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Are You a Microwave or Crock Pot?
In our fast paced society we often want everything done quickly or your boss wants it done yesterday. In your spiritual life are you a Microwave or Crock Pot? I think often we want God to answer our prayers in Microwave fashion. I prayed a specific request today and I want it answered today. If our prayers are not answered quickly, we often wonder, "What is God doing?" We also decide to go it on our own and not wait for God's direction. Often it is difficult to wait on God's timing. When we are in Crock pot mode we pray and rest in the knowledge that God's timing is best. Often, God may have to let several things simmer in our life before he answers our prayer. Many times in my life I have seen God's handiwork after the situation is over. If God had answered my prayer the way I wanted him to, it would not have gone well at all. God knows what is best for us and when it is best for something to happen. I look at Scripture and see God works in Microwave and Crock Pot mode. When Daniel was in the lion's den God worked immediately to shut the mouths of the lions. I have to admit if I was Daniel I would want to know why God didn't act before I got thrown in the lion's den. Daniel being thrown in the lion's den was used to reflect God's glory and power. God also works in Crock Pot mode. Do you remember Joshua and the battle of Jericho? The people of Israel were marching around a wall for 7 days. Don't you imagine they asked God, "Why?" During that time Rahab was getting her family ready to leave Jericho. Could it be that God took seven days of marching around Jericho, to save one woman and her family? Could it be that God took that time for one woman who was faithful to God in spite of her lifestyle, in spite of her whole community being against God to show his glory? Most of the Israelites did not know about Rahab, but God did. In God's perfect timing he rescued the Israelites and Rahab, not in the way the Israelites would have wanted. God gave them victory in the battle in Crock pot mode. So, I ask you are you in Microwave mode or Crock Pot mode in your spiritual life? Please remember God is always in control even when it feels everything is out of control. Trust God's timing and know he only wants what is best for you. © 2004 Kimberly Chastain About the Author Kimberly M. Chastain, MS, LMFT is the Christian Working Mom Coach and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who specializes in helping Christian women make the most of their lives. She is the author of the on-line course, "I Can't Say No" and Pearls of Encouragement for Christian Working Moms, a free e-book. If you suffer from "I Can't Say 'No" Syndrome, visit Kimberly's site today for the details on an exciting email course that's sure to set you free! http://www.christianworkingmom.com/online.htm.The Text Information Box above MUST be included for reprint privileges. You may reprint this
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The second time was when I was 18, and I fully recall that experience. It was January 1994, and I was a second semester freshman at the University of South Carolina. I went to class and band practice, ate supper with my family, and studied for a quiz in one of my classes when I suddenly got violently ill. I still don't know exactly what it was, but it hit hard and fast. After a few miserable hours with no improvement, I finally ruled out a stomach virus and asked my parents to take me to the emergency room. Belief, Designed For Life! Liam says to Joe; "where is your God now, when life can be made in a laboratory"? True Health Some may ask, is there any truth to have a healthy life. I say yes it is. Let' see what the Bible says. First look at the book of Proverbs 3:3 it says Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck; write them on the table of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Now look further at verse 3:7 it says Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. It says also in the book of Proverbs 4:20 My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body. Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. Eliminating the Past Most forms of psychotherapy I know either tries to help you accept the past, understand the past, learn from the past, perceive the past differently, or try to take the emotional edge of the past. In spite of all this effort to ameliorate the effects of the past it, in the end, is still inside you and you continue to identify yourself with it. Learning the Secret of Contentment (Part 2) Paul's encouragement to the Philippians is also our encouragement. 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Opportunities and obstacles are presented and then we are to decide whether or not to take any specific action relating to the situation. Bringing Heaven to Earth: Looking for the Good Everyday I am challenged to find the good in things: world events; newspaper headlines; hometown issues; even my marriage. Of all of the Spiritual Scientist characteristics this one seems to go in and out of focus the most. Can You Live The Christ Life? Were you lied to as newborn Christian? I was...let me explain. How Long, O Lord? A Meditation on Habakkuk In Habakkuk, the prophet cries out in a lament complaint twice, only to hear back from God a very unassuring response: Wait for me to answer. ![]() |
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