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The Truth About Lifes Challenges (Living By Zen)
The great gate is open, but travelers seek everywhereâ?? - Eshin In the midst of our lives, hungry, thirsty and often weary, there comes a moment when we stop and wonder, â??Is this all there is? Is there another way to live my life that will bring the joy and contentment that eludes me?â?? Why Zen? Why Now? Caught in the patterns of our lives, each of us has an intuition of something beyond the way we are now living. This something has the power to dispel sorrow and transform our lives into one of wholeness and joy. This is what Zen offers. This ancient practice has the power to heal division and offer the strength, compassion and refreshment we all desire. The truth about Zen is that it is simple, and best practiced right in the midst of our everyday lives. This presents a unique opportunity. We now have the chance to grow like flowers, planted in the soil of our daily concerns. As we begin to live the Zen way, we develop a new way of knowing and of being in the world. We do not analyze, explain or justify what happens. Rather than try to mold or control our experience, we simply make friends with it, become acquainted, let it instruct us and be our guide. Finding Zen First Steps When people find out about Zen they often become excited, feeling as though they have stumbled upon something, which will quickly change their entire lives. Along with this excitement comes a rush of hopes, dreams and demands. We always approach Zen the way we approach the rest of our lives.But Zen turns things upside down and then right side up again. Here are some fundamental pointers which show the new direction your life will take: Pointers and Warnings These pointers are for beginning students. A student can be considered a â??beginning studentâ?? for the first 50 years or more. Take a deep breath. We are not going anywhere fast. In fact, we are returning â?" back to our original home. Zen Pointer 1 â?" Stop Looking For A Quick Fix A great danger in our lives is looking for a quick fix, believing there are all kinds of wise ones around who have the answers for our lives. That is not the point of Zen. What is the point? Do it yourself and find out. No one else can tell you. As they say in Zen, â??Donâ??t put a head on your head. Whatâ??s wrong with your own, anyway?â?? Zen Pointer 2 â?" Give Up Unnecessary Pressure Most of the time we create all kinds of goals and drive ourselves crazy to reach them. We measure our progress, compare ourselves to others, judge ourselves relentlessly. This is not the Zen way. Here we focus upon each breath, each day, each moment and experience it totally. One complete breath brings the next. The path is made by walking. Zen Pointer 3 - Go Back To The Beginning Many are constantly seeking more and more, exploring new territories, ideas, relationships. They then feel they are advancing and gaining ground. However, many rush forward without really knowing where they are going. Once they arrive, they quickly set a new destination and start rushing to it again. The Zen way is to return to the beginning. We stop, sit down, look within. We remember where we came from, who we are and where we are headed. We also remember to take care of our simple lives as well as the lives of others along the way. By returning to our original nature, we remember how to sit, breathe, eat, play and re-claim the excitement, joy and adventure we felt as children, but lost along the way. â??The plum tree of my hut, Brenda Shoshanna, Ph.D., author of Living By Zen (Timeless Truths For Everyday Life) http://www.livingbyzen.com, is a psychologist, speaker, and author. Her work integrates Zen and everyday life. She is also author of Zen And The Art Of Falling In Love, (Simon and Schuster) and Zen Miracles (Finding Peace In An Insane World), among other books. Her personal website is http://www.brendashoshanna.com. She can be reached at topspeaker@yahoo.com
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Love vs. Fear - Volume 18 Breaking with tradition, today's article comes from the 9-23-04 edition of Sojomail. Sojomail is produced by Sojourners; an evangelical journal, and calls itself a 'weekly email-zine of spirituality, politics and culture.' I personally object to their use of the term spirituality, because they are decidedly Christian oriented. For them to replace the word 'spirituality' with the word 'Christianity' would be a lot more accurate. I do feel that the good people at Sojourners do have very wonderful intentions. I just wish they didn't feel the need to route all their efforts through Christianity, to the exclusion of billions of the earth's inhabitants. Unforgiving Servant - Why Would You Hurt Yourself Like This? Everybody knows that if you stick your hand in a fireyou're going to be burned. This is a fact that wasbranded in our minds since childhood, therefore weusually take special precautions when dealing withfire. You wouldn't intentionally burn yourself becauseyou are aware of the pain and discomfort it will causeyou. Out of the Closet? We may sometimes consider the difficulty that occurs with our acceptance of ourselves and of who we are in accordance with the expectations of others.Do you understand what I am talking about? Or