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Online Promotional Strategies For Start Up Entrepreneurs
As a small business owner are you looking at promotional strategies that could, while giving you a steady stream of prospects can also save costs? Do you know that thousands of website owners use few simple techniques to generate targeted visitors to their websites without spending a penny on advertising? Yes. It is the webs most well kept marketing secret. These are the strategies used by fortune 500 companies as well as some of the most successful internet marketing wizards.The principle behind this incredible internet marketing strategy is first GIVE and then GET. When used effectively, the results could be mind boggling. How Does This Strategy Work? Imagine for a moment that you are selling insurance. It is just an illustration. It could be a healthcare product, credit cards, housing or innumerable other loans or anything under the bright blue skies. The moment you talk of insurance to any prospect who is already hunted (pardon my term hunted. that is what a prospect feels about sales approaches) day in and day out by insurance sales persons, immediately erects a barrier and comes up with innumerable excuses for not wanting insurance. Now there is another way. You offer people valuable information about choosing the right insurance in the form of a free report, an article, or a book. Would people take it? They definitely would. Because they are under no obligation or pressure to buy anything in the first place. They are also getting a benefit which is valuable information about choosing the right kind insurance. Now this free information product that you offer has subtle messages or links to your website with your address and phone no's as the sponsor of the book. The person reading the book has already started to build a good image about you because you have offered him valuable information which is going to benefit him. He is obliged to you for the free service that you have rendered him. So he is more likely to call you if he needs your product than any other competing product. Let's assume for a moment he does not require insurance. But just because he appreciates the valuable information contained in your info product he forwards it to five more of his friends or relatives. Your information with your ads has now been exposed to 6 persons whereas you gave it to only one with no involvement of time, money, or effort. These five people again find the information valuable and each person shares it with 5 more of their friends. Now you have reached 31 more people. This way it continues on may be not in the same arithmetical progression mentioned here. It could be more or less. But be rest assured you have created a viral advertising tool that keeps moving and replicating and spreads across. We have taken an example of an ebook, e-report, or white paper. In the case of an article it works slightly differently. An article is published in ezines like this one with a huge readership. Whoever likes the article can of course forward it to their friends. But a content syndication site also has thousands of other ezine owners visiting it for content. So an article which is preapproved by the author gets published and in turn they keep being republished in hundreds of sites with the authors link in the article. Now do you see what an exciting promotional strategy this could be that has very little cost implications while reaching a wide national or global audience making your cash registers ring. R.G. Srinivasan is a management professional. He is also the author of eBooks, publishes 3 popular blogs on management thoughts, home businesses, and health. You can check out his blog at http://management-thoughts.blogspot.com.
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How To Improve Your Conversion Rate Hardly a day goes by that I don't get an email from someone saying: Marketing Case Study: Launching WebSiteMarketingPlan.com (2001 - 2002) The Challenge Five Fun Ideas That Increase Online Traffic 1. Using Hidden Links to increase subscribers or for acontest. Place a not so easy to find link in your copy andthen ask people to find it. Give them a prize or freebie forfinding it. Or you can give them the ebook after they findthe link and click on it. By burring it inside thematerial, they will definitely need to read it carefully inorder to find it. The Basics Of Free Web Site Promotion It's easy to forget the fundamental components of Web site promotion. Winding back the clock to the days when many Webmasters couldn't afford prolonged advertising campaigns, the majority of people starting out with a new Web site were forced to discover the art of free Web site promotion. In recent times, however, with "pay per click" advertising becoming less expensive and various other marketing activities becoming increasingly cheaper, the art of effectively promoting your site for free appears to have been lost. The purpose of this article is to act as a refresher course for any Webmasters who are keen to keep their promotional activities down to a shoestring budget. Drive People to Your Site to Buy Your Products Bring those visitors back for more, applauding you and sayingBRAVO! They will create a buzz about your great site, and sendyou many more visitors through word of mouth. These visitorsare your personal marketing force. The Power of Link Exchanges Let's face it. Getting webmasters to link to your site is difficult. Search Engine Friendly Ways to Build Link Popularity Acquiring relevant backlinks to your website is one of the most important parts of any Search Engine Optimization campaign. The search engine's and especially Google value backlinks to your website as an indicator of your website's importance. If a large number of webmaster's have decided to link to your content then you must be an important information hub in your target keyword marketplace. 