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The 7 Phases of Change
Lose The Weight For Good With The Seven Phases of Change The process of losing weight requires change; in lifestyle, routines, and habitual choices. One of the primary reasons you've fail when attempting to lose weight is that you haven't planned for the phases of change you will experience as you begin the process of transforming their body. Let's do something about that. Join me in exploring the Seven Phases of Change, and take control of your weight for good! Phase One: Acknowledgement Phase one is about honesty. You must clearly define the habits that aren't working for you, and make a commitment to change. (For example, eating a pint of ice cream in front of the television will not help you reach your goal weight. Going for a walk with a friend will). Phase Two: Excitement and Skepticism In this phase you begin to believe that you just might be able to do this. You've identified your obstacles, and you've started to make some changes. This will feel great. Inevitably, your feelings of excitement will mingle with skepticism. After all, when you've spent years losing and gaining the same ten pounds, you can start to believe that they're going to be a permanent fixture in your life! Still, in this stage your excitement should outweigh your skepticism, and you will enjoy the process of starting to make changes in your life. Phase Three: Rebellion When you are in rebellion you will have a strong desire to break "the rules" of whatever program you've adopted. This could mean that instead of hitting the gym you hit your fridge with a vengeance; eating everything that isn't nailed down (or healthy). Admit it, you've done this before. The difference between people who succeed in losing weight vs. those who don't lives in this phase. Either you're going to move beyond the fact that you've just eaten 10,000 calories, and get back on the horse, or you're going to wallow in self hatred ? while you finish off a bag of chips. Put the chips down, and choose to get back on the horse! Phase Four: Education In Phase Four you decide that you will invest your time and energy in learning about why you do what you do, and how you can make permanent changes in your behavior. This requires education and self-inquiry. Find out why you're doing what you're doing, and identify what you need to address in order to make a permanent change. Phase Five: Anger and Questions While this phase can be uncomfortable, it is an incredibly important part of your journey. At this point you will connect with feelings of anger and disillusionment as you realize how simple it can be to develop healthy food and exercise habits. When this becomes clear, you're going to realize that you've been sold a bill of goods by the diet industry, and this is going to make you mad. Go ahead, allow yourself a moment or two to feel frustrated. Then, get over it. Nothing productive will come from you finger pointing, marinating in resentment, or feeling sorry for yourself. You are in charge now, and that means you can begin using your newfound knowledge to create new results in your life. In fact, you can use your anger to spur you on! Phase Six: I'm Free! Your feelings of freedom will bring you great joy, as well as some grief, in phase six. When you recognize that you have successfully made a life change, you will feel a sense of freedom unlike anything you have ever experienced before. Your joy will be overwhelming. At the same time, it's normal for you to experience simultaneous feelings of grief. After all, the changes you've made will materially impact the relationship you have shared with one of your most trusted friends; food. After all, food has been a constant and predictable form of security and sustenance in your life. When you realize that you cannot rely on eating to meet your emotional needs any longer, it is normal for you to feel a bit sad. Allow yourself to process those feelings. Then, refocus on your freedom and joy! Phase Seven: Conditioning Finally, your cycle concludes with your commitment to stay on course. Turn your new behaviors into trusted habits, and you will embrace a lifetime of health, fitness, and energy. Enjoy! This material is excerpted from Life Fitness for Weight Loss; Break the Yo-Yo Diet Cycle! Authors, Kimberly Fulcher and Dr. Shawn Byler are professional coaches and lifestyle experts, working in association with Compass Life and Business Designs, an on-line community for women that provides coaching programs and products. Visit http://www.compasslifedesigns.com for more information, and join an inspiring community of women for FREE. To receive a free Life Fitness eBook, visit http://www.compasslifedesigns.com/coachprograms/lifefitness_weightloss.html
