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Team Building Survey Reveals Clues, Not Answers
Team Building Question: I'm a manager of a team of 20 people and here is my question. At this year's survey, the results show that my team members don't think their colleagues (from my section and from other sections) often act on their own initiative. I would like to know what are the best ways to encourage team members to take initiative. Also, are you aware of any road blocks that would prevent employees to take initiative ? The Team Doc Says? Definition of scope, boundaries, authority and autonomy are a must for people to take initiative. Interestingly, during surveys people many times perceive that it's the other person who is not taking enough initiative - never themselves. Yet if you received a lot of answers like this on the survey, there may be another underlying problem. You'll have to dig to find out what that is. I recommend that you meet with your team to discuss the results of the survey and ask for their suggestions. That's one way to "get some initiative going!" Next meet with each team member individually to discuss their personal goals and any road blocks they are encountering. Open (and often) communication with your team will help you identify what may be causing this type of survey response. Denise O'Berry (aka 'Team Doc') provides tools, tips and advice to help organizations build better teams. Find out more at http://www.askteamdoc.com
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Discovering the Truth on MLM Truth on mlm Why People Dont Listen... and Some Fun Things You Can Do About It It's frustrating when your co-workers, audience members, teenager or even your dog (!) won't listen. While you can't control how they receive what you say, you can control how you send it. Here are a few tips on why people don't listen and what you can do to change it. Effective Team Building for Stronger Teams TEAM LEADERS WORKSHOP Marche, or How Teams Work. On the trail in Northern Canada "Marche" was the word that translated as "Mush" and was used to drive the dog teams that once were the only source of power in the frozen North. Team Work So much has been written on this subject; Team Work, it's almost hard to add any thing at this point. T E A M; TOGETHER EVERYONE ACCOMPLISHES MORE. That is really easy to say and it makes for a great acronym. It seems it has even hit corporate America. They have integrated it into TQM "Total Quality Management". They call it "team building". They talk about quality. They talk about communication. They talk about goal setting. They talk about productivity. They talk about this; they talk about that. That's the problem; it's all talk. The real problem is that you can't talk about team building and downsizing in the same sentence. Building means growing, expanding, planning, etc. Downsizing is tearing down, discharging, shrinking. Which is it? Either you are building a winning team or you are starting over. If they are going to do both, they should downsize first and then team build second. Otherwise, you can talk all you want because no one is listening. The people are: either laid off, fearful of their job or not interested in the B.S. anymore If You Can?t See It, They Won?t Do It Recently, while developing a customer service program, I asked my client to provide me with detailed descriptions of behaviors he wanted his team members to engage in. He called me back a short time later and told me that his department heads were having a difficult time with the assignment. They knew what the employees were doing wrong, but they couldn't put into words what excellent performance looked like. Secrets of Successful Teams To be a success is not always to be a success individually. In fact, most of the time we achieve our successes as part of a team. That is why I want to devote this issue to the secrets of successful team. Mastermind Team: Do You Have One? The key to life is to be around the people who will empower you to reach the next level in life! In order to exceed your present reach, you need to be around people who will help you stretch a little farther. The secret to a productive mastermind team is for you to surround yourself with people who you can always learn from. A sign of a very intelligent person is to be smart enough to realize that you need to learn from others who can contribute to your WHY in life. Aligning Teams with Organizational Goals Teams don't have to be aligned with the goals of the organization. Teams can work on what they believe to be the right things. They can work diligently on creating the results they think matter. They can be completely committed to success from their perspective. Leadership ? Do The Simple But Important Things Why do we human beings complicate things? Is it that we don't believe that simple things work. From years of working with leaders at all levels and many different sectors here are the simple yet powerful steps you must take if you want to be a brilliant leader. How to Turn Idea Squashers into Possibilities Managing a small business continues to become more challenging. However, history has shown that resourceful business owners will succeed. They will prosper, turning disadvantages into advantages by thinking creatively. Teaming - How to Build a Team Team building takes work but the results are worth it. The essential ingredient is time and patience. Staying Informed Key For Your Team We exist in such a rapidly-changing environment. Technology is moving along so quickly it seems things change with the blink of an eye. So how do you anticipate changes that directly affect your team? Being informed is the key that can unlock the door. But, how do you stay informed and minimize information overload? Solitude Vs Teamwork! Irrespective of any given situation, "Team Work Works!" It is not that students are incapable of studying in solitude, it is just that when they study in collaboration the synergy drives the students, one step further. During the learning period people tend to be skeptical and filled with fraught of underachieving, so they stick with the habit of solitary learning. They often underestimate the power of a "group". Building Successful Work Relationships--Playing In The Same Sandbox Remember playing in your childhood sandbox? If you enjoyed being outside for most of the day, you could play in the sandbox for hours on end-shaping and pouring the sand or mixing it with a little water to form a castle or hill. Children enjoy playing with sand or dirt and learn at an early age how to make the most of this play time activity. Building High Performing Teams: Putting the I Back in Teamwork Ever watched a really brilliant idea meet with resistance and die? Or been involved in the battle of wills created when two people (or two departments) meet head on with their independent agendas? Equally painful perhaps, have you ever sat through one tireless and non-productive meeting after the next? Believe it or not these issues are simply different sides of the same coin. Getting the right people talking together effectively and generating desirable outcomes is what high performance teamwork is all about. And it doesn't just happen. Think creatively about how to empower teams and reap the rich benefits of people's collective wisdom. Recruiting Government Workers As Franchisees Many believe a leaner government promotes better freedoms with respect to free enterprise and the right to free contract. Leaner governments make fewer laws because of their enforcement capabilities. Under our current direction with high government debt loads and low unemployment we will begin to see a downsizing of government at every level. We see it in a few closures of military bases. The Federal Government is the United States' second largest employer behind Wal-Mart with about the same level of ambition, intelligence and energy. It employs over 900,000 people without including military, enforcement agencies, governmental administrators and or politicians. If the government (Federal) cut itself by 20% and we believe 40% is more in order: that would be 180,000 job cuts or about 3600 people per state at 20%. Larger states like California could be as high as 21,600 at a twenty percent reduction Building Teams -You see it everywhere A college football team has it. A corporation has it. Even a growing family has it. These three organizations share a common desire to build their prospective teams. For example, a college football team continually needs to bring in new players to replace the graduating players. A corporation builds its team to help it grow and meet the needs of clients. Young, married couples who are having children are building their own family teams. Each of these results has a different outcome. In the end, the goal is to work together, help each other, and collectively reach a higher level of performance. Whatever team you are currently involved with, it is surprising at how much organization is needed to build a great team. Furthermore, the following teams have their own equally important approach as to how they successfully build their prospective teams. Proactive High Performance Teamwork Proactive High Performance Teamwork is made up of nine proactive components and will provide the growth you are seeking in your practice. Two of the nine components are Performance and Opportunities. Dealing with People that Drive You Crazy! We all know someone who just drives us batty. Perhaps theperson is too noisy, too borish, or too flashy. Perhaps theperson is too gossipy, critical, or lazy. There are hundreds ofreasons why we may not relate well to a person. ![]() |
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