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Sex & the Single Gay Guy
Introduction "To have sex or not to have sex, that is the question." While it's certainly important to have a healthy sexuality when you're single, how you negotiate your sexual behavior as a gay man if you're on a "boyfriend hunt" can definitely have an impact on helping or hurting your cause. Have you ever gone out on a date that seemingly went really well to then be utterly confused when the guy doesn't ever call you again after you've slept together? Or what if you're in-between relationships, what role does sex play in your life? What do you do if that hot guy asks you back to his place after your first meeting? Are one-night stands ok? These questions remain at the forefront of every single gay man's mind as he embarks out into the dating world, and they can be quite controversial topics for discussion among gay circles. The bottom line is that there are no steadfast rules or right/wrong answers to these questions necessarily; our sexuality is our own responsibility and we have personal choice in terms of how we decide to express this part of ourselves. But those unique choices you make about sex can have implications for relationship success if your ultimate goal is to find your life partner, and this article will address some of those factors and offer suggestions for navigating through those tricky decision-making processes. Gay Sexual Development As a result of being raised in a homophobic society, most gay men as part of their development denied and/or stifled their sexual feelings for other men out of shame and the need for acceptance and safety. As adolescents, most gay men missed out on accomplishing the developmental tasks of building dating skills and exploring their sexualities. Upon "coming out" to oneself, sex tends to take on a great significance and emphasis. After years of oppression and stuffing their sexual feelings, it is normal for gay men of any age to experience a "delayed adolescence" as they experiment sexually with other men on a casual basis, exploring who they are and defining a new identity as sexual gay men. These dynamics can change, however, the more comfortable one becomes with his sexual identity and crystallizes a more solid sense of self. For many men at this point, sexual needs become blended with a desire for emotional intimacy, something that can only be gained over time in the context of a loving relationship, not through a quick fling with a guy who was just met at the bar. Each scenario is purposeful, and neither should be judged as better or worse. What is important is a recognition of who you are, what you want, and aligning your behavior with that knowledge so there's congruence between your values and your actions. Sex Vs. Love What it all boils down to is honestly acknowledging to yourself what your priorities and ultimate goals are. Simply stated, what's more important to you at this particular juncture in your life, emotional involvement or sexual gratification? Emotional involvement is driven by a need for intimacy and connection, possible commitment, a shared set of values, interests, attitudes, and goals, and is characterized by the forming of an attachment where both men can risk being vulnerable and show their "true selves." Sexual gratification implies recreational sexual release that can be no-strings fun with a lack of expectations for anything of any depth beyond this. Be honest! Your answer to that question will be your guide to the kinds of choices you make that will allow you to live with sexual integrity. Things To Keep In Mind If you choose to have casual sex? ·Sex Changes Everything: Realize that once you have sex, the dynamics will never be the same with your lover. Intimacy can't be rushed and is built over time; early sex can help determine sexual compatibility on some level (although don't underestimate the fact that sex can get hotter as a relationship ages), but it can put the kebosh on intimacy because the relationship is rooted in sex and no other foundation has been able to be established. Don't confuse sex with love. While there are some one-night stands that have lead to long-term relationships, they are generally in the minority. ·Practice Physical & Emotional Safe Sex: Everyone knows of the importance of condoms and other safe sex practices to help protect against the transmission of sexual diseases (please play safely!), but safe sex also involves emotional integrity and honesty. Both men must be on the same page going into a sexual encounter to avoid hurt feelings, misunderstandings, and disappointment. Be up front and honest with your needs and intentions and make sure you both have the same expectations. Set clear boundaries and communicate these, even if it "kills the mood." If it's purely a sexual thing and you don't plan on maintaining contact again, politely say so and don't exchange numbers if you really don't plan on following through and placing a call. ·Determine Your Sexual Motives: Seems like a strange question, but why are you having sex? How does your sexual behavior impact your search for Mr. Right? Exercise: Identify the reasons you believe that you have sex. This will help assist you in assessing whether your sexual habits are healthy or self-defeating and then you can begin developing "battle strategies" for overcoming those reasons that may be undermining your true happiness. Here are a few common purposes underlying sexual expression: "I have sex?" ___ to cope with frustration and for stress relief ___ to overcome loneliness ___ to cope with boredom ___ to increase self-esteem ___ for pleasure and fun ___ because I've given up on trying to find a boyfriend ___ to cope with inadequacy and shame for being gay ___ as a form of freedom & independence, the ultimate expression of being gay ___ to avoid intimacy ___ other Too much casual sex can sometimes harden a person to the point where sex becomes impersonal and he can then become detached from his feelings during lovemaking, even when he doesn't want to be disengaged. You may wish to consult with a therapist or coach on any of the above if you detect a pattern of sexually addictive or promiscuous behavior that you've been unable to manage. If you choose to refrain from sex initially? ·Prepare for Love:Make the most of your singlehood by developing a vision for your life and future relationship so you're ready for it when it comes. Develop a dating plan and identify your negotiable and non-negotiable needs that you want to have for a fulfilling partnership with Mr. Right. Casual sex can steer you away from living this vision and you can begin attracting the wrong type of men, not to mention harm you "image." Know who you are and what you stand for! ·Stabilize Your Libido: Most dating coaches agree that it's best to hold off on having sex until you really know the guy you're dating first. This way you'll be able to determine if you're comfortable