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Rejuvenation and the Protein Revolution Rejuvenation and the Protein Revolution in Your KitchenŠ2003 Marilyn Diamond Weight Loss And Nutrition Myths ? What You Need To Know! Part 1 MYTH: Fad diets work for permanent weight loss. Take The Die out Of Dieting - Tips For Stress Free Weight Loss Not so resolved on that "New Year's Resolution" to be in shape this year? Not quite in the body that you wanted to spend this summer in? Are you sick of counting carb grams and worrying about all of the foods that you "can't eat" ? If You are tired of losing the same weight over and over, and feeling like a failure because your last "diet" didn't work, try these tips to not only lose weight, but lose it for good. I have watched hundreds of clients over the years and almost without exception, those that lose their weight once and for all have mastered these tips and made their weight loss Stress Free Fast Weight Loss Using Herbs And Spices I wonder how much it is generally known that the benefits of using herbs and spices can speed up your weight loss efforts, by quite a considerable amount actually. At The Dinner Table This Article was originally Published in The July 2004 Issue of The ZoneNet Newsletter How To Measure Body Fat When it all comes down to losing or gaining weight, most people turn to the scales to determine how much they should lose or gain to have the weight or the shape that they desire. The Band Fill--Adjusting Your LapBand A fill is nothing to be worried about. The actual procedure takes only about 15 minutes. In the majority of cases doctors now do fills under fluoroscopy, or x-ray, so they can see the port and how the band looks. Personal Space: Life After Lap-Band Surgery Have I become invisible or are people just aiming right at me? It seems to me that in a crowd these days, whether at the grocery store or 5th Avenue in New York City, people will walk right into me if I don't step out of the way. Or they stand so close to me I have to step backward in order to breathe. Dieting? Upgrading Your Non-Conscious ? Part 1 Visualizing and Declarations are today's topics. The Calorie Formula -understand Them and Lose Them We have all heard of those new diets, Atkins, low carb, high protein etc. Some of us have tried them with good results. There's no doubt about that they work. Gastric Bypass Surgery - Is It Right For You? When we hear all the success stories of the gastric bypass, it sounds so easy. One pricey operation and the pounds just fly off! Right? Not quite. Gastric bypass surgery is only advised to those who are morbidly obese ? this is someone with a body mass index greater then 40 and men and women between 80-100 pounds their ideal body weight. Aerobics Imposters In health clubs, they run classes that call themselves "aerobics". As you will come to see, they are neither aerobic, nor are they the best way to lose the excess fat. The main thing they accomplish for you is losing weight from your wallet. Foods That Help Burn Fat Foods that are high in fiber and protein are the best kinds of food to consume if you want to burn fat around your waistline and tone your abs. No Thanks, Sweety: Im Losing Weight Dealing with your sweet-tooth can be one of the greatest challenges to a successful weight loss or fat loss battle. 3 Secrets Your Diet Book Wont Tell You Are you wondering why you're not losing weight? If you're like me, you've tried every fad diet imaginable, and nothing seems to work ? at least not long-term. I've personally tried Weight Watchers (that worked great until my schedule changed and I was no longer able to attend meetings), Atkins (not easy to follow for someone who travels a lot and loves to dine out), and crazy fad diets like the cabbage soup diet, the grapefruit diet, juice fasts, and countless others. I was hungry all the time, and I wasn't able to sustain any substantial weight loss because there are three secrets that NONE of those diets told me. Heel Pain and Obesity: The Chicken or the Egg? A new survey has found that heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis, a problem affecting almost a third of people who are overweight, often limits exercise and therefore makes it difficult for people to lose weight. The survey of 381 adult Americans, conducted by Heeling Solutions LLC, (www.heelingsolutions.com) found that 90% of people with heel pain who exercise at least 1 to 2 times per week report that heel pain limits their physical activity. The survey also found that 69% of people reporting heel pain were interested in losing weight, as compared to 58% of the general public. Changing Our Eating Behaviour Changing our eating behaviour is one of the critical lifestyle changes necessary if we are going to successfully lose weight and keep it off. Whats Wrong With Dr. Phils Food Plan? I really like Dr. Phil, so I wanted to like his new book on weight loss. And I do like some of it, however, there's a big problem with the chapter on what to eat. Dr. Phil proposes exactly the same eating plan for everyone. This will NOT work! If You Dont Track Your Diet? You Are Wasting Your Time Frankly, I'm puzzled whenever I hear this from somebody who's frustrated with their lack of gains: Why Isnt My Diet Working? Have you been on a new diet for a couple of weeks and found that you STILL can't lose weight? Have you actually GAINED a pound or two since you've been on it? Are you just about ready to throw this diet out the window and try something else? Well, hold on a minute. There might be something else going on that's preventing your diet from working. ![]() |
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