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Do You want to Live on Macaroni and Cheese when You Retire or Filet Mignon?
How Much Money Will I Need to Earn to Retire? This is the most common concern of people who are contemplating retirement. While most financial planners would tell you that you need to earn as much in retirement as you did while you were working, this isn't always the case. Much of this depends on your lifestyle. If you own your house and it is debt-free, you often need less income than a retiree who is renting. If you want to travel and see the world, you will need more income. If you do not plan on leading a very active social life in retirement, often you will need less income. If you want to set up education trusts for your grandchildren, you will need more income. If you are flexible enough to consider living in Mexico, you will need less income. If you plan on working part-time or run a business after you retire, you will need less income. By the way, I have never met a retiree yet who has told me that they had too much money when they retired! The big trade-off for saving for retirement is that often you are giving up quality of life now to insure quality of life in the future. I know some people who are so obsessed with saving for the future that they are not really enjoying life in the now moment. On the other hand, I know many more people who are not preparing at all for the future and they may not be living very well at all when they retire. Excerpted from Transform YOUR Relationship with Money: A Step-by-Step Guide for Financial Empowerment. For more information about this guide, please check out my web site located at http://TransformYourRelationshipWithMoney.com Bill Austin is a spiritual healer and teacher based in St Petersburg FL. He has assisted hundreds of people around the world in gaining the clarity they need to realize more of their full potential. To find out more about his healing practice, please check out his web site at http://www.HealingHolograms.com
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Real Estate Stories that Show You How! Let's begin easing you out of the pits. I mean, comfort zone! I'm going to slowly and methodically give you as many little sparks and insights to the relatively simple ways that ordinary people use real estate to achieve extraordinary results. Money Myths Of The Poor From tender age, we were exposed to myths about money and myths of being rich. Be it from our parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, or friends. The myths that we have determine our financial well being in our adult lives. Financial Freedom, Is It Only A Dream or Just Steps Away? Almost all of us go to work everyday and do the same routine over and over again. We work so hard until we caught up in the routines for years. With the salary that we earn every day, we try to pay all of our bills. We always expect to get a higher salary, getting promotion or our business running better so we can earn more money. But we do not realize that when we get more income, we also have spent more money on our needs. After we work for two, five, or even ten years we just realize that we have been in the rat race of our financial troubles. WARNING: The Biggest Lie About Compound Interest Have you wondered why financial experts only tell you certain things about building wealth? Do you think its in their best interest to tell you the absolute truth? Turn Your Job Loss Into the Opportunity of a Lifetime There are few things in life that are more stressful than the loss of a job. You may think that the loss of your steady paycheck puts financial freedom that much further off, but nothing can be further from the truth. Stop Losing Thousands of Dollars Every Day: Six Tips For Creating Wealth We all go to school for about twelve years, kindergarten through high school. Some of us go to college and then graduate school. Personally, I went to school for three years beyond college with law school and took financial courses after that was over. In all of that time, economics courses, accounting courses and even tax courses, no course or school ever covered what we are going to talk about. Dont Leave Your Financial Success To Chance Recently I was reading a book called The Millionaire Mind. The book offers an intriguing look into the minds of those that have attained over one million dollars in net worth (there's far more to it then this, but I won't get that in depth for the purposes of this commentary)... Does the Moon Have Covers? Recently, one late winter night, my four-year old son and I counted stars with one another. After a few minutes, he pointed to the bright moon and asked, "Why doesn't the moon have covers?" Ben Franklin Didnt Quite Get it Right When Ben Franklin said "a penny saved is a penny earned", he didn't quite get it right. Actually, a penny saved is worth more than a penny earned. Do you find this statement shocking? I am about to prove to you that what I'm saying is true. Who Wants To be A Millionaire? How many people search Google, Yahoo and MSN each day for the terms - make fast money online, get rich quick, or make money online? Or how about Who wants to be a millionaire? Business After The Iraqi War The rewarding of high compensation packages to top executives who turned over weak quarterly earnings, or who were involved in corporate scandals, adversely affected short-term investing, and collectively contributed to the downturn of the global economy over the last couple of years. Even the help and expertise of Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and several notable Nobel Prize winning economists in the President's Council of Economic Advisers, wasn't enough to revive the economy. September 11 then turned our attention towards terrorist threats against the markets. How to Make More Money When I was a student in London, I had a part-time job working in a new-age bookshop near Camden Town. One day, Robert Plant, the lead singer for Led Zeppelin, came into the shop and walked up to the owner. The Underlying Belief System Many of us do not consider the underlying belief system about money to be of any importance. You think it does not matter, because what matters is what you do now. Right, at one level, but not complete. All ideas that we have learned about money in the past are colouring our actions today. The Mathematical Formula For Making Money No matter what markets you serve; what products you sell; or what marketing tools you use, in business there's one truth you cannot escape. Investment Techniques For Creating Passive Income There are many wealth creation strategies and investment techniques available to those who are looking to create a passive income. These fall into three main categories. Running a business, investing in property and investing in the share market. Although there are many options in each of these areas, finding the right wealth creation strategy for you is not that hard. Super-charge Your Dream of Retiring Rich with the Roth 401K! This retirement account is so new and unique that you may not have heard of it. For additional reasons, I describe in my home study course, corporate insiders may not want to offer it to corporate employees. This is because some executives only consider their employees canon fodder. The One Important Secret of Making More Money Easily If you're reading this article, it means you are a person who wants to make more money in life. Wealth Secrets: Saving Your Way to a Fortune SCENE 1: Pharaoh has just woken up from a very troubling dream and feels he must know the interpretation. Joseph gets called in and explains that there will be seven years of plenty and seven years of famine. The famine will be so bad that it will be as if there were no seven years of plenty. The Parthenon Principle Have you seen a picture of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece? I will never forget walking up to the massive granite ruins. The size and power still remaining in a building constructed 2500 years ago is overwhelming! Do You want to Live on Macaroni and Cheese when You Retire or Filet Mignon? How Much Money Will I Need to Earn to Retire? ![]() |
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