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Block Spam with An Easy Behavioral Change
E-mails now have a connection back to their servers. I willleave the technical aspects out of this article. Instead, Iwill walk you through how information from your computer isgetting back to them. You have probably experienced this already, an e-mail landsin your box with many symbols in the subject line createdwith the Shift Key plus a Number Key. This is the mostcommon one. For example, it may look like this:&*)(*&^%$#! Except the length of the symbols are longer. When you click on it to delete it, any further action,including the deletion of the e-mail seems to go into la-laland. In other words, you can do anything else. This maylast up to a minute or two depending on your computer speed.You have just been pinged and information is going back totheir server saying there is a live connection. In addition, because the symbols change all the time, it'sdifficult to block them unless you use a program like SpamArrest. Here is an easy way and excellent way to protect from thisand all you have to do is change the way you dial in andout. If you have a DSL line or any other type Internet connectionthat is open all the time. Control how frequently you allowe-mails to upload into your system. If you use Outlook, yougo into Tools, Options, select the Mail Delivery tab andchange "check messages every" 30, 60 or 90 minutes. Thisalso helps on time management if e-mails are eating up toomuch of your time. Next, after all your e-mails are uploaded into yoursoftware, whether you set the time management feature above,close off the Internet connection. It will not stop thelost 30 or 60 seconds these e-mail lock up your computer butyou have cut off any possible pinging. After you close the Internet connection, read, review anddelete the e-mails. After completing this, you can go aheadand reopen the Internet connection, and send your responses. If you have a dial-up connection, you can do this samemethod, except you will ignore the Mail Delivery optionmentioned earlier. This actually isn't just happening on e-mails with thesesymbols. There are other programmed e-mails dumping cookieson your computer. I will not address how to remove cookiesin this article. To find out how your software can removeyour cookies use F1 (help) on your keypad in your e-mailsoftware to find the answer before. WindowsXP also hasadditional information for removing cookies under: Start,Help and Support. Catherine Franz, a eight-year Certified Professional Coach,Graduate of Coach University, Mastery University, editor ofthree ezines, columnist, author of thousands of articleswebsite: http://www.abundancecenter.comblog: http://abundance.blogs.com
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E-mail SPAM: Whats The Big Deal? It absolutely amazes me how many people over-react to receiving e-mail SPAM. Why Your ISP Takes Bribes From Spammers The lifeblood of the spammer is email. They need to be able to send lots of it on an ongoing basis to stay in "business". High profile spammers can send 80 million pieces of junk email every single day. Yes one single person. Im Guilty Until Proven Innocent No doubt about it. Three Faces of SPAM Like everybody who will ever read this, I get spam in my e-mail. Mine seems to fall into one of three categories. The first is the Nigerian scam about helping some poor, pathetic soul collect megabucks, supposedly from someone who has died and left a fortune. I'm not sure what is worse: that there are people desperate enough to believe those messages, or that there are people despicable enough to prey on the desperate. The net result is the despicable con the desperate into sending money which the desperate will never see again. Your Dolphin E-mail Caught In Spam Tuna Net? Let me ask a couple of questions: Spam The Spammer - Will It Work? Spam is everywhere. It's the "in-box lunch meat" nobody likes, wants or looks forward too. Unfortunately, many folks enjoy "eating" this product because if they didn't, there wouldn't be any. Read on? Spamicide: Man Spammed to Death While Checking His E-mail Death by spam is now possible with a new device by Microsoft. The device when implanted in the user's skull allows downloading of email directly into the brain. The Business Of Sending Spam You all tear your hair out in frustration every time you see your inbox crammed full of spam again. Have you ever stopped and asked yourself where you get so much spam? This isn't to suggest that spam is your fault but... if everybody hates spam so much then... why is there so much of it? How Spammers Fool Whitelists - And How to Stop Them Effectively stopping spam over the long-term requires much more than blocking individual IP addresses and creating rules based on keywords that spammers typically use. The increasing sophistication of spam tools coupled with the increasing number of spammers in the wild has created a hyper-evolution in the variety and volume of spam. The old ways of blocking the bad guys just don't work anymore. The 4 Ws of Junk E-mail Junk e-mail or spam has become the scourge of the modern computer world. It eats bandwidth. Spam is like a disease. It doesn't care about age, religion, wealth. It doesn't discriminate. Junk e-mail affects us all. Stuffing the Spammers! I'm really, truly fed up with spam. Every day when the spam arrives and Norton Security moves it into the Norton Anti-spam folder of my Outlook email client, I wonder how anyone can be so incredibly stupid as to waste their time sending me such garbage. The Fastest Delete Finger in the Midwest! There are hundreds of thousands of people who are trying to make an honest living on the Internet these days. The Internet is a great opportunity for starting your own business. There is not a lot of start-up cost, you can reach the whole world from a small corner of your own house, and the income can be exceptional. Junk Mail Works! Junk mail works.Why does it work?How does it work? How To Analyze A Rip-Off Scheme This review is taken DIRECTLY from a piece of "junk mail." It is or the program that starts out with the heading: "Before You Decide To Throw This Away, Please Read The Enclosed At Least Once - Then Decide. This is Not a Chain Letter! I Threw The Program in The Trash." Phishing for an Identity Phishing is rapidly becoming on the largest threats to your personal, financial, and emotional wellbeing. No I am not talking about Saturday afternoons out on the boat with your grandfather, listening to stories that being with "When I was your age?"-now while these probably conjure up horrific childhood memories of such stores, they in no way come close to the horror felt by victims of Phishing. How To Identify Spam Most of us have opened our email program and found, alongside correspondence from people that we know, offers for products from commercial web sites. Some of these emails we expect. We have asked to be notified of sales and other opportunities or joined a mailing list offered by the company. The Trouble With Spam Is.... Each day we all face the same challenge. Spam. It doesn't matter if you're a home computer user or the head of IT for a multinational limiting or totally preventing the distribution of junk email to your computer(s) is now a daily chore. Is Your Website Blacklisted? A blacklist, as the name implies, is a list of people or companies who have met with the disapproval of others. In the online world a blacklist refers to those people who have been marked as responsible for generating spam in a very big way. Blacklists are also known as blocklists. Demand for Spam? It exists Do you like spam? No, I'm not kidding. Everybody knows what spam is, almost everybody seems to have learned by heart simple advice like "do not click ?" "do not respond?" , "do not buy?" but-- Stop Spam: How To Escape The Spam Hell-Hole If you're anything like me, you're pretty sick of it, and just want it to stop. What? Spam, of course. This article gives you a solution to radically, and quickly, reduce the amount of spam messages you receive to a bare minimum. ![]() |
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