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Banners You Cant Ignore
Some "experts" say they don't exist. Apparently we have become so accustomed to seeing banners, we have learned to ignore them. We sub-consciously create little white blocks exactly 468x60 pixels in size that neatly fit over banners so that we no longer see them and NEVER click on them. Of course these same experts will then tell you what, of course, you SHOULD be using. Their product. Naturally some marketing techniques work better than others. But that doesn't mean the less effective approaches should be ignored. A balanced advertising campaign will spread itself across a variety of mediums. But isn't it true that click-thru rates (CTR) on banners have dropped over the years? This is difficult to ascertain and views on this are conflicting but, ultimately, CTR's on banners are irrelvant and the measure of success should not be based on this misleading statistic. Let's say you get a 2% CTR on your banner. In other words, 2 out of every 100 views results in 2 mouse clicks. Most would consider this to be a successful banner as most achieve considerably less than this. But how many of those "clickers" then take a genuine interest in the website they view? Not many. Especially when you consider that the most effective banners are those that give nothing away and lure you in through sheer curiosity. The banner has successfully achieved a good CTR, but for what purpose. A banner with a high CTR does not automatically translate into success for your website. The success of a banner should be judged by a different criteria. By one that cannot easily be measured. Just for a moment, compare banners to billboard advertising. How many times have you seen an interesting billboard and then communicated with it to learn more information. Well, unless you're Steve Martin in LA Story, the answer is never. How many times have you rung the phone number or written to the address printed on a billboard? Once? Twice? Never? In fact how many billboards do you see that actually provide you with a contact number and / or address so that you can find out more? They exist, but are few and far between. Does this mean that billboards are a monumental failure? Not a bit of it. Billboard advertising is primarily about branding. About getting a product, a logo, a tv channel, a movie, absolutely anything into your brain. If you see it enough times, you will remember it. You might not even know what it is you have seen, but you can be assured that when you see it on the supermarket shelf or in your TV guide, the billboard image will be recalled and a connection is made. Branding isn't about CTR's, it is about visibility. It's about presence. If you're seen enough times, people will instinctively start to think that there must be something worth-while behind the advert. At the very least, you project the image of success. And this is important not just to draw new customers but also to keep your existing ones happy. Think about all the billboards you see for the number one selling brand of cola. Are they looking for new business? Are they really trying to find that miniscule group of people that have yet to try their soft drink? Not a bit of it. They are just reminding their millions of existing customers that they exist and to keep on buying their product. So think of your banners, not as a draw to lure people to your webpage, but as an opportunity to tell the viewer that you're out there. Be sure to remember the following: -- Colour scheme and logo. This should match your website exactly. Placed side by side, the connection between your banner and your website should be glaring. -- Make sure the banner communicates or, at the very least, strongly hints what you are about. Luring people into clicking on your banner about traffic exchanges and then trying to sell them a car is not helpful. -- When you create new banners, keep the style consistent. Viewers should be able to connect your banners together while still seeing something new. Of coure if CTR's really matter to you, then this article cannot help you. Instead, you might like to try spending your hard-earned cash on one of those ebooks that teach you how to "hypnotise" your customers. Although I can't speak for their quality. I've never brought a single one of their "mesmerising" products. Dylan Campbell has been quietly making a living on the Internet since 2000, he has a unique, and often controversial, view of the industry. Dylan write exclusively for The Nettle Ezine
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One Way Link Building Campaigns This article explains in detail the various issues related to the linking campaign that you will need to mount, to establish your worth in the algorithms of search engines . Some of the issues that we will be tackling in this & subsequent articles are: Planning and Evaluating Marketing Programs Measuring and understanding your Website's success is a critical process that is sometimes overlooked. Many times, marketing efforts stop at getting traffic to the site. The next step is to evaluate results. How To Use Banner Ads Effectively It's no big secret that banner ads have become less effective than text links over the years. This phenomenon is called "banner blindness". Banners were so ubiquitous in the early years of the Internet that users simply began to ignore them. How to use Free Website Submission Services After you have built your website the next natural step is to start promoting it. You can start with submitting your site to the various search engines and directories. Website Promotion - The Stakes Are Rising ? And So Is The Cost Over the past couple of months it has been quite noticeable that the amount of time and effort that is going into website promotion is rapidly rising and therefore so is the associated cost of keeping ahead of the competition. Web Site Advertising: 10 Blockbuster Secrets To Make Your Web Site More Profitable Do you want to make your website more profitable? A Novel Free-For-All Idea Almost anyone who has tried submitting to free-for-all sites will say that they are no longer worth the effort as a traffic generating tool. 10 Cool Ways To Attract People To Your Web Site 1. Give people a free subscription to your e-zine. Almost everyone is publishing a e-zine nowadays so it's important to give something extra with the free subscription. You could offer a free gift or advertising when people subscribe. Do Not Post To FFAs (Free For All Sites) & Link Farms With learning about online promotion, there is so much information out there about "what you should be doing" to promote you business. This tutorial will be to inform you about what you SHOULDN'T DO! Increasing Link Popularity WITHOUT Exchanging Links Yes, it can be done. Here are 7 ways that a site can acheiveincreased link popularity without having to exchange links:Directory Submissions - Submit to the Open Directory and othersites like JoeAnt and Gimpsy. These are all human revieweddirectories, therefore search engines will consider that yoursite must be of pretty good quality to be listed in them. Submissionto these sites is free, but there can be quite a wait to getreviewed, since editors are unpaid volunteers. In addition toa link popularity boost, a listing in Open Directory will getyour site listed in the other Open Directory powered siteslike Google's