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9 Business Time Management Skills You Need To Succeed
Do you have plenty to do, but don't have enough time to do it all in? These days it appears there is a mad scramble to accomplish more in a shorter amount of time. As a business owner, there will be times that you feel overwhelmed with tasks you want to accomplish, but seem to never have enough time to complete everything. Here you will find 9 time management suggestions which will in turn help you accomplish tasks more efficiently and give you a chance to open up more opportunities to do the things you'd rather be doing. 1) Create A To Do List ? Having a well plotted "To Do List" will keep you focused on the tasks that need attention and will help you from straying away from the things you want or need to accomplish. 2) Prioritize Your To Do List ? If you have a "To Do" list that contains several tasks, it is wise to separate the items that must be done now from the ones that hold lesser importance. Tasks with a deadline should be first on your priority list. 3) Spend Time Planning ? Using your time to plan and think ahead is time spent wisely. Having a clear direction where you want your business to be in a few years down the road will allow you to spend your precious time and money more effectively and efficiently. It has been said, that if you do not plan, then you are planning to fail. 4) Create Goals For Yourself ? Without goals your life would have no direction. When setting goals be sure to create ones that are specific, achievable, realistic and at the same time cause you to reach beyond your comfort zone so that you gain the ability to reach those goals that are more difficult to obtain than others. 5) Overcome Procrastination ? Many people put off things that they don't want to do until the very last minute. One way to overcome procrastination is to work on tasks just a little bit at a time or for only a set time period rather than for long time periods all at once. This way you are still getting your important tasks done, but just at a slower rate. 6) Eliminate Important Tasks First ? Check off on your "To Do" list as to which tasks out rank others as far as importance is concerned. By doing this you will not get side tracked or find yourself in a deadline rush to get the items with greater rewards finished on time. Once the important tasks are completed then you should move onto the less important items on your list. 7) Nobody's Perfect ? Doing a job well to the best of your abilities is a practice of honorable measures. By spending the time to try and be perfect at everything you do is not time well spent because the time you do spend could be used at accomplishing other important tasks. Although, some things do need to be close to perfect, but not all. 8) Be Flexible ? Plan your time so that if there are distractions or emergencies to attend to, you won't find yourself in a situation where you must delay the completion of important tasks, but can attend to the distraction and still keep on schedule. 9) Treat Yourself ? To make life happier and healthier for oneself, it is important that you take time away from your work to just have some fun. If all you do is work, work, work, then accomplishing the goals you have set for yourself will have little meaning and you risk mental burnout. Taking time out to have fun is also necessary to relieve yourself from the many stresses that life has to offer. Dan Preston has been in the ebook business for over 3 years and has enjoyed every moment of it. His website InfoHeaven Digital Books offers a variety of ebooks big enough to answer almost anyone's how-to questions. http://online-book-store.net
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Top Ten Motivators Setting goals is the easy part -- but sticking with them over the long run can be a major challenge! Some people think that motivation requires will-power and dedication. Actually, staying motivated is all about setting up an environment that is conducive to you accomplishing your goals. Here are ten "tricks" for giving your goals staying power past January 31st: Sharpen The Saw Sometime ago, my lovely wife woke me up in the middle of the night and said, 'Dayo, you know what? I feel neglected.' I was speechless. She then went on to say that for sometime now I have been spending more time on my work to the detriment of the family. She further explained that I put all my energies into a high drive for achievement and career success. To be honest she was right. House Cleaning - Three Ways To Finding The Time It's always a challenge finding time to clean my house. Seems the hours, days and weeks just fly by, so much to do, so little time. Here are three ways to fit in your house cleaning. Ending Procrastination: A New Look at the Old Demon Do you believe that the best way to deal with procrastination is to "get tough" with yourself and "just do it?" Many people take this approach. What's behind it is the sense that procrastination is essentially a character flaw, a weakness, and that the only way to deal with it is to muscle past it through sheer will. But the truth is, there's a more effective way to approach it that also happens to be much more self- respectful. Time Management Does it ever feel like there is never enough time in the day? Are you always rushing? Do you feel stressed at the end of the day? Do you believe that you are