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What Can You Do To Beat Your Competition?
In many cases when you start a new website you are really starting at the bottom of the barrel. Your competition probably has more money than you, they certainly have better rankings and more repeat visitors. How can you compete with that when you are on a shoestring budget? First off, you need to get one idea out of your head that has been beat into it by countless marketing sites, E-books, and "experts." YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE SUCCESSFULL OVERNIGHT! However, you can make regular and weekly progress and overtake your competition, both in rankings and sales. There are a few things you are going to have to do though. 1.) You will need to track your statistics, website visitors, and keep track of the Search Engine Bots. If you need to learn more about statistics, may I reccomend http://www.track-it-now.info . Statistics and paying attention to them are one of the important things that successful webmasters all do. You should know at the end of the week what each visitor to your website was worth. 2.) Work harder at your important tasks. Many webmasters started a website because it's perceived as an easy way to make money. It's not, so get that idea out of your head right now. Start managing your time smarter. If you spend 20 hours per week surfing the Internet, chatting, or just goofing around, stop and divert that energy into something productive like link building. I'm a professional freelancer and I still get stuck in the old habit of just sitting in front of this computer and getting nothing done. I recently got so frustrated with myself I actually made a blog post out of it. I will be adding tips and tricks to be a little more productive and how I cut some of the "fluff" out of my day. It would be great if others contributed as well. http://stmadeveloper.com/blog/?p=7 3.) You are working harder, but are you working smarter? I don't mean you have to be smarter than your competition. I mean that you need to become smarter on a certain subject. For example, there are 1000s of programmers like myself who can work with PHP. I have made myself a niche working for Internet marketers who don't want to explain terms like "downline builders", "2 teir affiliate programs", etc. It doesn't matter what subject matter your website is, you just need to know more about one aspect of your content or service than other people. 4.) Make sure you are productive and earning at your real potential. Chances are if you are keeping track of your statistics (see step one) you know that every visitor is worth X dollars or cents. If your really tracking, you can tell how much value you are getting from traffic to certain pages or from certain advertising methods or SE keywords. If you have a method that is just sending you visitors that never purchase or stay just stop using it and put more effort into those things that are returning a value. If you have set your value at $30 per hour to meet your income goals, you better not be concentrating on things that return pennies per hour, right? 5.) Make sure you have the tools and services you need to communicate with your visitors. It might be live help ( http://track-it-now.info/helpcenterlive_tutorial.htm ) or it might be something like an autoresponder ( http://emaileasy.info/7.html ), but you better have some way for your visitors to contact you and ask you questions. 6.) Don't expect overnight success. Growing a site takes time and effort. However, don't get discouraged. Daily effort turns into weekly growth. One day you will wake up and find that your efforts have paid off. 7.) Use your expertise to help others. Did you know that if you have something you are knowledgeable about that you are being looked for right now? There are thousands of forum's, newsgroups, and communities on-line that would benefit from your advice. If you spend the time to help them, you will see an increase in traffic and of course revenue. Many forums allow a signature which is similar to the resource box for this article. People do click on those signature links when you help them. Since you have already taken the first step and built some trust in your knowledge don't you think they will be more likely to use what your website provides. 8.) Do not be afraid to get some help. There are 1000s of freelancers and other helpful people that make their living on the web. Farming work out to those freelancers may just be worth your time. Here is an example: You are running a finance site. You need to get a new layout, new graphics, and Search Engine optimization done. You could spend days working on all of that, and since you are not an expert you end up with an inferior website both in looks and functionality. Your two days of effort cost you money in lost sales, but the poor website will cost you thousands over the next year. A few minutes with a competent designer would have cost you a few days pay, but you end up with a great functional and attractive website. Which way is better? Edward Charkow is the lead programmer and copy writer for Stmadeveloper. Stmadeveloper provides top notch niche sites that focus on high paying keywords. No technical knowledge is needed since they do the creation, content, and promotion. Visit Stmadeveloper at http://www.stmadeveloper.com
