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Time Management: Eliminate Time Killers to Gain More Hours Every Day
There are two types of time killers in everyone's life. Unless you deal with both, you'll lose productive time every single day and be a lot less effective than you could be. Some time killers are more of less common to most people. This article will tell you more about how to deal with them. Apart from that, there are also other time killers that are highly specific to each individual. They have to do with your habits, personality and working style. To eliminate such time wasters, the first and most essential step is to be a keen observer of how you spend your time. Once you have a handle on what specific habits or situations are robbing you of your time, you'll be better positioned to deal with those issues. And deal with them you must, if you want to be more productive. Before you do that, let's look at six common problems that waste mammoth amounts of time and what you can do about them. Time killer #1: Phone calls Someone said that the telephone may be the most misused of all modern conveniences! Phones turn out to be time wasters instead of time savers because they're incorrectly used. Where do we go wrong in using phones? Do you make the mistake of not starting a phone conversation correctly? When you telephone someone, you should straightaway identify yourself and ask for the person you want to speak to. Instead, if you get into a "who is speaking" routine, you waste valuable time even before the conversation has begun. The other big issue is how long you chat on the phone. Phone conversations are best kept brief. Going on and on over the phone not only wastes time, but may also prevent someone else from reaching one of you with an urgent message. Now that mobile phones are ubiquitous, a whole new range of phone usage problems have sprung up. If you answer a mobile phone while you are in a meeting with someone is obviously an irritant to that person. Unfortunately, most people give the person calling more importance than the person they are with, which is extremely bad etiquette. If you must have a lengthy conversation on your mobile phone, at least excuse yourself and leave so that the other person is not left hanging while you chat and giggle on the phone. Time killer #2: Machines that don't work well In many organizations, this is a bigger time killer than many people realize. Examples: A photocopier that takes a long time to produce the first copy, a desk drawer that gets stuck all the time, a door knob that won't open the door till you jiggle it several times and so on. Until such machinery is either repaired or replaced, it will continue to waste time and lower productivity. Time killer #3: The endless talkers We all know people who are in love with their own voices. They lose all sense of time once they start talking! In the process, they can easily waste hours of your time as well. The best way to deal with such folks is to avoid them in the first place. That's much better than requesting them to shut up! Ask your secretary to divert their calls, or use caller ID to do the same thing. But make no mistake -- they are serious time killers and you need to deal with them appropriately. Time killer #4: Traffic jams This one's a huge problem in most cities. Calculate the amount of time you spend each day in traffic jams, multiply that by the number of work days in a year and prepare to be astonished at the colossal waste of your productive time. One solution is to leave an hour early. Of course, that still kills your time, although it does help you avoid being late. Where possible, walk to work, or take the metro part of the way and walk the rest of the distance. You'll probably get there faster. Plus, you'll be in better health too. Another approach is to use the time you're caught in the traffic to do something constructive. Like listen to a CD on self development or on a professional topic. That way, at least you get something useful out of the time that would otherwise be lost. Time killer #5: Queues These days, you can use the internet or the telephone to eliminate much of the need to stand in queue, whether it's for booking tickets, doing a routine banking transaction, etc. Where possible, utilize those options, because they save you considerable time. Time killer #6: Meetings Meetings are supposed to boost productivity. Unfortunately, in most cases, they tend to lower it. This happens largely because of bad planning. Take the time to prepare a crystal clear agenda for the meeting, including what outcomes you're looking for. Then communicate that to all meeting participants in advance. Just this one step will go a long way to converting meetings into productive activities instead of time killers. Deal constructively with these time killers as well as others that are unique to your situation. And you'll discover that you're adding hours to your day and getting more done in less time than ever before. Burt Carlson is a top corporate executive whose passion is helping people get more out of life by managing their time better. He has written articles on time management dealing with getting organized at work, developing sustained self motivation and many other related topics.