not accomplishing what you hoped? Better time management may be the answer. Time Management Lessons from a 3 Year Old Zak is my three-year old godson. He is the apple of my eye along with his sisters Carley and Brenna. I was watching him the other day as he was preparing to assume a self-proclaimed role of 'Master of the Universe' while playing a game with some of his friends. I marveled at how prepared he was and how his plan included alternatives if there were any 'problems' in the scheme of things. He was, in fact, more focused on achieving his goal than just about anyone I've ever seen. Creating A Not-To-Do List When I sit down with a client to work on prioritizing and delegating, the biggest challenge we face is deciding what kinds of activities and responsibilities to give up. Quite often, we get so entrenched in what we think we SHOULD be doing, that we forget to pay attention to what we ENJOY doing. So when it comes time to let go of the boring, tedious, and time-consuming tasks that eat up our day, we have a struggle trying to identify them. Todays Overload: Tommorrow Whatever providence has in store for us tomorrow is not meant for us until tomorrow. It is foolish to burden ourselves today with cares and concerns that belong to another day. Today's challenges are sufficient for today and it behooves us to refrain from creating problems for tomorrow and then adding our creations to those of today. Work at Home Moms: Time Management Tips "How do you DO it?!" If I had a dime for every time I heard that, I would be able to quit my home business. Time Management: Eliminate Time Killers to Gain More Hours Every Day There are two types of time killers in everyone's life. Unless you deal with both, you'll lose productive time every single day and be a lot less effective than you could be. Time Management is Life Management Many of the clients I work with in success coaching can relate to the following example. Time Management? NO! Many people want to be coached to manage their time better. I say NO! to that. You cannot manage time anyway; it just keeps ticking away no matter what you do. Emergency Living There are times, when I am driving in my car being passed by so many other cars speeding along, that I could swear there is an emergency somewhere and I wasn't invited. It seems everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere. The other day I was sitting at a red light, the light turned green and the car in front of me sped away. At the next traffic light the same car was sitting in front of me and, when the light turned green, off the car sped. This went on for three lights. I must say that I was rather amused that this speed demon only seemed to be speeding to a red light, and wasn't getting any further along than I was. In life, this same phenomenon can happen. Going faster doesn't mean we will get where we are going any sooner. We just burn more energy, or gas if we are in the car, than we would if we went at a much safer speed. Nurturing Your Soul Number Yourself: Count yourself as an important individual. You are important. You need to be counted and acknowledged especially when you are helping others. One way that you can do this is by taking proper care of your self (having enough sleep, food, exercise and relaxation). Then you will have enough energy to help others and live the rest of your busy life. Sounds too basic? It's supposed to be. It's the basics that hold daily life together. Self Improvement and Prioritising The ability to be able to set priorities and deal with our most important tasks first is an essential skill for self improvement and achieving results. We are all busy and there are many demands on our time and it is very easy to be distracted by other people and events. We may feel we have so many things to do that we don't know even where to start. Simple Strategies for Home Based Business Owners to Reduce Stress and be More Satisfied Handle small emergencies fast: When a small emergency does pop up being prepared with a home medicine kit will come in handy. Make sure to have one in your car and one in the home and look through them twice a year to make sure they are up to date and have been restocked. Use this same twice-yearly update to change the batteries in your smoke detectors and to put fresh batteries in all of your flash lights. Have a special box where you store a few extra batteries, a new flashlight, some storm candles and some lamp oil for an oil lamp in case of a severe storm or power outage. Just putting these emergency kits together will give you peace of mind and when you need them you won't have to rush around hunting for supplies you will know right where to find everything you need. Time Management Is Key Having a home based business can be overwhelming. When you work at home, there is a lot to do for both your home based business, your home and you family. The key to making a home based business work is managing your time wisely. When you work at home, other tasks can interfere with what you want to accomplish, so it is important to keep in mind the goals of your home based business. 7 Tips for Being Your Best Time Master It is not enough if you are busy. The question is, "What are you busy about?" - Henry David Thoreau Reading -- 10 Ways to Find The Time Why Read? Keeping Time What keeping time really means is...being on time! ![]() |
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