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Search Engine Friendly Ways to Build Link Popularity Acquiring relevant backlinks to your website is one of the most important parts of any Search Engine Optimization campaign. The search engine's and especially Google value backlinks to your website as an indicator of your website's importance. If a large number of webmaster's have decided to link to your content then you must be an important information hub in your target keyword marketplace. Top 7 Ways To Promote Your Website, NOW We will start with the best, than make our way to the bottom of the list. This article will give you a good ideal where the best ways to promote your site! 3 Reasons Your Website Might Fail To Attract Enough Customers Virtually all website owners concentrate their efforts and energy into getting more visitors. With business owners this effort is spent on getting more and more new customers. What many people forget - with both their website and their business - is that getting new customers (or visitors) is only a small part of the equation for success. Marketing Tips for Your Web Site Here are some simple and easy tips on how to market and drive traffic to your site. Internet Directories to Improve Link Popularity Description: one way of jumpstarting you link campaign is to get directory links. Building links, by listing your website in the search engines and directories, is one way of increasing your link popularity, especially if yours is a new site or one with no inbound links. However, you should choose your directories and search engines well. Website Promotion: 10 Phenomenal Tactics To Reinforce Your Profits Here are the website promotion tactics to reinforceand increase your profits: Getting Inbound Links is as Easy as 1-2-3 Your success on the internet is directly related to how many other sites are linking back to yours. The goal of every webmaster is to get more inbound links. I have listed three simple steps below to automate and multiply the process. Once the process is started you will be getting inbound links while you sleep. Website Promotion Have you ever wondered why some websites get a thousand hits a day while others don't? Well, the secret lies in something called 'website promotion'. 7 Ways to Promote Your Website Locally Now that you've built your new website you cansit back and let it do all the work, right? Well no. Unlike in "Field ofDreams" if you build it, they won't necessarily come, at least not until youask them to! That's where web site promotion comes in. Web site promotionprovides that vital link between that great site you've built (or had built)and everyone that you want to come see it! X-Ray Specs, Turning 30, and Achieving Website Success I was writing the final chapter of my book on website marketing a few weeks ago and was wondering how far I'd progressed with it in the past nine months so I ran a word count. 44559 words. 10 Cool Ways To Attract People To Your Web Site 1. Give people a free subscription to your e-zine. Almost everyone is publishing a e-zine nowadays so it's important to give something extra with the free subscription. You could offer a free gift or advertising when people subscribe. Marketing Your Business: Our Top Eight Tips How to market your business? It needs your continual effort. You need keep learning and practicing to find out where your real customers are and how to target them effectively. How in other words, how can let other people find your business? It should be a long term plan and investment. You should consider it as your job, your business. You need take care of it. If you respect your business and work on it with your effort, you will be rewarded eventually. Top 10 Reasons Why I Reject Article Submissions Each week I receive dozens of article submissions to my websites from aspiring authors, website owners, and entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, I can only use a small fraction of the articles I receive because the writers are making one of the crucial mistakes listed below. Three Cost Effective Ways to Get Bumper-to-Bumper Traffic Using Your Vehicle The following traffic generating ideas do not require costly set-up fees or minimum orders. Two of them can be printed in full color with no extra charge. They all can be given away at trade shows, as free gifts with orders, to new newsletter subscribers, etc. Try one or all three and watch your web traffic increase next time your vehicle is caught in traffic. 10 Website Blunders Guaranteed to Send Your Visitors Elsewhere When you build your website you need to have a plan first. The reason for this is if you do not have a plan you will likely make mistakes, forget to include information, and overall have an unorganized and not a well thought out page. While you might read the page and completely understand everything, remember that your website visitor did not design the page and needs a little more direction. Read the following 10 website blunders that are common and will make your visitors head to another site quickly. Website Promotion: 10 Reasons Why People Dont Visit Your Web Site If you are not getting traffic at your website and wondering what is the problem, here are a few reasons: Online Promotional Strategies For Start Up Entrepreneurs As a small business owner are you looking at promotional strategies that could, while giving you a steady stream of prospects can also save costs? How To Stop Your Site Disappearing Into The Void Repetition is the key to getting your adverts and promotion efforts noticed but when does repetition become over saturation which inevitably leads to boredom? Boredom and apathy. This is one of the biggest challenges you'll face when promoting your site in the hit exchanges. So how do you cut through this and get people to read your message and take an interest in what you're advertising? Web Advertising: 5 Uncommon Ways To Generate Online Business Ideas Success in business thrives on ideas. How to Keep Your Visitors on Your Site Does your web site's visitors keep on hitting the back button on their browser without even thinking twice and never come back? More often then not, visitors are leaving fast as they came and forcing the web site owner to have to relook over their web site. So, how do you keep your visitors coming back and staying longer? Below is a list of the top three reasons why your visitors are not coming back to your web site ![]() |
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