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Types of Web Site Hosting
First of all we must determine the meaning of the word "hosting". So,what is hosting? Hosting origins from the word "host" which has different meanings thatare familiar to you. Hosting means providing place for your website onthe web hosting company's servers and makes it viewable in the Internetand floating it. Why can you once need hosting? Imagine that you have created a website and now you are wondering howyour friends and acquaintances can see it. You place it in yourpersonal computer, but then you come to know that it's dangerous foryour computer's safety and needs permanent Internet connection. So itcauses a lot of inconveniences for you. To avoid them there is web sitehosting. There are different kinds of web site hosting. Let's have a good lookat them: Free Shared hosting If you want to host some non-profit-making or your personal web siteit'd be more profitable to use basic shared hosting for no fee. Thistype of web site hosting is a rather logical choice if you are a juniorin web site building or if you want to try some new idea and don't wantto pay. But of course you don't have to suppose it to grant your sitethe best conditions, such as proper bandwidth and disk space. Someother features can also be limited, I mean MySQL, PHP support. It oftenalso provides poor web statistics. Paid Shared hosting Almost all small businesses, intermediate and large professional sitesuse shared hosting, 'cause they don't need the whole server's space andbesides the whole server costs much. With shared/virtual hosting suchnecessary features, as multiply e-mail, MySQl, PHP, are supported. Themain disadvantage is decrease of your site's security. Dedicated hosting /Server This type of hosting is the best choice for those, who need muchstorage and bandwidth, and are good in server administration. You'll beable to use all necessary software, but if you don't have enoughknowledge to administrate your server it will be a little bit difficultfor you. Co-location It's a sub type of dedicated hosting and can be compared with your ownhouse which was built specially for you, with your favorite furnitureand all. It's built on your hoster's (ISP) ground. This service isimplied to fulfill only your tasks and is designed for your needsalone. And it's cost is correspondingly high. VDS/ VPS Virtual private server is a type of web site hosting that is based ondividing a physical server into several virtual ones. It costs lessthough gives same possibilities as Dedicated server. Now, when we'veexamined different types of hosting services, you can decide which typeof hosting is the most suitable for you. More hosting articles you can also find here http://www.web-site-hosting-reviews.com and http://www.web-hosting-review.net. Webmasterand articles editor of hosting reviews sites http://www.web-site-hosting-reviews.comand http://www.web-hosting-review.net
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Linux Servers: Do You Understand the Difference? First of all, some people are worried that they will not be able to use Linux hosting because they run Windows on their PCs. However, what operating system you run on your own PC is irrelevant to which web hosting environment you can use, because the latter is run remotely on a web server, where your website files will be uploaded. Unlimited Wealth Creation Through Reseller Hosting Web hosting can be an exciting business start up for aspiring entrepreneurs. All you have to do to set up your business is become a hosting reseller, i.e., provide hosting facilities to website owners. Here as a business owner, you are buying space from a big hosting company, and redistributing the hosting space to other website owners. Hosting Your Way All The Way To The Bank Let's face it, the Internet is here for good. Today's Internetreminds me of the California gold rush. There is a tonof moeny and opportunities to be made by everyone who wishes to participate in this modern day gold rush. Most peoplehave been drawn to the Internet, because of the abilityto leverage their time and make money even while they aresleeping. Which makes it an even better opportunity than thegold rush! How to Choose the Web Site Hosting Service thats Right for You There are few things as critical to your e-business success as having a reliable web hosting service ... Types of Web Site Hosting First of all we must determine the meaning of the word "hosting". Web Hosting - How To Choose The Right Provider For You Thousands of companies, tens of thousands of different plans and only a few of them are really suitable for your web site and for your online needs.This is what you are confronted with when choosing a web-hosting provider. How to Know When It is Time for Your Website to Move On to Dedicated Servers Knowing when it is time to move onto a dedicated server includes many variables and requires you to answer a variety of questions. While dedicated servers are great because only you and your business will be using them, they are expensive and require someone to manage them, which costs more money. Evaluate if you have all of the elements required for a dedicated server before making plans to move onto one. Below are several things you should consider