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Mastermind Team: Do You Have One?
The key to life is to be around the people who will empower you to reach the next level in life! In order to exceed your present reach, you need to be around people who will help you stretch a little farther. The secret to a productive mastermind team is for you to surround yourself with people who you can always learn from. A sign of a very intelligent person is to be smart enough to realize that you need to learn from others who can contribute to your WHY in life. As you know, my ultimate outcome is to develop the #1 personal self-development company in the world. Each and every day I strive to immerse myself in material and people who will enable me to achieve our corporate mission. As you look at your own mission in life, you need to ask yourself a very honest/straightforward question ...."Is my personal development engine in Forward, Neutral or Reverse?" The answer is very simple. All that you need to do is to write down the top 10 people you regularly associate with. As you review the list, realize that you will become an exact duplicate of those 10 people -- financially, spiritually, physically and psychologically. Once again, be honest with yourself. If you are not 110% happy about what you see yourself becoming due to your present relationships, you need to take ACTION immediately! Make a decision to develop a mastermind TEAM! Unfortunately, 95% of people will never take the action needed in order to become part of a mastermind team. They will continue to live their lives and wonder WHAT HAPPENED to their LIVES and all of their DREAMS. You need to stop whining and begin working on yourself to become part of a Mastermind Team! I am proud to say that each and every day I associate with people who are either at my level of enthusiasm, excitement and intelligence or even more so than I am, which is the key to a personally productive mastermind team. You need to be a part of a group of people who make you want to exceed your present reach. Be honest with yourself and know that you need to change your associations in order to achieve your God-given dreams! You will be amazed by the results. Your life will SOAR like an EAGLE to the ends of the earth if you change your associations! Find your WHY & FLY! As a young child, John Di Lemme was clinically diagnosed as astutterer and told that he would never speak fluently. Today, Johnhas achieved great success as an international motivational speaker,accomplished author and multi-million dollar entrepreneur. John shocksmillions globally by exposing the truth about how to achievemonumental life success despite the labels that society has placedon you. Through his award winning live seminars, power-packedtraining programs, live tele-classes, and weekly ezine, John DiLemme has made success a reality for thousands worldwide.visit http://www.FindYourWhy.com and discover how you canfinally create monumental success in your life today and achieveall your goals, dreams and desires.
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Effective Team Building For Organizational Success "Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." -Andrew Carnegie Motivation - The Benefits of Spending Time with Your Team Benefit 1 - You get to understand them better Corporate Team Building There is a WHOLE lot of talk these days about Corporate Team Building. There are many, many options: vacation packages, rope courses, on-going office games, ice-breakers, etc. Management can also purchase videos, books, and seminar packages to assist them in building up their organization into a team worthy of belonging. A little later I will give you some ideas of where you can go for information on these team building tools. Motivating Teams Introduction: Proactive High Performance Teamwork Proactive High Performance Teamwork is made up of nine proactive components and will provide the growth you are seeking in your practice. Two of the nine components are Performance and Opportunities. Team Work - A Challenge of Character Over the years there has been much ado about team work, the value of teams, the ups and downs, the pros the cons! Some appear to work and others fail, why? Can your business benefit from a team work approach or not? Why People Dont Listen... and Some Fun Things You Can Do About It It's frustrating when your co-workers, audience members, teenager or even your dog (!) won't listen. While you can't control how they receive what you say, you can control how you send it. Here are a few tips on why people don't listen and what you can do to change it. Building High Performing Teams: Putting the I Back in Teamwork Ever watched a really brilliant idea meet with resistance and die? Or been involved in the battle of wills created when two people (or two departments) meet head on with their independent agendas? Equally painful perhaps, have you ever sat through one tireless and non-productive meeting after the next? Believe it or not these issues are simply different sides of the same coin. Getting the right people talking together effectively and generating desirable outcomes is what high performance teamwork is all about. And it doesn't just happen. Think creatively about how to empower teams and reap the rich benefits of people's collective wisdom. Dealing with People that Drive You Crazy! We all know someone who just drives us batty. Perhaps theperson is too noisy, too borish, or too flashy. Perhaps theperson is too gossipy, critical, or lazy. There are hundreds ofreasons why we may not relate well to a person. Safety First - Five Reasons to Hold a Routine Safety Meeting Workplace safety is important to all businesses for ethical, legal and financial reasons. Keeping employees safe from injury is the right thing to do, it also keeps a business away from civil litigation and can lower costly compensation claims. How to Boost Morale In Your Organisation Who keeps the wheels turning in your organisation? Who holds it all together when chaos reigns supreme? Who can you rely on to run your department/business in your absence? What Do Trainers Do When They are Not Training? In the new corporate environments where everyone wears more than one hat, trainers are often responsible for a myriad of duties beyond just facilitating new training classes. Their job is often that of Maintenance, IT Guru, Subject Matter Expert, Coach, Instructional designer, and Copy Clerk. There is an incredible amount of work that has to happen for a training event to occur. Let's look a little closer at the process. Landscaping Business; Employee Relations There are few industries or service type businesses, which are more labor intensive then that of the Landscaping Profession. Whether it is the installation of new landscape designs or the maintenance or mowing of the existing properties; it is done by people power working with the proper tools. Efficiency is king and teamwork is the key to staying on schedule and wasting little time or effort getting the work done. Teaming - How to Build a Team Team building takes work but the results are worth it. The essential ingredient is time and patience. Yes, But What Are You Really Saying? More and more I hear people misunderstanding what someone else has said to them, especially when it came through a memo or email. This can lead to a great deal of turmoil at work and affect morale. 3 Steps To Successfully Build A Team In Any Program Any x by y matrix plan has one big risk... but also one big advantage. Your Administration Team - Look After Them In most organisations the administration/support team, although they can be acknowledged as being important to the business, they are treated as if they're not. Collaboration Software - Building an Office Without Walls The rise of the internet has given businesses a new way to think and function on both the individual level and as a whole. Today if you are in a business that doesn't have or use the internet, then you are giving up valuable advertising and productivity. Whether or not your company uses the internet we are all aware, to some degree, the effect the internet has on advertising and promoting businesses on a global scale. However, we may not fully understand what else the internet can do. We may not realize that using the internet to our advantage can also include increased productivity by building a virtual office; one without walls. Okay, so how do we build an office without walls then? In this article I will be discussing how to basically build this kind of office and how it can help you be more productive and organized. Franchisor Award Programs; Ideas and Innovation Franchisors should also be heavy on the award side of motivational material. Award certificates and plaques should be given out to franchisees who perform above expectations. Each franchisor needs to take a look at their business model and find ways to best motivate the team. In our franchise company we came up with several ideas and continually innovated to find new ways to use awards to strengthen or franchise family. Awards will be given out for: Putting Your Expert Team Together As a freelance writer myself, I know how important it is to have, and keep track of, experts to interview. Here are a few ideas on the topic: ![]() |
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