am I speaking alone here? The Divine Self Many look outside of themselves for an experience of the Divine. Many turn to religions. Others invoke "inner guides" or a "higher self". I would like to propose that the Divine is not only inside you, it is You! Romantic Relationships: A Spiritual Perspective Meeting someone so attractive, so beautiful. Your heart beats like the rhythm at the races and your knees become Jell-O. The Joy of Tantric Massage Originating in what is now modern India; Tantra is at least 5000-7000 or more years old, pre-dating and influencing both Hinduism and Buddhism. Connecting to Spirit Every soul that is currently experiencing life on any level begins and ends as a whole. Our essence ? the very core of our spiritual being ? remains One with God. We always have been, and always will be, a part of 'the whole' that is the God-consciousness level. Remote Viewing and the Body-Mind Connection One of the biggest myths to evolve in the growing annals of new age lore is that psychic ability is the sole province of the mind. Our language reflects it in terms like "mental telepathy" and "mind reading". When we think of ESP (extra sensory perception), we generally think "beyond the senses". But what usually passes for extraordinary mental ability to see distant in time and space actually has an important physical component. The Subconscious Mind: A Tool For Success As a Coach and Psychotherapist I have found that the world seems to have lost its way in terms of values. Most individuals are looking for more meaning in their lives, as are businesses looking to capture the spirit of what they do. I found the movie " What The Bleep Do We Know?" refreshingly inspiring and in many ways descriptive of my view of the world. Quantum theory and the profound effects it has on the way we view the world, our world, and therefore the way we create it is an amazing way of saying, "hey you are accountable and you got to where you are because you created it!" Should Christians Drink Alcohol? Tea-totalling Texans? Them's fightin' words! Importance and Necessity of Special Revelation - Part One This article is a reply that deals with certain criticisms concerning views expressed in my article titled Pagan Philosophy, Unbelief, and Irrationalism.1 This article briefly exposed the bankruptcy of materialistic and empirical philosophy in particular and the worldview of non-belief in general. It was asserted: "Matter is silent; it does not speak. It does not say what is right or what is wrong. The definition between good and evil is found in the Bible. God is not silent." These assertions on my part were not original. Many Christian apologists have discussed these ideas when dealing with atheistic materialism. Was There a Better Way? Whenever, we have a task or project to carry out don't we alwayslook for the most capable person to lead us? And if the task were supposed to follow a set pattern, don't we like to stick to time-tested methods that worked all the time? One More Mile I want to share with you something that happened to me just a few weeks ago. There is a place that I go to write, read and to simply relax. This place is in the mountains along the Blue Ridge Parkway. The scenery is beautiful and I go and pray and take in God's beauty. I love it there because it is quiet and the only thing that I can hear is the chirping of birds and the wind. I embrace the silence. That's peculiar of me since most of my life has been classified by business and noise because I never wanted the silence. I was scared of it. Months later, I love it. Are you Addicted to ?NO?? Locating the YES! of the Heart It seems to me that our moment to moment relationship to Life can basically be reduced to a 'YES' or a 'NO'. Let me explain? Anam Cara - Life as a Box of Paints Lonely Song Shallow Victories How many of you out there have ever wondered if a life of faith is worth it? Don't shy away from me, because you know there have been instances in your life when the bad guys won. The world is not fair, and the concept that good always triumphs can seem like fiction when you look around and see deceit running rampant. This fallen world shows its imperfections in countless ways, and every once in a while you're going to fall prey to it. Where Are You Currently Heading? Do you know where your current path is taking you? The Healing Power Of Forgiveness Forgiveness breaks all bounds of repression and depression. It liberates the psyche from bondage to the past. Getting Comfortable in Your Own Skin What does it mean to be comfortable in your own skin? It's about expressing yourself in a way they feels the most appropriate. Using Your Spiritual Path Against Yourself In looking back at my process over the years I have noticed an interesting phenomenon that I refer to as "using my path to go against myself." This behavior may be a surprise to many of you?.but as programmed ego minds we have been trained to use our life situations to go against ourselves since we were small. We have learned from those around us to use other people to raise our blood pressure, prove that we are not good enough, affirm that we will never be loved or that life is unfair. Unfortunately, the list of way we use others to hurt ourselves is endless. ![]() |
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