web Directory, AOL's web directory and many others.Tips For Directory Submissions:Editor Check - Is there an editor for your desired category?If not, consider applying. For Open Directory, this cangive you the power to add your site much more quickly.Link Title - Don't try any tricks to get keywords in your titleif they are not in your company name. This will get your listingedited if the listing is approved or rejected outright. Thetitle must be your official website or company name.Description - Again, don't try to insert extra keywords here,it could backfire and your description will be edited or yourlisting rejected. The description should be short and concise.Just tell what your website offers and give some product or service examples if appropriate. Again, keep it short!Be patient! - It may take weeks or months to be reviewed. Ifyou've submitted before and are still not listed, try writinga polite note to the editor of the category to see if therewas a problem.Paid Submissions - Paid submissions to quality directoriesand portals is also a good idea. It is well known that alisting in the Yahoo directory area will give you a good Google PageRank boost. Listing in the Yahoo directory areais $299, so skip this option if your budget is limited.Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Submissions - Google lists theresults of many smaller pay-per-click search engines. Thiscan help link popularity if your site is listed in theseresults for your important keywords and phrases. There arehundreds of these smaller PPC engines that offer a freeadvertising credit just for signing up. Take a jaunt onover to PayPerClickSearchEngines.com for a good list of them.Submit listings under all your important keywords and phrasesand include keywords in your title.Affiliate Program - Having an affiliate program can boost youroverall sales by letting other sites do the advertising for you,but did you know that this can also help link popularity? Forsome affiliate program services like Commission Junction orLinkShare, they use a special link to track clicks and sales,so these may not be effective since they do not contain youractual domain name. The kind of affiliate program I am talkingabout is the type that uses your domain name in the tracking URLyou give affiliates to use. Something like:http://www.yourcompanyname.com/aff?64340As long as your affiliate program uses this type of link, thenyour site should see an increase in link popularity. Just makesure you offer a good incentive for affiliates so that they willadd your link to their site. Even better, you can approve onlyrelated sites or sites with a good Google PageRank or Alexatraffic ranking into your program!Specialized Submissions - What type of site do you have? What do yousell? Chances are there is a directory that specializes in justsites like yours. Have a casino or gambling site? There are manygambling portals and search engines. Submit to all of them.Have a site that sells antique fishing tackle? Yep, there aredirectories relating to fishing, but you can also submit to themany antique and collectible directories as well! Sell weddingdresses in New York? Submit to the many wedding and bridal directoriesand the New York search engines too. Whatever your niche, chances arethat there is a specialized directory or search engine for that area.Find them and submit! You'll benefit from the targeted traffic theysend but also increased link popularity.Create Your Own Directory - Set up your own specialized search engine,directory or portal catering to your target audience. Your site canbe a featured or showcase site on the main page and other pages!To attract users, add interactive content such as forums, have chats,offer contests, the possibilities are endless.Expired Domain Names - Maybe a site in your industry has gone out ofbusiness? You may be able to pick up their domain name and with itall their incoming links and traffic. Increase your link popularityby adding your link to the site prominently, then go ahead and re-direct the user to your site after a few seconds. Don't re-directquickly or you may not reap any link popularity benefits.That's it! 7 ways to increase your website's link popularity withoutmaintaining a links page and without sending your visitors to competitors!Kacey Donston - Submit-URL.net has been promoting online businesses since 1998.Offering search engine optimization, positioning services, pay perclick campaigns, ranking checks, resubmissions, evaluations and more.We offer comprehensive packages for home business owners, small businessesand corporate customers. http://www.submit-url.net How to Write Effective Web Copy Writing effective web copy begins with an understanding ofwhat the goals of your web site are. Are you trying to getyour visitors to purchase something or have them sign upfor your newsletter? Remember you are trying to get someoneyou can't see and have never met take a step towardsbuilding a relationship with you or your company. How to Get Hundreds of Links to Your Site If you are website owner and you have begun exchanging links, you know how time consuming -- and time-wasting -- it can be. On the other hand, you don't want to give up on the process because you might actually unearth the occasional valuable link partner. DMOZ - Is it Still Worth the Submission Time? DMOZ is known all over the internet as being the largest open source directory online, but is it really worth your time and effort to try to get your website listed in their directory? You?ve Created a Business Website: So Now What? Congratulations! You and your designer have just finished creating your business website. It's live on the Internet, waiting for all of those hot prospects to visit and hire you. 7 Affiliate Success Steps How to get your business exposed for free! Donuts Anyone? When we ran the contest back in 1998 we had a idea there would be a few visitors but we got a big surprise. We had up to 1000 people per hour from the local area sitting on the web site waiting for the cop to come in the drive thru. We ran the contest for 2 months and it was the best advertising we had ever done. It produced more then 500 new customers per month and caused a bunch of people to get involved in a contest we felt was going to be middle of the road. As I met with a marketing guru 2 months ago we had sat and chatted about advertising that worked and the Donut shop cop came back to life. How One Free Advertising Method Can Trasform Your Income A great way to get the word out about your business in a hurry is something so simple and effective yet few marketers online take advantage of it. 7 Innovative Ways To Advertise Your Web Site 1. Directory Linking Create a directory of web sites on a specific topic. Give people the option of adding the directory to their web site by linking to it. Put your business advertisement at the top of the director's home page. This technique will get lots of people to link to your web site and give you free advertising. How to Make Your Website Sticky! Five Nifty Ways to Make Your Site Sticky! Are You SURE Your Link Partners Still Link to You? It's a fact. While most link partners are scrupulously honest a few are little more than link scam artists. They'll take a link from you to them. Put up your link back. But then when you're not looking take yours down. ![]() |
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