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Emergency Living There are times, when I am driving in my car being passed by so many other cars speeding along, that I could swear there is an emergency somewhere and I wasn't invited. It seems everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere. The other day I was sitting at a red light, the light turned green and the car in front of me sped away. At the next traffic light the same car was sitting in front of me and, when the light turned green, off the car sped. This went on for three lights. I must say that I was rather amused that this speed demon only seemed to be speeding to a red light, and wasn't getting any further along than I was. In life, this same phenomenon can happen. Going faster doesn't mean we will get where we are going any sooner. We just burn more energy, or gas if we are in the car, than we would if we went at a much safer speed. The Laundry Has Never Been More Fun Or The Pitfalls To Working At Home As a home-based, self-employed woman, mundane tasks can be as compelling to me as chocolate. Laundry. Dishes. Email. Try as I might to stay focused on running my business, at times, these uninspiring tasks beckon to me as a moth to a flame. House Cleaning - Three Ways To Finding The Time It's always a challenge finding time to clean my house. Seems the hours, days and weeks just fly by, so much to do, so little time. Here are three ways to fit in your house cleaning. How to Minimize Trips to the Grocery Store Still awaiting the birth of my baby (I am overdue), it is increasingly a challenge to go grocery shopping. Thank goodness I have wonderful friends and neighbors who offer to go for me. Time Management Lessons from a 3 Year Old Zak is my three-year old godson. He is the apple of my eye along with his sisters Carley and Brenna. I was watching him the other day as he was preparing to assume a self-proclaimed role of 'Master of the Universe' while playing a game with some of his friends. I marveled at how prepared he was and how his plan included alternatives if there were any 'problems' in the scheme of things. He was, in fact, more focused on achieving his goal than just about anyone I've ever seen. Prioritize Your Life for Success Today, it is hard to open an e-mail newsletter, a website, or an offline magazine and not see someone talking up the importance of time management. If Only Your Brain Was the Size Of That Of an Ant You Could Easily Implement Habits A year and a half ago I was introduced to something called Swarming or Swarm intelligence. Self Improvement and Prioritising The ability to be able to set priorities and deal with our most important tasks first is an essential skill for self improvement and achieving results. We are all busy and there are many demands on our time and it is very easy to be distracted by other people and events. We may feel we have so many things to do that we don't know even where to start. Time is on Your Side ? Manage it Wisely How do you manage your time? Or is the more appropriate question do you wish you had better time management skills? I have clients and friends who rely on everything from legal pads to brightly colored sticky notepads to manage their time and appointments ? practically everything in their life. I don't understand why some folks place so little importance on something as important as time management! Perfekt! Are you obsessed with getting everything just right? Do you do everything yourself because no one else can do it as well as you can? Do you believe that everything you do has to be absolutely perfect? Although striving for excellence is a good thing to do, demanding perfection in everything you do is not. Simple Strategies for Home Based Business Owners to Reduce Stress and be More Satisfied Handle small emergencies fast: When a small emergency does pop up being prepared with a home medicine kit will come in handy. Make sure to have one in your car and one in the home and look through them twice a year to make sure they are up to date and have been restocked. Use this same twice-yearly update to change the batteries in your smoke detectors and to put fresh batteries in all of your flash lights. Have a special box where you store a few extra batteries, a new flashlight, some storm candles and some lamp oil for an oil lamp in case of a severe storm or power outage. Just putting these emergency kits together will give you peace of mind and when you need them you won't have to rush around hunting for supplies you will know right where to find everything you need. Spend Less Time at Work and Get More Done Sounds too good to be true? What Are You Thinking? What would be your reaction if someone said to you "In the next 24 hours you will be given $10,000 for every chair you sell like the one you are sitting on right now?" File It: Boost Your Productivity in Only 15 Minutes Per Week Despite the best of intentions, most of us don't use good information management practices ? simple filing systems which enable us to keep track of our projects and resources. The mountain of paperwork piles up on top of us like an avalanche, and beyond that, there are PC files, emails and SMS to manage. Not many organisations have standard practices for information management and organising, sorting and systemising information is not something most of us have ever been taught how to do ? so it's hardly surprising that we struggle to find order among the chaos. Far from being a nuisance administrative task, effective information management is essential to your efficiency and productivity. Introducing simple systems and investing just 15 minutes per week can put you in control of your information and help you to become more efficient and productive. How Much Is Poor Time Management Costing You? * If you were paying you to prioritise emails over coaching your team, would you feel you were getting a good return on your investment? Schedule Time for Interruption One of the most challenging situations people face when planning their day is how to stick to their schedule when they are constantly being interrupted. Just when your activities are organized, someone else's emergency seems to get in the way. A client has a crisis, co-workers are in a jam, your boss is breathing down your neck, a friend calls, or any of the dozens of other interruptions you face on any given day. Time Management is Cause Control Recently I've experienced a barrage of time wasters. Everything you can imagine, most of them unexpected, many of them self inflicted. It's amazing how fast you can go through minutes. How To Manage Your Time I would like to touch upon a subject that it is not too often included as part of a home business course, tutorial, ebook or web site and I feel it is vital to the success of your home-based business. Time is Money - Dont Waste It "If you control your time, you control your life" - Alan Lakein (1973) What To Do When Youre Short On Time And Long On Need! Everyday life can present us with opportunities to make us squirm. Countless numbers of tasks that we are juggling can cause dead lines to make that big swishing sound as they go flying by us. So, the next time you find yourself short on time and long on need, don't take a long walk off a short pier. Try this instead. ![]() |
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