Book Marketing Information

Titles (and Subtitles) Sell Books!

Does a title really sell a book? The short answer is, yes. If a book does not attract a reader initially, it will be overlooked and not purchased. The book title is the element that creates the initial attraction to the book.

Promotion - Credibility Extras

For many of us, marketing our titles is one of the most tedious tasks of being an author. Even authors who published with large New York houses are expected to take part in marketing and promotion. Many articles and several books have been written to give us guidelines. One thing all marketing experts stress is the importance of being professional.

How To Promote A Book

Nowadays it?s no longer a matter of whether or not an author should promote his or her book, but how aggressively one should go about it. The sad truth is that publishers often fail to promote books, and if we, the authors, don't promote your own book then it may be destined to a lifespan between that of butter and yogurt, to paraphrase Calvin Trillan. The author's extra efforts may make all the difference between a book becoming a long-lived seller, and being recycled so that some other author can take advantage of the paper.

Discover 3 Easy Ways to Promote Your Articles

Are you using these methods to promote your articles?

Publicity Through Philanthropy For Writers

I am twenty three years old, have sold over four thousand copies of my first book in a matter of a month after it's release and recently been contacted for contracts with Random House and Harper Collins for two new titles. I think a good deal of my recent success is highly correlated with my Reading for Charity Contest and the attention it has drawn. I'll explain the entire background, but as pre-thought I think it first manifested itself through a combination of my looking for a good way to market my first book, while balancing out my karma a bit. A way to interweave my love of novel writing, increase my book's visibility and provide a benefit to society in some way shape or form. All of these tasks have seemed to be accomplished- although my karma could still probably use some more balancing.

The Lecture Experience: Part I

During the past year or so, I have done nearly a hundred talks about my book, ?LADIES: A Conjecture of Personalities.? It?s about the First Ladies ? the OLD First Ladies, Martha through Mamie. Since they talk to each other and cross through centuries, it is, of course, an historical fiction. In doing so many lectures, I thought it might be interesting to discuss are some of the things I have learned?.

How to Sell Your E-book - (or other information product) - Through Quickie Seminars

I've been selling my own self-published information products (mainly e-books) online for the past 3 years. Is it profitable? Definitely.

The Book Signing

Tomorrow night is my first Local Writers Fair. I?ve been looking forward to this one for a long time. Ten authors will gather in a little room behind tables full of books in a historic library in Canandaigua, N.Y. It?s been advertised heavily and the excitement has been building for weeks.

How to Create an Amazing Author Website

Without a website, an author is unknown.Without a website, an author sells fewer books.Without a website, an author has limited web presence.Without a website, an author has limited media presence.Without a website, an author can?t maximize his or her creativity, expertise and talent.

The Bible Of Self Publishing

Any book that is in its 14th edition must be doing something right. Such is the case with author Dan Poynter`s, The Self-Publishing Manual: How To Write, Print and Sell Your Own Book.

Is There a Book Hiding Inside You?

Have you always wanted to write?

Design Each Part of your Book to Sell More Copies

Whether you are an ebook author/publisher or a print book author/publisher, you can get your unique, helpful information. You'll help make other people's lives better, become a household name, gain clients, sell more books and make much more money when you design each part of your book to attract more readers.

Top Ten Non-Techie Steps to Market your Book Online

Are you an author who is looking for new ways to promote your book or business? Does the traditional promotion you do take too long and not bring you top results? Are you willing to investigate easy non-techie ways to get more book buyers?

Online Book Marketing: How to Sell Your Book Even If You Are Not a Salesperson

What you do after you have written your book is as much, if not more, important than the actual writing of it. You can take a great book and poor marketing and have very poor results. Conversely, I believe you can take a mediocre book, market it well, and make very good sales from it. The only limiting factor is you. You probably think, ?I?m a writer, not a salesperson.? That?s true, but there are some very simple things you can do to create a website that sells your book.

Media Events for Book Promotion

"How do I set up a media event?" -- As a publisher, that's a good question to have an answer for.

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