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Invisible Braces, Viable Solutions
Invisible braces, like Invisalign, are most popular among adults. For children and young teens, having traditional braces cemented to their teeth is almost a rite of passage. Wearing braces is so common among pre-teens and teens that it's completely socially acceptable. A young woman or young man may not enjoy their braces, and they may not like having to go to the orthodontist's office, but they won't feel embarrassed by their braces. The same cannot be said for adults. As an adult, wearing metal dental braces can be extremely embarrassing. This is especially true for adults who work, and whose work is effected by their image. If you sell cars, teach children, try cases in front of a jury or work in any other field where you need to communicate face to face, wearing braces will be a liability. Then again, having noticeably gapped teeth is a liability, too. Invisible Braces, Viable Solutions Adults with gapped teeth, rather than crooked teeth, have a better invisible alternative. These folks can wear our ingenious Teeth Effects Bands that actually pull teeth toward each other, effectively closing a gap. Our bands are remarkably low cost, and have been proven to take only days or weeks to work. Please visit http://www.teethgap.com to close your gap simply by wearing a band around your teeth. Teeth Gap
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7 Ways to Drive a Man Wild It's unbelievable the amount of bad advice there is out there on how to seduce a man or if they give you advice they forget to tell you how to use it properly. So here are a couple of tips on what to do and what not to do to drive a man wild and an instruction manual. Aspirations Worth Their Weight in Platinum "To succeed, planning alone is insufficient. One must improve as well." - Isaac Asimov Attitude Is Everything The process of human change begins within us. We all have tremendous potential. We all desire good results from our efforts. Most of us are willing to work hard and to pay the price that success and happiness demand. Mirror, Mirror The Concept of Beauty The Modern Geek - Changing the Stereotype The day of duck-taped glasses, suspenders and pocket-protectors are quickly fading away. It's getting harder to pick the geeks out of the crowd. Lottery Winners Lose It All You have heard it time and again. Lottery Winners lose it all and trust fund babies waste their parent's hard earned cash. In fact, up to 80% of the lottery winners in this country file bankruptcy within five years. Most of us say," That would never happen to me. You would have to be really dumb to lose all that money." Yet the very reason that these individuals let their money run through their fingers is the very reason that most of us are still working pay check to paycheck. Some Gals Have All the Luck: How to Create Your Own Good Luck You probably know a few. These gals marry the millionaire. Meet the talent agent in the drugstore. Stroll off into the Tahitian sunset with the guy who looks like Tom Cruise. How Do You Choose To Deal With Your Life? "It's choice ? not chance ? that determines your destiny." --Jean Nidetch Charm Is Good Business What's most astounding is that the vast majority of business people don't automatically understand the concept of charm. You'd think it would be a reflex, a conditioned response in business to "turn on the charm" when dealing with customers, clients, associates, employees, competitors, or potential clients. And since the list of "potential clients" for many businesses can include Everybody, the idea that someone in any job, anywhere, ever is not making the maximum effort to be as charming as possible all the time is stupefying. How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying? Try being charming. Just Allow? But How? If you've been practising the Law of Attraction, then you're probably familiar with the expressions, "just Allow" and "it will come." Well, technically, both expressions are true. However, 'Allowing' is not just thinking that you can have your desire--it's also knowing and feeling that it is possible. When we believe we can have our desire, we have no doubt in receiving it. In other words, we 'Allow'. Simply put, 'Allowing' is the 'Absence of Doubt'. What Do You Do? When I go out and talk to business people, I hear them talking about all the things they do from day to day. They talk about the problems they have and their frustrations with a whole variety of things they do. Invariably I find myself thinking: why do they do these things in the first place. As an extreme example, if you had your hand in a flame and it was burning, you would move it wouldn't you? So why not do something about the things that cause you stress and frustrate you? Bigger Fish To Fry Last month I was on another adventure, fishing Dog Lake in Northern Ontario. That trip really brought home to me the power of the Law of Attraction. You Think That You?re Listening?. But Are You Actually Hearing What Im Saying? "We have two ears and one mouth, so that we can listen twice as much as we speak" ? Epictetus, Greek Stoic Philosopher. (55AD-135AD) The Power Of Charisma You have seen them on television your entire life: the world leaders, the movie stars, and yes, even the infomercial darlings! These people almost seem incapable of self-doubt as their undeniable confidence exudes from their every pore, almost mesmerizing their audience. They are literally capable of convincing listeners to buy products they don't really need, support causes without question, and follow when one would rather lead. What is their secret? How are they able to do what you or I could only dream of doing, and do it with such ease? Do You Have What It Takes To Attract What You Want? When you were a kid, did you play with magnets? They were almost magical, weren't they? It was always exhilarating to bring the magnet close to another object and to begin to feel that slight pulling sensation followed by the--snap--as the magnet and the other object became one. And, equally, it was always a little disappointing when the magnet didn't stick to the hoped-for object of attraction. The Power of Letting What is Be Okay Have you been in that "black hole?" That is the place that is so dark and keeps sucking you in. It can seem like there is no way out, so what is the use of going on. Be Not Afraid, Ye of Midlife Millions of people face huge changes in their lives during the midlife years and most seem to be glad they made the changes, but only if they've faced their own longings for meaning with integrity. Midlife can be defined as anywhere from 35 to 60, but usually comes on around the mid-forties or later. It's built into our psyches, just as other developmental stages at other ages are pre-programmed. Not everyone will experience it as an apparent period of change, though. Some women, and men too, just sense a slight change of priorities, values and perhaps a slight adjustment of goals if they recognize their midlife dilemmas at all. If you're one of the ones that are turning your life upside down, be not afraid. Change The World It is becoming clear that the way a country or society is, the kind of "psyche" it has, depends on the way people relate to each other one-to-one, at the day-to-day level of life. The Self Appreciation Enhancer Very often when you are talking to people what you really want deep down is to feel significant, liked and important. Consequently you watch what you are saying and are careful not tosay the wrong thing. This in turn can mean that the way you express yourself is stifled and constricted. How To Influence People Most of your success in life will come from your ability to deal effectively with other people. Your success will be determined by the number of people you know, and who know you in a favorable way. Everything you achieve will be through other men and women. These are people who will be there to assist you at the critical junctures of your life. Your ability to influence other people to act in your best interest is one of the most important skills you can ever develop to achieve happiness and success. ![]() |
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