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God Doesnt Say No...YOU Do!
There are a couple of things you've probably heard said overand over. The first is, "Why doesn't God answer myprayers?". What you'll generally hear next is the responsewhich goes something like, "God DOES answer your prayers.Sometimes he just says 'No'". The fact is, it's not God who says "No". In fact, God - theinfinite source of "All that Is", ONLY says "Yes"! God isthe ultimate "creation" mechanism. God responds PRECISELY toYOUR creative catalyst. So you say, "Well, I've been asking God for money, but hehasn't given it to me.". The answer lies in HOW you areasking! Remember that God - the Universe - responds in avery precise way! It's a matter of Quantum Physics! If yourprayer goes something like, "Dear God. I'm in trouble. Ihave no money. I can't pay any of the bills. I need money!",then THAT is what will be real for you. You WILL be introuble. You WILL have no money! You WON'T be able to paythe bills, and you WILL NEED MONEY. The Universe feeds back to you what you give it - and infact, amplifies it! If who you are "being" is a person with what we'll call"lack consciousness", then LACK will be your reality! Everythought you have about "not having" will be mirrored in yourexperience of reality. Do you desire wealth? Then BE wealthy first, and theUniverse will respond. The fact is, we are here for the express purpose of creatingour realities and living incredible lives. We are themanifestation of God's experience in the physical. God doesnot desire for us to live in lack, and in fact stronglydesires that we have everything we desire. It is WHY we havedesires in the first place! We are not only meant to haveour desires realized, but we have the ability to have themmanifest in our lives WHENEVER we want! However, our egos and limiting belief systems have distortedour power. We have made ourselves "small". We have createdthoughts about wealth and prosperity that make theminaccessible to us. Yet they are RIGHT THERE...waiting forus to experience them. God does not say, "No, you may not experience wealth." Godsays, "YES! EXPERIENCE EVERYTHING!". However the "mechanics"of reality creation require you to BELIEVE that you alreadyhave the things you desire. That's why it's so easy for somany people to experience "lack". It's easier for them tobelieve that they "can't have something" than it is for themto have everything they want because they have all thisexternal "evidence". The fact is, however, that it is justas "easy" to have either one. It is simply a matter of yourbelief. Your current experience is the PERFECT manifestation of yourcurrent belief system. It is the EFFECT, not the cause. YOUare the cause your experience. When you can integrate that,you can begin to create consciously from the inside out(which is the only way you CAN create). You can break out ofthe "loop" which has you believing that your externalcircumstances are causing your experience. You must understand that whatever your experience is rightnow, it is God (the Universe, All that Is) saying "YES" towhoever it is you are being, thinking, speaking, and acting. To create consciously you MUST "be", "think", "speak", and"act" that your desires are already fulfilled - and theyshall be. To the extent that you do these things, you willexperience the "yes" that you REALLY desire from God muchmore quickly. Sincerely, Bob Doyle is the CEO and founder of Boundless Living and thedeveloper of the "Wealth Beyond Reason" program, whichprovides a continuing education of the physics of wealth,abundance, and joyous living through the Law of Attraction.http://wealthbeyondreason.net
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Achieving Your Vision of Abundance How can we have more abundance in our lives? It begins by noticing the abundance that we already have. Blushing Blushing can be a curse. Blushers experience a range of effects, including loss of confidence and fear of meeting new people. Blushing is an interesting phenomenon, as there is no generally accepted psychological theory to explain it (although many theories have been put forward). Nevertheless, some of the characteristics of blushing have been clarified. Give The Wrong Words An Inch And They May Take A Mile! What do you do when circumstances seem out of control? What's the first thing you look for? Or Whom? What immediately runs through your mind? Do you yell? Do you curse? Do you go bow up your back like a porcupine getting ready for all out war? Intuition and Instinct, Our Friends Say the word 'intuition,' and some cringe. It sounds too new-age, too touchy-feely. Its close cousin instinct sounds animalistic. 10 Keys to Prosperity 1. Everyday, in everyway, bless the universe in as much ways as possible. Small ways. Ask the universe to help you figure out how you can bless the universe. The blessings will come back to you manifold, shower over you further opportunities to continue the grand celebration. Do it in true spirit as if you need nothing, treat yourself as if you are already a king who has everything. This will stabilize your consciousness in the attitude of abundance and having. This stabilization of consciousness is the only care you need to take. Rest will be arranged by law of nature. Adopt this attitude. Things will change fast. Build up the passion to bless this universe in as much ways as possible. How To Improve Your Life Instantly! Your mind power makes what you focus on happen. You create what you think about and then live in that experience. Your attention determines your destiny. You, Your Dream, Your Destination, and Your Life Introduction No Ifs, Ands Or Buts If we could choose right now, this moment, how we would live, Your Mind is a Battlefield Every person should enjoy life in abundance and prosperity, but unfortunately, too many of God's people are living way below their potential. So many have health issues, broken relationships, and/or no money in their bank account. Live Your Own Life Are you living your life, the way you want to live? Create a Climate for Success by Mastering Your Total Image - Part 2 In part 1 of this series, we discussed your Total Image and the first of several essential components ? Your Hidden Image. This month, we'll continue discussion your Total Image with the second component: Your Reputation. Law of Attraction Article: How to STOP Being a Person Nothing Works For Do you ever wonder why great things happen to some people but not to you? WAKE UP and Create Something It's time for the "mainstream" to WAKE UP. The alarm clockis ringing, they keep hitting snooze, and in the meantime,the life they could be living is passing them by. How To Step Into The Flow Of Abundance Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. ~ Luke 6:38 How To Make Your Dreams Come True Editors Note: Family Circle Interview (2003) with Dr. Wayne Dyer: Be Not Afraid, Ye of Midlife Millions of people face huge changes in their lives during the midlife years and most seem to be glad they made the changes, but only if they've faced their own longings for meaning with integrity. Midlife can be defined as anywhere from 35 to 60, but usually comes on around the mid-forties or later. It's built into our psyches, just as other developmental stages at other ages are pre-programmed. Not everyone will experience it as an apparent period of change, though. Some women, and men too, just sense a slight change of priorities, values and perhaps a slight adjustment of goals if they recognize their midlife dilemmas at all. If you're one of the ones that are turning your life upside down, be not afraid. Success, Opportunity, Carl, and Kenny G A couple of weeks ago I celebrated my anniversary by taking my wife to see one of her favorite musicians - Kenny G. How do I Know if Im Getting any of This Law of Attraction Stuff? This is a popular question people ask me. How do you know if I am mastering the art of Deliberate Attraction? Is there an advanced course I can take? My answer is always the same, "The application of this material into your daily life IS the advanced course!" To help you gauge where you're at in the mastery of Law of Attraction, I've compiled a list of seven sure-fire ways to tell if YOU are joining the thousands of people who really are mastering this stuff. How to Interpret Your Dreams As many different people there are on this planet, that is how many ways in which a dream can be interpreted. Why Do We Lack Character Our people have no character" is acknowledged universally, at home and abroad, in business and government circles, and in every sphere of administrative activity. Lack of character produces social imbalance and leads ultimately to national decline and disintegration. The malady has been eating up the vitals of our social life too fast to withstand an unexpected shock. ![]() |
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