with this person to risk being vulnerable. Additionally, by not sleeping with him right away, his continued pursuit of you increases the probability that you're budding romance is predicated more on genuine interest in you and not just sex. If the sexual chemistry persists even after this, it's also likely that this attraction is more than just lust. In the interim, meet your sexual needs in other ways (eg. self-pleasuring, fantasy, etc.), as difficult and unrealistic as it may be at times. ·Pacing: "Pacing" refers to the art of taking things slowly and with conscious intent. You be in the driver's seat and proceed with your dating relationship at a speed that you're comfortable with and that is in alignment with your vision. Remember, common interests and values are the cement that help sustain relationships, not sex. Go slow. Conclusion Balancing head, heart, and libido is a very challenging task when you're single and dating, but the rewards are great if you live congruently with your values and standards you've set for yourself. Recognize the power that your choices have in influencing the direction of your life. In closing, some additional questions that might be helpful as you further ponder this topic are: * What role does sex play in my history and current life situation? * Am I really looking for a relationship or am I content with "cruising" for the time being? * Does having sex distract me from my goal of finding my life partner? * How do I feel about myself after sex? © 2005 Brian L. Rzepczynski WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEBSITE? This article can be reprinted freely online, as long as the entire article and this resource box are included: Brian Rzepczynski, Certified Personal Life Coach, is The Gay Love Coach: "I work with gay men who are ready to create a road map that will lead them to find and build a lasting partnership with Mr. Right." To sign up for the FREE Gay Love Coach Newsletter filled with dating and relationship tips and skills for gay singles and couples, as well as to check out current coaching groups, programs, and teleclasses, please visit http://www.TheGayLoveCoach.com Please also include with the article the words © Copyright and prominently display a link to our main page at the end of the article. Any feedback would be appreciated and can be sent to brian@thegaylovecoach.com. Thank you! Brian Rzepczynski holds a master's degree in Social Work from Western Michigan University and is also a Certified Personal Life Coach through The Coach Training Alliance. He launched his private coaching practice in 2003 and works with gay men, both singles and couples, toward developing skills for improving their dating lives and relationships. He publishes a monthly ezine called "The Man 4 Man Plan" that has helpful articles, tips, resources, and an advice column related to gay relationships and dating. He is also the co-author of the self-help book "A Guide to Getting It: Purpose & Passion" published in May 2005. Visit his website at www.TheGayLoveCoach.com
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Do they know that you accept them for who they are? Sex in History As we human beings have changed and evolved over our thousands of years of recorded history so have our attitudes and expressions of all things sexual. The only thing that hasn't changed much is society's desire to exercise a certain amount of control over an individual's sexual behavior. Whether it be through church or state, educational institutions or popular media of the time, there have been rules and regulations, views and taboos about what we should do sexually, how we should do it, who we should do it with and even how we should think about doing it. Homosexuality: Lets Reopen the Debate Part II In my first piece on this subject titled Homosexuality: Let's Reopen the Debate and published at Ezinearticles.com, I received readers' comments that have been pretty decent considering the inflammatory nature of the subject of the essay. I always appreciate readers' comments, even the loony ones, and I do try to think through them to see what I can learn as well as see if I've made some glaring error in my prose. Little Hoochie Mammas Our young girls are dressing more and more like little whores than little girls. They are also learning very early in life that sex can get them the "bling bling" jeans and sneakers they want. That in itself is bad enough but where they learn these behaviors is even more disturbing. Not from music or videos but from home. Choosing Sex Toys and Caring For Them Intended usage Lets Play: A Guide to Intimacy Want to have the best sex of your life? Then, don’t have it unless you are ready and have a partner that you care deeply about. Sex is not just the bump and grind. The physical mechanics of the sex act are not always all they are cracked up to be. Sexual encounters that lack the special ingredient of love can be very unsatisfying and unsettling. The participants of a casual, purely sexual encounter know they missed something and may not even be able to climax. Why You have the Right to Choose to Think Sexuality is a fundamental part of being human and alive. It is powerful, even in its distortion it carves our lives in the same way that flowing water engraves the planet. As we struggle to harness hydropower for its best use, so it is with our sexuality (in the best cases). This is not a result of some philosophical hiatus; it is the effect of day-to-day choices. So is it really so arduous to accept that thinking humans should view their choices around sexuality in a larger context? Sexual Energy! How open are we when it comes to talking about sex? We are all so captivated, yet intimidated and shy about sex. It always seems to play in the back of our own minds. My question is just how much are we appreciative of our sexuality? 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Sex is out of the closet since the free love days of the sixties. The problem with monogamy has always been boredom. The initial passion drops off pretty rapidly in a typical relationship, but not the lust of sexual desire. Eventually, the right (or wrong) set of circumstances come together and you have infidelity. It's not that people are bad, they are just human. What is the Best Position for Making Love? Ever wondered which is the most sexual and feminine sexual position? Making Love for a Lifetime: Seniors and Sexuality We are sexual beings, throughout the lifespan. This includes the later years of life, which are often overlooked in discussions of sexuality. In this article I want to address some misconceptions about aging and sexuality; report some survey information on sexual behavior among seniors; describe physical, psychological and medical changes that may accompany aging; and suggest positive and affirming ways for seniors to continue to enjoy their sexuality to the fullest. ![]() |
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