first. Top 6 Ways to Promote Your Web Hosting Business Part 1 Promoting a new company in the crowded industry of web hosting today is really hard. There are many tactics that work well and are legitimate, and you can use them to promote your company using them. How to Choose a Web Hosting Company? Nowadays, anybody can afford to order a feature-packed web hosting plan for next to nothing; however, affordable price is not the only criterion which should be considered when purchasing web hosting services. In this article, I'll explain the basics of what you should look for in choosing a web hosting company, not just concentrating on the best price and features, but also on reliability and honesty. You're investing your money and effort into finding paying customers and you wouldn't like to lose them in order to save a few dollars per month on a web hosting service. What Some Web Hosts Dont Want You To Know Many start-up web hosts in their desperate attempt to get hosting business from you have plenty to hide. Here are some of the things they will never tell you. For some start-up web hosts, service does not exist. Low cost or budget web hosting services are the ones most likely to fall under this category. Some will not provide any information about their service while others will proudly announce that they provide 24/7 service. This is quite often not true. The ?Website? CHECKLIST : Domains, Hosting, Web Design This article is meant to all who already have a website or who propose to buy it. Website ? the term comprises three things : Domain, Hosting (Web space) & Web Design Switching Web Host Moving a web site to a new host is not as difficult as you may think. If you follow the tips below carefully you should be fine and have your site up in no time at all. How To Choose A Web Host That Meets Your Needs One of the most difficult choices you have to make when starting an online business is to choose the web host that meets your needs and budget. Throw in the search term "web hosting" into major search engines and you will see what I mean. There are countless web hosting providers out there offering great packages, and you will probably go crazy going through every one of them finding the real deal. Website Sitebuilders: Easy to use Website builders Come with a Price Professional web designers don't come cheap. A good web designer can easily charge you $1000 or more for a five page website. This high cost leads many people to tackle web design for themselves. How hard can it be? Get yourself an HTML editor, throw up a website and voila! Your website is live right? Wrong! There is a lot of knowledge you need to develop before you can get your self made website onto the internet. Cheap Internet Hosting, Business Web Hosting - Choosing The Right Web Host Package With literally hundreds of web hosting providers competing for your business, it may be confusing to find the one that's right for your web site. A few key considerations can help you narrow down your choices to the most affordable and best options to meet your personal, professional or business web page needs. Transferring Your Existing Website to a New Hosting Provider You've already got a website, but your current hosting provider can no longer meet your needs, provide adequate service, costs too much, or is going out of business. You need to move your website to a new host. How do you do this? This situation arises all the time, but many people don't know where to begin. This guide is designed to help you understand what is involved in a hosting transfer so that you can transition from one host to another as smoothly as possible. The 2 Sides of Reseller Web Hosting In the first case the customer is really looking for a large shared hosting plan that allows multiple domains. More frequently in the industry you see the term "Multi-Domain account" to refer to these plans. These customers can be webmasters with a network of websites, web designers, or a company that wants separate websites for their different brands. Most people doing business on the internet have more then 1 website. Hosting companies have recently taken notice to this and started offering "multiple domain" accounts. Before customers were left with the choice of a full blown Reseller plan, dedicated server, or multiple hosting accounts. 4 Critical Things To Look Out For In A Web Hosting Service 1. The reputation of the web hosting company. How to Find a Dependable Web Host Your new website is ready to upload, and now you need a web host. Or perhaps you already have a web host, but uptime and support are lacking. Of the thousands of web hosts to choose from, how do you find one that you can depend on? Know what can go wrong and what to watch out for, and research prospective web hosts carefully. Best Web Hosting Company - Find The Most Affordable Host If you're creating a community web site or a business web site, one of the first things on your agenda will be finding good, dependable, affordable web hosting for your site. In most cases, a free hosting service isn't going to work. You'll quickly discover that there's a wide range of prices in what's considered affordable, and in what services come with your web hosting package. ![]() |
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