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Leadership, Genuine, Meaningful and Productive
One of the best lessons I have learned is the impact and importance of leadership. It is so easy to identify dysfunctional leadership in a company (or of a governmental entity!). Many times, the common misconception is that the executives in the "ivory tower" sit around and relax, while the "workers" do all the work. Of course, happy and motivated employees are essential to a company (I still teach that in seminars that I conduct). But I have observed and learned that it is the leadership in an enterprise that makes the difference ... and that is not exclusive to commerce. I am an avid devotee of Right Action, and I believe it is the umbrella for everything worthwhile in life, in our endeavors and, in my opinion, a solemn responsibility of every human being. Power comes not from dictatorship but from respect, logic and compassion ... all given by and returned to a quality leader. The substance of any situation is, of course, important ... but what makes any enterprise function well, easily, profitably and with verve and passion is people working together. That is when Spirit is at its best, when respect and honor are not just words and when a truly great company shines in daylight and in darkness. For many years, I counseled and taught this very principle. I gave a seminar called "The Magic of People" in which I taught the value and wisdom of "people first." It is the essence of leadership. Vision is extending ideas, sometimes simple ideas, "outside the box" and creating a new, really new, thought. The person who conceived of eBay is a good example of this ... they thought that the internet had in it, as a part of its intrinsic nature, some characteristic that would fit some human need that was not yet conceived. They thought about many commonplace human endeavors and matched them up with internet capabilities ... and, yes, they came up with the activity "auction" and realized that the net was an ideal vehicle to carry that concept. This venture capitalist took the idea and translated it into action. It was a billion dollar idea! Not to veer from the point here, it is essential for the leader to constantly be projecting, envisioning, visualizing ... that is the root of entrepreneurial genius. Of course an action plan is required ... but only after the leader has set the stage for the performance. Excerpts from a new book, "Looking for a Better World." Read more at:http://www.buybooksontheweb.com/description.asp?ISBN=0-7414-2134-8 Dr. Malkin holds a B.Sc. in Business and a Masters and Ph.D. in Religion. He has made hundreds of visits to schools with a moving and effective motivational presentation, urging teens to do their personal best. His mentoring programs have empowered many, many children. His quest for years has been to teach the power of Right Action, working towards the goal of a better world.
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Teamwork, Rowing, & Paddles Effective and sustainable teambuilding is necessary in today's marketplace where fewer people are being required to do more work. More often than not, the adage "Getting everyone rowing in the same direction" is associated with building effective teams. However, is this really true? If everyone is rowing in the same direction, will the organization or the individual project realize a dramatic return for everyone's results? Building Teams Young minds are quite easy to shape. International Terrorist recruiters know this and have an abundant source of young men and women to pick from. They use simple brain washing tactics to do this. The United States also has a huge source of young people at its colleges and universities with young open minds, open to both good or evil. The professors use this to help their views and promote their views of the world by imprinting on these minds. Religious groups are also a hot topic on campus and they are quite active recruiting new minds and new souls to their numbers. Your Administration Team - Look After Them In most organisations the administration/support team, although they can be acknowledged as being important to the business, they are treated as if they're not. Mastermind Team: Do You Have One? The key to life is to be around the people who will empower you to reach the next level in life! In order to exceed your present reach, you need to be around people who will help you stretch a little farther. The secret to a productive mastermind team is for you to surround yourself with people who you can always learn from. A sign of a very intelligent person is to be smart enough to realize that you need to learn from others who can contribute to your WHY in life. Motivation - Dont Make Your Team Uncomfortable The people in your team may feel a bit uncomfortable whenyou sit down and spend time with them, particularly ifthey're not used to it. They might not be used to you doingit or perhaps a previous manager didn't do it. It's oftenthe case that people are uncomfortable because theyassociate their manager sitting down with them as a preludeto a reprimand. Characteristics of High Performance Teams Abstract: Based on significant research, Entelechy has defined characteristics of effective teams. Brainstorm Ever lost for ideas while working in a group? One of the most often-used technique for generating many ideas is Brainstorming. Alex Osborn, a partner in an advertising agency, developed brainstorming techniques years ago in 1941 to help his employees to come up with many, many ideas for their advertising business. Effective Team Building For Organizational Success "Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." -Andrew Carnegie Building Your Dream Marketing Team The Fantasy: Your marketing budget is packed to the brim with money to help build your dream marketing team. You hire nothing short of the best and life is good. Go On, Be A Tiger From the moment he putted with Bob Hope on the Mike Douglas Show at age two, Tiger Woods appeared destined for fame. After an unprecedented junior and amateur career, his entry into the professional ranks in 1996 received tremendous publicity ? and one of the largest sponsorship contracts in history. At age 28, having claimed 40 PGA Tour titles and with eight majors in his trophy case including the Tiger Slam, he has exceeded the loftiest expectations. Even more impressive, he is one of the most recognizable faces on the planet and is bringing thousands of new fans and players to the game. Motivate People with Feedback Someone once said - "Feedback is the breakfast ofchampions." Personally, I think that pancakes, crispy baconand maple syrup are the breakfast of champions. Howeverthere's no doubt that giving people feedback is absolutelyvital to ensure a motivated team who'll deliver results. Workplace Fitness: Tongue-In-Cheek According to the Oxford Dictionary of Current English, to speak with one's tongue in one's cheek is to speak insincerely or ironically. This phrase dates back to 1748 when it was cool to show disdain or disrespect for someone by putting your tongue inside your cheek to make it stick out. Solitude Vs Teamwork! Irrespective of any given situation, "Team Work Works!" It is not that students are incapable of studying in solitude, it is just that when they study in collaboration the synergy drives the students, one step further. During the learning period people tend to be skeptical and filled with fraught of underachieving, so they stick with the habit of solitary learning. They often underestimate the power of a "group". Presenteeism - present in body absent in productivity Presenteeism is alive and 'not well' in many businesses today. It will visit your business or may even be present as you read this article. Aligning Teams with Organizational Goals Teams don't have to be aligned with the goals of the organization. Teams can work on what they believe to be the right things. They can work diligently on creating the results they think matter. They can be completely committed to success from their perspective. Team Building Celebration Plan -- Perfect For Any Time of Year When was your last team celebration? Have you been way too busy to bother? Sometimes we get so caught up in day-to-day work that we don't take the time to step back and celebrate success. Some teams may even consider team celebrations as "silly." How To Encourage Ideas From Your Team At Meetings You're at a meeting with key staff. You want some new ideas to address the topic. Looking around at this group of creative, ambitious, bright people, you say, "Let's get some fresh ideas on this. Who's got something?" Leading the Witness: How Asking Questions as a Trainer Can Limit Learning and Reduce Trust "Asking questions can be a means of establishing authority, fulfilling leadership functions, and ensuring effective learning. In fact, asking questions is probably the most subtle power you have for controlling people. The person who asks questions always controls the conversation... if we could discipline our minds to ask questions instead, we could lead any conversation to wherever we wanted it because the other person would still be wrapped up in thinking what he or she wanted to say next...One of the rights you have as a trainer is to ask questions and expect answers. This is why question-asking is such a powerful tool. It challenges and avoids confrontation at the same time." Corporate Team Building There is a WHOLE lot of talk these days about Corporate Team Building. There are many, many options: vacation packages, rope courses, on-going office games, ice-breakers, etc. Management can also purchase videos, books, and seminar packages to assist them in building up their organization into a team worthy of belonging. A little later I will give you some ideas of where you can go for information on these team building tools. Putting Your Expert Team Together As a freelance writer myself, I know how important it is to have, and keep track of, experts to interview. Here are a few ideas on the topic: ![]() |
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