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Attitude Is Everything
The process of human change begins within us. We all have tremendous potential. We all desire good results from our efforts. Most of us are willing to work hard and to pay the price that success and happiness demand. Each of us has the ability to put our unique human potential into action and to acquire a desired result. But the one thing that determines the level of our potential, that produces the intensity of our activity, and predicts the quality of the result we receive is our attitude. Attitude determines how much of the future we are allowed to see. It decides the size of our dreams and influences our determination when we are faced with new challenges. No other person on earth has dominion over our attitude. People can affect our attitude by teaching us poor thinking habits or unintentionally misinforming us or providing us with negative sources of influence, but no one can control our attitude unless we voluntarily surrender that control. No one else "makes us angry." We make ourselves angry when we surrender control of our attitude. What someone else may have done is irrelevant. We choose, not they. They merely put our attitude to a test. If we select a volatile attitude by becoming hostile, angry, jealous or suspicious, then we have failed the test. If we condemn ourselves by believing that we are unworthy, then again, we have failed the test. If we care at all about ourselves, then we must accept full responsibility for our own feelings. We must learn to guard against those feelings that have the capacity to lead our attitude down the wrong path and to strengthen those feelings that can lead us confidently into a better future. If we want to receive the rewards the future holds in trust for us, then we must exercise the most important choice given to us as members of the human race by maintaining total dominion over our attitude. Our attitude is an asset, a treasure of great value, which must be protected accordingly. Beware of the vandals and thieves among us who would injure our positive attitude or seek to steal it away. Having the right attitude is one of the basics that success requires. The combination of a sound personal philosophy and a positive attitude about ourselves and the world around us gives us an inner strength and a firm resolve that influences all the other areas of our existence. To Your Success,Jim Rohn Reproduced with permission from Jim Rohn's Weekly E-zine.Copyright 2005 Jim Rohn International. All rights reservedworldwide. To subscribe to Jim Rohn's Weekly E-zine, go tohttp://Jim-Rohn.InspiresYOU.com
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The Universal Laws Of Attraction You know it's funny how some people just seem to have all the luck in the world. Infact in some cases it almost seems to be unfair. Or to coin a phrase - "The rich get richer" or "To them that hath, so shall more be given" something like that... Who Wants to Work? I feel a loss when pragmatism wins over the mystical. There is a greater magic at work when you engage with Source. I believe that strength and optimism combined with hard work will keep marketing principles and other learned strategies working well for success. I have a much different story to tell. How to Attract Wealth Have you been struggling with making ends meet? Are you tiredof not having enough? Then I am sure you will benefit enormouslyby reading on... The Laws of the Universe What I am about to tell you will take a very open mind to comprehend. So please, open your mind. The Big Secret "Within you is the power to change your life" Be Not Afraid, Ye of Midlife Millions of people face huge changes in their lives during the midlife years and most seem to be glad they made the changes, but only if they've faced their own longings for meaning with integrity. Midlife can be defined as anywhere from 35 to 60, but usually comes on around the mid-forties or later. It's built into our psyches, just as other developmental stages at other ages are pre-programmed. Not everyone will experience it as an apparent period of change, though. Some women, and men too, just sense a slight change of priorities, values and perhaps a slight adjustment of goals if they recognize their midlife dilemmas at all. If you're one of the ones that are turning your life upside down, be not afraid. My Eight Success Secrets These eight success secrets apply to anything you do in life, not just to doing business offline or online. Doing Your Lifes Work Most people want to do their life's work. Some people are able to separate work completely from life and be happy doing anything, but this is not the norm. I once knew a man who managed things for a living. He'd managed a restaurant for several years, seen an ad in the paper, and become manager of a print shop. He didn't particularly like the job, but he didn't hate it. A Life of Adventure? In a conversation recently, a friend remarked to me: "Every man dies, but not every man lives." If you think about it, that is profoundly true and rather disturbing. I hope that shakes you up like it does me. The Power of Perspective You limit yourself. Yes, it is true. Each day you behave in muchthe same way as you have always done. You act out your habitualways of dealing with people, and you communicate as well or asbadly as you normally do. What is Intution and How do I use it? Intuition is an incredible resource and gift that we have been given to help us live our best life. Unfortunately, not many people know what it is or how to use it. The word intuition means "in to you" in Latin. Florence Scovel, a theologian, once said, "Intuition is the spiritual faculty that doesn't explain; it seemingly points the way." It's also been said that intuition is your divine Spirit talking to you. If you will stop for a moment and acknowledge this, you will begin to realize the incredible perspective you have at your fingertips. You have this very amazing power! And you don't even have to get any special training to start using it. All you need to do is raise your awareness about it and set your intention to harness it. Creating Your Future The questions of life may call to you. You may wonder about your purpose. You may feel out of place, disconnected, just a bit out of sync. You may want to find clarity; to find the stillness in your mind. That elusive quality where time loses all meaning. You may not even know what it is that you seek but you sit there in your skin and you know something is making you uncomfortable. Right Thinking Nothing ever happens by chance. Everything, good or bad, that comes into our lives is a result of the thoughts we have engaged in, or by what God has ordained to get our attention. How to Interpret Your Dreams As many different people there are on this planet, that is how many ways in which a dream can be interpreted. Basic Intuitive Timing for Business and Life "There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries." [William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar] Seeing Is Believing! - Visualize The Result In Your Life Today! "If you can see it, you can have it." Is it really so simple? The answer is 'Yes'...and 'No'. If you can see it, you already got your first step right but if you can't even see it, your first step would be fatal right from the start. Let me put this in perspective. If you cannot 'see' where you are heading in your direction or 'see' the end results that you want to achieve, most likely you would give up halfway or even if you did have results, you wouldn't reap the maximum result had you first 'seen' it in your mind with maximum clarity. Success Through a Supercharged Network I have finally come to believe something about myself because so many peoplehave said the same thing to me - I mean the EXACT same sentence - over thepast year. It is about something about me that others notice, which quitefrankly, just comes so naturally to me that I have never noticed before. Whats in a Name ? What's In a Name? Tiger and the Three Pigs After years of terrorizing the countryside, hunting deer, poaching livestock, killing game, Tiger grew long in the tooth. Finally, he knew it was time to retire. So he packed his bag and ambled into town to the Three Little Pigs Retirement Home Inc. He rang the bell, and the first little pig appeared on the landing above. "What do you want?" asked the little pig. How to Improve Your Love Life with the Power of Feng Shui - Without Spending a Dime! FENG shui (say "fung shway") is the art of creating a home environment that supports the life you wish to live. A key element of feng shui is creating a smooth flow of chi (positive energy) through your space. Chi likes to move through your home as though it were a gentle breeze or a meandering stream. Where it is blocked, the energy becomes stagnant--like a pond choked with algae and fallen leaves. You are likely to feel blocked in life, and your energy and enthusiasm for matters of the heart will be low. Balancing and correcting the chi of your bedroom helps encourage and invigorate romance. Here are some quick and easy ways to improve your love life by improving the energy of your home: ![]() |
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