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How Do I Promote My Website?
If you are a small business owner with a website, chances are you have wondered how best to promote it. You might wonder if people are going to be able to navigate to it or if it will be popular. Of course, you've heard you need to submit to search engines, but which ones? How many? The more the better, right? Wrong. In fact, if you have been trying to promote your website by making sure that it is listed with each one of the 500-plus search engines out there, you have only been wasting your time. The fact is, over 93 percent of traffic on the web passes through only the top ten search engines and directories ? you know, the major ones, like Google, Yahoo, and Ask.com. Only 6 percent passes through other, non-major search engines. If you are already listed with the 10 most popular engines, you have exhausted that route to website promotion. So what else can you do to promote your website? Take advantage of reciprocal links. Reciprocal links are established when you make an agreement with another website that you will establish links to it on your site and vice-versa. For example, if you own a dog-training service, possible reciprocal link websites would include manufactures of dog foods, training tools, and local vets or pet groomers. That way, their customers become aware of your unique services, and you get increased exposure. When targeting sites for reciprocal links, think big, not small. Why link to a bunch of sites with much less traffic than yours? Target sites that have more traffic than yours. Of course, there is nothing wrong with establishing a few links to smaller sites ? after all, reciprocal links are intended to help both websites succeed. When considering website promotion, do not neglect the design aspect. Make your site attractive, professional, and above all else user-friendly, follow the steps set forth above and watch the volume and quality of your web traffic grow. Alan Richardson publishes "Successful Marketing Strategies" an informative newsletter full of internet marketing strategies.He is also the owner of Home Business Discovery where you will find informative articles about internet marketing and get a Free subscription to "Successful Marketing Strategies".
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Free Traffic From Articles ? Plus A Big Hidden Bonus Writing articles for submission and distribution on the internet is one of the most effective ways of driving free traffic to your site, raising your profile and credibility with your potential customers and giving your website a boost in the search engine rankings. There really is no down side to this activity, some of the more obvious benefits are: Can What You Dont Know About Web Analytics Hurt Your Site? Yes is an Understatement! Web analytics. Don't worry, it's not as boring as it sounds. You may know the concept by another name, such as Web analysis, site traffic statistics, visitor statistics, site hit reporting, Web tracking, Website metrics or various other terms. Web analytics is basically a technical term for methods to monitor your site traffic and usage, ranging from simple hit counters to advanced Web site traffic reporting. I like the term, Web analytics, because it sounds important. And with good reason -- it is extremely important to the survival of any Website. 5 Reasons Why Link Swapping Is Killing Your Website I created my first website in 1995 - it was so long ago I built it out of rock and wood, not HTML. Personalized Search Versus Personal Choice Personalized search is a hot topic especially since Yahoo! and Microsoft have announced they are aggressively developing this service. Most likely, people will be leery of personalized search if they think that this is just be another way for companies to market to them. Search engine research has shown that there are typically two types of searchers: information seekers and buyers. Ten Unobvious Ideas To Pull Visitors to Your Real Estate Agent Web Site The number one key to getting business in the real estatehome sales market is to be people's first contact. TheNational Association of Realtor's last three surveys between1999 to 2003 said 66% of buyers stayed with the first realestate agent they contacted yet only 6% of this number camefrom web sites. This number is rising as people become morecomfortable finding their information on the Internet.There are three ways to show your uniqueness on theInternet: words, pictures, and interactive activities. How To Acquire One Way Inbound Links How can one get a good ranking in the major search engines ? This is a question, I'm sure, agitates the minds of every newbie as well as professional webmaster. Even those that are doing well are fighting to keep their place. But isn't there a way to consistently appear in a good position at the major search engines? I think there are ways to achieve this enviable position. One of the ways is what this article is all about. That is, consistently build one way inbound links to your site. Getting other webmasters to link to your site without you linking back. Increasing Link Popularity WITHOUT Exchanging Links Yes, it can be done. Here are 7 ways that a site can acheiveincreased link popularity without having to exchange links:Directory Submissions - Submit to the Open Directory and othersites like JoeAnt and Gimpsy. These are all human revieweddirectories, therefore search engines will consider that yoursite must be of pretty good quality to be listed in them. Submissionto these sites is free, but there can be quite a wait to getreviewed, since editors are unpaid volunteers. In addition toa link popularity boost, a listing in Open Directory will getyour site listed in the other Open Directory powered siteslike Google's web Directory, AOL's web directory and many others.Tips For Directory Submissions:Editor Check - Is there an editor for your desired category?If not, consider applying. For Open Directory, this cangive you the power to add your site much more quickly.Link Title - Don't try any tricks to get keywords in your titleif they are not in your company name. This will get your listingedited if the listing is approved or rejected outright. Thetitle must be your official website or company name.Description - Again, don't try to insert extra keywords here,it could backfire and your description will be edited or yourlisting rejected. The description should be short and concise.Just tell what your website offers and give some product or service examples if appropriate. Again, keep it short!Be patient! - It may take weeks or months to be reviewed. Ifyou've submitted before and are still not listed, try writinga polite note to the editor of the category to see if therewas a problem.Paid Submissions - Paid submissions to quality directoriesand portals is also a good idea. It is well known that alisting in the Yahoo directory area will give you a good Google PageRank boost. Listing in the Yahoo directory areais $299, so skip this option if your budget is limited.Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Submissions - Google lists theresults of many smaller pay-per-click search engines. Thiscan help link popularity if your site is listed in theseresults for your important keywords and phrases. There arehundreds of these smaller PPC engines that offer a freeadvertising credit just for signing up. Take a jaunt onover to PayPerClickSearchEngines.com for a good list of them.Submit listings under all your important keywords and phrasesand include keywords in your title.Affiliate Program - Having an affiliate program can boost youroverall sales by letting other sites do the advertising for you,but did you know that this can also help link popularity? Forsome affiliate program services like Commission Junction orLinkShare, they use a special link to track clicks and sales,so these may not be effective since they do not contain youractual domain name. The kind of affiliate program I am talkingabout is the type that uses your domain name in the tracking URLyou give affiliates to use. Something like:http://www.yourcompanyname.com/aff?64340As long as your affiliate program uses this type of link, thenyour site should see an increase in link popularity. Just makesure you offer a good incentive for affiliates so that they willadd your link to their site. Even better, you can approve onlyrelated sites or sites with a good Google PageRank or Alexatraffic ranking into your program!Specialized Submissions - What type of site do you have? What do yousell? Chances are there is a directory that specializes in justsites like yours. Have a casino or gambling site? There are manygambling portals and search engines. Submit to all of them.Have a site that sells antique fishing tackle? Yep, there aredirectories relating to fishing, but you can also submit to themany antique and collectible directories as well! Sell weddingdresses in New York? Submit to the many wedding and bridal directoriesand the New York search engines too. Whatever your niche, chances arethat there is a specialized directory or search engine for that area.Find them and submit! You'll benefit from the targeted traffic theysend but also increased link popularity.Create Your Own Directory - Set up your own specialized search engine,directory or portal catering to your target audience. Your site canbe a featured or showcase site on the main page and other pages!To attract users, add interactive content such as forums, have chats,offer contests, the possibilities are endless.Expired Domain Names - Maybe a site in your industry has gone out ofbusiness? You may be able to pick up their domain name and with itall their incoming links and traffic. Increase your link popularityby adding your link to the site prominently, then go ahead and re-direct the user to your site after a few seconds. Don't re-directquickly or you may not reap any link popularity benefits.That's it! 7 ways to increase your website's link popularity withoutmaintaining a links page and without sending your visitors to competitors!Kacey Donston - Submit-URL.net has been promoting online businesses since 1998.Offering search engine optimization, positioning services, pay perclick campaigns, ranking checks, resubmissions, evaluations and more.We offer comprehensive packages for home business owners, small businessesand corporate customers. http://www.submit-url.net 11 Awesome Ways To Attract More Orders 1. Create a free ebook directory on a specific topic at your web site. People will visit your web site to read the free ebooks and may see your product ad. Web Site Promotion: 10 High Powered, Magical Ways To Make Your Web Site Profitable Are you interested in empowering your website so it will become more profitable? Promotional Tools That Work For Online Businesses! Promotion... also known as selling. Not an easy task in today's market, but with the right tools you can succeed. What I know is what I have learned in promoting a.k.a. selling my web site, spiritwhole.com, and trust me, I could write volumes by now. But, to make it short and sweet, here are some tips that you can use to get your business purring like a kitten that actually work: 5 Effective Ways to Promote Your Website For Free Online 1. Generate Targeted Traffic from Online Discussion Forums. Promote Your Web Store After spending substantial time and efforts the big day came when you finally published your website on the Internet. You are now ready to show your website to the world. But, with over a billion pages vying for traffic how do you make people visiting your site? Competition Freebies and Sponsorship For Free Advertising and Link Popularity How many competitions are there running on the net at this time? 1000 maybe? Nah, 100,000 is more than likely and when they pass their closing date there will be just as many to take their place. Why Directories Might Save Your Websites Life Many business owners and online marketing experts focus their efforts on search engine optimisation and ensuring high search engine placement for a website. Although search engines should play a crucial part in any online marketing campaign they are but one element to that equation. Build Your Own Online Network Many online business owners and marketers use a variety of tools to make their business successful. Good strategies include maintaining a web site, publishing an ezine, joining affiliate programs, advertising on other people's ezines, and much, much more. As any good Internet "guru" will tell you, getting your name and product "out there" is the most important part of your success. So, the general rule is: Use as many strategies as possible. How To Promote Your Online Store OK. So you took the leap and started your online store. But, oops, there are no customers and your store is lost in the crowd. All is not lost. You just need to be very creative in how you market your site. The key thing to remember as you market your site is "people buy from people, not companies." How to Market Your Web Site Like Nobodys Business Fresh Web Content Yields Better Search Engine Results Make Sure The World Sees Your Website You have spent hours creating a HTML masterpiece, you have posted it to your web host and showed your friends and family your work of art. As much as your friends and family love your new website your site will not be pulling in any profits for you unless the rest of the internet world knows it even exists. For this reason knowing how to market your site and getting your site noticed by your target audience is the most incredibly important step in creating your website and getting your business off the ground. Local Business Website Promotion - How to Skyrocket Your Business with Area Specific Traffic If you are a local business that gets most of your business from local traffic, it is obviously important to target in on those visitors search for your product locally. This is a vital part of your marketing campaign because you get your business from those who live locally, this is your target market. Now that you know who your target market is, you need to decide how you are going to reach them. Fortunately, it is not too difficult and should not take you too long to build up your local traffic using the following website promotion techniques. Fight For Online Visibility Would you like to prevent Internet users from visiting your website? You may feel that you're asked a silly question. But then think about why so many investors are silently watching how their web projects are doomed to invisibility from the outset despite nobody wants to conceal his or her own website from the public. ![]() |
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