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What Message Are You Sending Out?
A woman phoned me the other day to ask me about a product that someone else was selling. It was something she really wanted. She said that it was an excellent deal but wouldn't be able to afford it as she was having too many challenges in her life. She even mentioned she could see how it could make her money, but needed to make some money first. I am a believer that we connect with the people that we need to, whether it is for a minute or a lifetime as the other person can help or even remind us of a truth that we already know deep inside. For this woman it was "there is always away" and how you believe and communicate to your self will affect the out come of your life. I have heard many successful people say, if you take 2 identical men the same age, background and financial level and one says he can and the other says he can't, they are both right. So much of what we can and cannot do has a lot more to do with our belief systems and our attitudes than by our financial or life's challenges around us.Telling the universe that you want it to supply you with money, before you spend any is like looking at a woodstove and saying to it, "as soon as you give me heat, then I will give you wood." If you are doing this, you will have a long cold wait. This is one of the reasons that many people teach tithing. It is not about getting your money, (and yes, I am sure there are people who do want to get it, but I don't attract them into my life.) It is about teaching you one of the greatest prosperity secrets out there. However, it must be done with a loving heart and not with, well I'll try this, but it better work. If you are doing that, you are wasting your time and money. I am living proof that you can have many things go wrong, face challenge after challenge, and still come out a head.I kept a can do attitude through out all of my barriers and would repeat, there is always away. I have it up on my wall, because the message that I want to give myself is that nothing can stop me that I have made a commitment to achieve. Remember it is important to ask yourself, what message am I giving to myself AND is it a message that I want to give myself. If you don't like the answer, ask why am I saying this, what is my belief around this. If you find that it doesn't work, throw it out and replace it with a new message. One of the easiest ways to realize what you have been saying is to look around and notice what you have on some level attracted to yourself. This is not about any blame or judgments, it is about saying, if I don't like what is in my life then I need to communicate what I truly desire to be and have in my life. Words are very powerful. That is the good news and that is the bad news. All depending on how you use them. With words we can hurt, destroy, and spread hatred or we can build confidence, give encouragement, or even attract success happiness, and joy into our lives. One other poster I have on my wall says, "When you are thinking a thought, ask yourself... Would I be willing to have THIS thought manifest into solid form or real effect in my life in the next three minutes? If not, change your thoughts. All the Best! P.S. If you like what you're reading in here, you'll love, "Perceptions, How to discover what you are really seeing and how it affects your belief system." It's an interactive manual that takes you through the steps to help you overcome challenges in communicating and connecting with others.Perceptions-Understanding What you are Really Seeing.
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