5 Cheap Ways to Promote Your Website Offline We get so caught up with internet marketing and "web building" that most of us tend to forget the "olden days" of marketing; offline marketing. Years ago, the web did not exist, yet, people still made millions! Track or Perish Who me? Track? How To Increase Your Page Rank And Web Traffic FREE Google is the most popular and most used search engine that is used in this day and age therefore it is important to increase your link popularity to your website with links that are pointed to your site which will result in increase a of your website traffic and your Google page rank. How do you do this? Is the question you are most likely linking of well is will tell you how and the best thing it is free. To Link or Not To Link - That Is The Question You know the drill. Everybody claims that in order to obtain and maintain a favorable ranking on the search engines you MUST have reciprocating links on your website. How To Obtain Free Advertising For Your Online Business The beauty of the Internet is that it allows you to run a business with very little money. The secret is knowing which of the available free resources are worth your time! Register with Search Engines Submitting your online business to search engines is one of the easiest, fastest, and least expensive ways to promote your site. Tens of millions of people use the major search engines every day to navigate around the Internet and quickly find what they are looking for. Statistics show that 85% of pages visited on the Internet come from people who have gotten there from a search engine. While you shouldn't rely on search engines alone to bring you qualified traffic, this is definitely a good way to kick off your marketing efforts. Complete Novice Builds Business Using Press Releases on the Internet My name is Barbara Mascio. I am the founder of a business that actually challenges the paradigm of elder care. With next to nothing in marketing dollars, I turned to the Internet hoping I could get my message across to as many folks as possible, and it's working! In fact, 68% of all our inquiries are a direct result of web visitors! How To Stop Your Site Disappearing Into The Void Repetition is the key to getting your adverts and promotion efforts noticed but when does repetition become over saturation which inevitably leads to boredom? Boredom and apathy. This is one of the biggest challenges you'll face when promoting your site in the hit exchanges. So how do you cut through this and get people to read your message and take an interest in what you're advertising? Free Online Advertising: 10 Dynamic Secrets To Make Your Ad Stand Out And Ignite Sales No matter what you're marketing or promoting, if yourAd doesn't stand out, no one will noticeand read it. Do Not Post To FFAs (Free For All Sites) & Link Farms With learning about online promotion, there is so much information out there about "what you should be doing" to promote you business. This tutorial will be to inform you about what you SHOULDN'T DO! You?ve Created a Business Website: So Now What? Congratulations! You and your designer have just finished creating your business website. It's live on the Internet, waiting for all of those hot prospects to visit and hire you. Unlock Your Prospects Mind From The Inside Simply put, it's a fundamental model that you can use as a metaphor to help explain the way prospects govern their inner decision-making. 1 Seldom Discussed Method Of Web Promotion So you've made the perfect web site (in your eyes at least) and that all-important traffic is out there just waiting to visit you. You've done your research and followed the usual methods for making people aware about it, and you're now sat there twiddling your thumbs, regularly checking your traffic analysis tracker in case you get a sudden surge of visitors. Of course, unless you're a big business with a mass of promotion behind you, those days of overwhelming traffic are quite a way off. So while you wait for your search engine submissions to reap their reward is there anything else you can do to help yourself? How to Advertise on the Internet Do you want to reach millions of potential customers for FREE? Well you can if you know how. The Internet, that massive network of thousands of computers around the world, also known as the "Information Super Highway," is your ticket to generating free leads and sales. As with any other medium, there is a correct way and an incorrect way to advertise online. One correct way is to post your message to various newsgroups that welcome advertising. If you dig around, I'm sure you'll find a couple of newsgroups that fit this description. Posting your ad to these newsgroups is a good way to start your advertising campaign because they are seen by millions and it didn't cost you a dime. Your ad will last for about two weeks and then you will need to repost your ad. Keep track of your ad response and focus your efforts on the ads that bring you the best results. Another source of free advertising is publishing articles that others can reprint freely. People such as webmasters and e-zine publishers are always in need of fresh content. Write about something you are interested in. If you have a certain area of expertise, write an article about that. Place a resource box at the end of your article with all of your pertinent contact information. Don't attempt to sell your product here. Do that when you get contacted for more information. One more source of free advertising is ezines. Some ezines allow their subscribers to advertise for free. Different ezines have different rules regarding their advertising. There are a lot of directories online that list ezines that offer free advertising. Just go to any search engine and type in ezines and you should find a considerable amount of ezines listed. You can also create what is known as a signature file. A signature file is a footer that goes at the bottom of any email that you send out. Your signature file contains information such as your company name, email address, and website. You should also include a short sales message in your signature file. Now that you know the correct ways to advertise for free online, here are a few incorrect things to do when advertising online. Don't be tempted to post ads in any newsgroup that you see. Follow their posting rules to the letter. If they say NO ADVERTISING, don't advertise. This is a good way for you to get thrown out of the group. Additionally, don't write articles that serve as sales letters. Editors will spot this rather quickly and they will not publish your article. There are many places to advertise for free online. If you utilize them, you will be well on your way to building your business online. ![]() |
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