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Change How You Say It, Change Your Attractiveness
Language, whether it's emerging from our mind, our heart, orour lips, says a lot about ourselves. It tells others whatstate we're in at the time, actually where we are in ourlife, as well as how we dress our self, our body and oursoul. It also tells us what we will do now, what we did inthe past, and what we will do in the future. Yet, we are socomfortable with our own voice and too busy to hear itsvoice that negative expressions escape constantly. Doeswhat you say and how you say it count? U-betcha. For those of you that are a student with the laws ofattraction, also known as manifesting what you desire withthe power of energy, this is another way you can use the lawfor your benefit. Let me expound on this in the simplest ofways. What you say is how you are. There are usually many ways tosay what you say. Many ways will not attract, others will.Let's journey together on this with an example. Let's usean expression we tend to use more mindfully and lessexpressively, "I could care less." "I could care less," taken literally means "I care more thanI might seem to." You are saying that you do care some andthat isn't what you intended to mean which was not caring atall. The true way to state your feelings would be, "Icouldn't care less." It may sound harsher yet it's thetruth. It is important to be true to your words. Being true in your language is a vital step to being in aplace of truth in yourself and in the world. As a I child,my Dad drummed the expression into me, and probably you aswell, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't sayanything at all." Practicing the laws isn't about sugarcoating your feelings or your language. It's aboutexpressing them from your own truth. But what the sayingtells us that even though we can acknowledge this as ourtruth we don't have to express that truth verbally. Because we are so comfortable with our language that we havestopped hearing what we are saying 90% of the time. Theonly way to catch your language is to use this exercise. Here is a practice that will help you begin your journey inhow to uncover the truth to your language. It will alsochange your hearing process anytime you speak. Afterlistening consciously to your words, then and only then, canyou begin a strong path to attractiveness. Also, hearing andacknowledging what you said takes courage. Is it easy tolisten to yourself? Heck no. To me, my voice sounds likechalk squeaking on a blackboard. Focus on the outcome tomove past the squeal. The shift in attractiveness is wellworth the practice. Audio record your telephone conversations. Just your sideof the conversation. There isn't any country or state lawsthat affect you since they are one sided like there are inrecording two-way conversations or in-person conversations.And you don't have to ask the other person's permission. Extra tip: This is also a great way to improve yourmarketing and telephone skills as well. Listen to the recording. Listen for the incompletesentences, unfinished thoughts, and vocal expressiveness orflatness. Did you really say what you meant? What wasn'tsaid that you thought you said? What wasn't finished andyou thought it was? What words were slung together thatattracted the opposite of what you wanted? Extra tip: Tape record your conversations with yourchildren. We become so comfortable with those that we loveour language sabotages our relationships frequently.Especially with teenagers. Awareness and acknowledgment are the first two steps tochanging anything. We can't do either without hearing itfirst. And you can't change what you don't acknowledge.Attractive language allows you to walk a different paththrough life. Take the leap, find just enough courage topractice this exercise, it may be painful at times, but itwill rewrite your life and all those that touch it. (c) Copyright, Catherine Franz. All rights reserved. Catherine Franz is a Life and Business Coach and MasterPractitioner in the Laws of Attraction. Catherine guidesothers in finding the light of their own existence andwalking an attractive truth in their own lives.http://www.abundancecenter.com blog:http://abundance.blogs.com
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