clean up many of the inaccuracies. Regardless, lenders need a source to determine levels of risk for lending money? and the Fair Isaac Company is where it lies. (Note: Fair was one of their last names? doesn't necessarily denote fairness.) Identity Theft - How to Protect Yourself "Like the tan? I got tons of sun on that Caribbean cruise. First class tickets to Florida and back! Nope, not an airline upgrade. 5-star service all the way, baby! Hotels, restaurants, theme parks?you name it! Look?I took pics with my new cell phone! Hey, let me know when you're free to take a spin in the car ? it's a 2005 sports model, fully loaded! Yours truly, Chad E. Charlatan, is going to the top! Nope, no job. But I didn't pay for anything myself. I don't care who Ms. Donna Knowe-Bedter is, but it's not my fault if she doesn't keep tabs on her credit card statements. One day I'll thank her for being so rich!" Update Your Computer System With Bad Credit Computer Financing The moment I placed myself in front of the computer screen a whole new world beckoned me to join it. And years of strolling have proved incompetent to get me acquainted with the full panorama of computers. You have always wanted one in your home. But something is stopping you. Bad credit? Do I hear bad credit? You think bad credit can stop you from getting your computer financed. Which world are you living in? You certainly need a computer. Computer financing for bad credit can enable you to get your very own home computer, lab tops, desk top or any other computer requirement. Credit Cards Can Help You Get Out Of Debt Your credit rating / credit score is based upon how you have dealt with credit previously.If you have always paid the full amount owing and never missed a payment then your credit score will be high.If you miss payments, been late paying, not paid in full each month then your credit score will be lower.If you're trying to re-build your credit or if you're young and just starting out, pay close attention the next time you receive a new card offer in the mail. When you're trying to build a positive credit history for yourself, using the right credit card makes sense. Making small purchases and then making your payments on time each month is a simple, reliable way to build an outstanding credit report. Low Interest Credit Cards Have Many Advantages When credit cards are used wisely they can be very beneficial to the consumer. A low interest credit card can be exceptionally beneficial. Many people use the same credit card that they have had for years. Some people still have the very first credit card that they ever received and just simply have never thought to switch to a card with a lower rate. There is a degree of comfort in habit, but shopping around for a lower interest rate credit card can quickly prove that switching is worth the little amount of effort it takes to do so. Is Your Credit Score Costing You Money? Most of us want a good credit report to obtain automobile financing, credit cards, and to purchase a home. But, beyond these consumer loans, your credit report can cost you in everyday living expenses. What you don't know about your credit could be costing you money. What is Credit Counselling? Ever wondered what is Credit Counselling? There are occasions when you might encounter a financial situation that is beyond your scope which is when a session with a credit counsellor could be beneficial. Credit cards If gold medals were awarded for marketing consistency, the credit card industry would be the Sarah Hughes of the business world. Major players Visa and MasterCard, who have maintained their steady rates of spending and commitment to their positioning platforms for years, will stick to their established routines this year. Freshening their programs will be updated creative and the occasional push behind new products and promotions. 7 Consumer Credit Laws You Should Know if You are Trying to Repair Your Credit There are seven consumer credit laws you should be aware when dealing with your credit. Understanding the Process of Credit Counseling Many of us have seen the advertisements on television. "Get out of debt fast!" "We can solve all your credit problems with only one call!" These sound really great but you know that, realistically, one call is not going to solve your credit problems. Stop Struggling Because Of Poor Credit And Improve Credit Rating Now Did you apply for a personal loan only to be turned down by a bank or lending institution? Like most people there is always a need to borrow money to buy a car or to renovate a home or even to get a student loan. There are many reasons why people need a loan and lenders turn people down from a loan application based on ones credit rating and credit score. Fortunately there is a way to resolve this situation by obtaining a credit report and checking to see if there are any inaccuracies or items that should not be in the credit report. By cleaning ones credit report it begins the process towards obtaining credit and even better interest rates on loans. How to Evaluate and Raise Your Credit Score Why do some people get offers for pre-approved credit cards and others don't? What do car dealers know about your financial health that you don't know? The answer is your credit score. |
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