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Is Spam Affecting Your Business Email?
5 Ways Spam Is Affecting Your Business And what we can alldo to prevent it. If you had only just got online, and received your firstfew emails, you may be forgiven for thinking you had hitpaydirt. You would already have heard how you won millions on aforeign lottery, then some benevolent foreigner wants togive you more millions because a relative has died and heneeds help to get his inheritance, and you're someone hecan trust. And as luck would have it, those personal bodyparts you don't discuss with anyone are actually too small,but a few people can help you with that for a very low fee.And you have all that Cas.h coming so..... But you're a seasoned veteran, and none of that is worthyour time, it's just so much spam. You probably don't even see any of it. Don't give it a second thought. Maybe you need to. It is because it is so easy and cheap to send email thatyou as a marketer want to use it,and spammers selling dodgypills want to exploit it. They send out a million untargetedmessages in a few hours, and rely on the fact that even ifonly 1 or 2 % of the people they sent it to bu.y their waresthey will be in Profi.t. You try to send a more targeted mailing, but due to thespammers all email is being vetted more carefully, and spamis hurting all of our businesses, even responsible marketerslike you who wouldn't even think about using it. Here are the 5 reasons you should consider theimplications of spam more carefully. 1 The time it takes to sort your emails is increased, butyou can always use filters or antispam software. Whichbrings us to 2 False positives in antispam software means, if you don'tcheck the filtered out spam, you may miss a valuablecontact from a customer. So you have to check it allanyway. 3 Your customers use spam blockers, or their isps do so youneed to rethink your newsletter or email to your list ofprospects so you don't trigger theirs. 4 Due to the amount of people you can reach with email, youare more likely to encounter someone who reports you forspam even after they signed up and double opted into yournewsletter. Result:- your domain gets blacklisted, and youspend time undoing the damage. 5 People are more wary about giving their e-mail addressesout so it's harder work getting them to sign up for yournewsletter in the first place. You need an easy to findprivacy promise on your site. Because so many people have used spam to sell theirproducts, we all suffer. Even with all these spam related problems, email remains aviable and usable option for Online marketin.g, but it needsa bit more care than it did before. Governments may be stepping in and passing laws to outlawspam, but the spammers themselves will move their serversto a safe place with a more tolerant government. We need todo our bit to keep email as an advertising option and playsafe. Consider putting your newsletters online and sending ashort email with the link to the latest issue in it.Never bu.y from a spammers email, and despite some adviceyou may have seen to the contrary it is unwise to try toreply to unsubscribe, that just proves they have an emailaddress which is live. Be careful where you get leads from if you bu.y them, someunscrupulous companies will sell you email lists harvestedstraight from website mailto links. CD's full of 1000's of names are not a good buy to marketto, they will have been sold and sold again, and the peoplewhose email addresses are on them will have been sent toomany offers already. Always email responsibly, and ensure you give people aplain privacy link, and an even more plain unsubscrib.e linkin every email. Douglas Titchmarsh runs several websites, and blogs including http://www.cashinonline.info and http://www.titchmarsh.com
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A Practical Approach to Eliminate Spam Spam is out of control! I guess that would be the understatement of the year. Like any other annoying fact of life, you let it drive you crazy or you deal with it. SPAM: A Nutrious Food or a Waste of Time? Unless the filters on your computer are really good, you're getting at least an occasional SPAM message in your email Inbox. For most of us, we spend more time sorting through and deleting the SPAM than we care to. In fact, my husband told me tonight that of 30 messages he receives each day on our home computer 29 of them are SPAM. The Great Spam Scam: Five Strategies To Stop Brand and Revenue Robbery Marketers usually think of anti-spam tactics as 'how to prevent' readers from perceiving their e-communications as spam. There is another, more sinister, consequence that may affect you. Spam is not just an inconvenience. For legitimate businesses, it steals productivity, erode your brand, and rob you of revenue. Is Email Dying? 2004 was really a year when the whole subject of email and spam has been at the forefront of the minds of internet marketers. Is Spam Affecting Your Business Email? 5 Ways Spam Is Affecting Your Business And what we can alldo to prevent it. Which Spam Filter Is Best For You? With the number of spam filtering solutions increasing each week it's getting tougher for consumers to make informed choices in their purchases. Winning the War On Spam For years I didn't worry much about spam. 20 Words That Kill - At Least When It Comes to Spam Filters Spam, spam, spam. It's terrible not only for those of us on the receiving end, but for those of us who SEND e-mail. How To Stop Spam I imagine you have seen, heard about, or already know what spam is. But just in case you don't, it is unsolicited and unwanted emails that arrive in your email inbox from a person or company that you don't know. Is Your Website Blacklisted? A blacklist, as the name implies, is a list of people or companies who have met with the disapproval of others. In the online world a blacklist refers to those people who have been marked as responsible for generating spam in a very big way. Blacklists are also known as blocklists. FTC Botches Fight on SPAM, Microsoft Takes Over the Battle While the Federal Trade Commission is busy fighting over definitions of "What is SPAM;" Microsoft and Bill Gates are taking it to the enemy. Today Microsoft announced another case and legal action, which is being taken against a spammer who is in Germany. Microsoft did not announce the name of the company it has filed suit against but it is based in North Rhine-Westphalia. Why Is Spam Such a Problem? Spam can be a lot more damaging than you might think. Obviously, they are the most annoying thing that you can receive through your inbox, but it goes deeper than that. If you are like the millions of other internet email users, you know that sending and receiving email is a free service that comes with your internet service. The Business Of Sending Spam You all tear your hair out in frustration every time you see your inbox crammed full of spam again. Have you ever stopped and asked yourself where you get so much spam? This isn't to suggest that spam is your fault but... if everybody hates spam so much then... why is there so much of it? Lockspam Free 3.0 Released! 6 August, 2004: Polesoft Inc., home of Professional anti spam software, announced today that Lockspam Free 3.0 (see also Lockspam Pro 3.0 in the end) is now available. Do Not Spam The temptation among internet marketers to SPAM is greater than ever. By now, most people know that SPAM isn't the popular food from Hormel but a pseudonym for "unsolicited commercial email," also known as UCE. What to Do to Avoid Getting Banned How would you feel if you found a link on the web that was interesting to you but when you click the link it takes you to a page that is total rubbish? You are not only disappointed but it also wastes your time. Unfortunately, this is often true in many cases. To get a good ranking, often web page designers use "spamdexing". Spamdexing search engines is the practice of deliberately and dishonestly modifying HTML pages to artificially increase the chance of them ranking close to the top of search engine results. This spamming could result in your site getting banned from search engine indices. Dont Look Spammy! We all hate spam and get way too much of it ? agreed? Now that we have that out of the way it is important to realize that in everyone's zest to minimize their spam, we are deleting legitimate e-mails ? and those e-mail could be YOUR business messages! Two factors are at play - not reviewing your trash before you empty it and sending e-mail with indicators that trip spam filters. Managing Spam in 2005 In 1998, nearly 10% of all email traffic on the internet was SPAM. By 2003 that number had climbed to 50%, and the problem had gotten so bad that Congress passed the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act) Six Tips to Get Rid of Spam Email 1. Ignore Spam Email Phishing for an Identity Phishing is rapidly becoming on the largest threats to your personal, financial, and emotional wellbeing. No I am not talking about Saturday afternoons out on the boat with your grandfather, listening to stories that being with "When I was your age?"-now while these probably conjure up horrific childhood memories of such stores, they in no way come close to the horror felt by victims of Phishing. ![]() |
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