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Electric Power Production From Magnetic Tapes ATHENS - GREECE, -- An individual person called Basil Dimitropoulos, who is a graduate Electrical Engineer with specialization in Magnetic Recording Applications, has long announced that he developed a project that concerns Electric Power Production From Magnetic Tapes. This electromotive system affects directly the Global Home Appliances Industry and Transportation Industry, resulting in portable and mobile power supplies for Household Devices and Electric Vehicles. It is an Entirely Environment-Friendly energy source of very low cost. Archaeology When the Egypt Exploration Fund was created they had memoranda and articles of incorporation that directed the funding for site excavations which showed promise of being outside the Bible Narrative - should not be researched! This troublesome kind of bias is beyond reproach because sites like Memphis have been built over and for all intents and purposes destroyed. In the efforts of people like Schliemann (Troy) and Evans (Crete) to uncover their dreams that led from the 'myths' of Homer they also confused and made horrible mistakes that allow debunking science to discredit artifacts that would have proven valuable. There are so many examples of actual government destruction of artifacts and people's careers that it is hard to pick one single example. Preventing Flooding on Individual Farmers Fields to Save Crops I propose permits be given to farmers to they can set up along the edge of their fields a microwave array to burn a hole in the clouds when severe weather threatens their crops. I would propose that this concept be completely privately funded and be done in conjunction with the FAA. As a wicked storm approaches the farmer can minimize his loses by slight overhead weather modification. The array can be pointed out at a forty-five degree angle to the approaching cloud until the width of the field is displayed on the bottom side of the cloud. As the cloud passes over it will begin to regroup and come back together without changing the over all regional weather. Earthquake and Disaster Delays in Scientific Innovation In our present period we are continually reminded that we live on the surface of the planet and with that great honor comes issues of Mother Nature we must deal with. It is a fair trade off, as you get sunshine, warmth and heat from the sun; water, fish and surfing opportunities from the ocean and the stars, moon and cosmos to propel thought, enlightenment and understanding of who we are and perhaps some insight into why we are here. These are all wonderful things we enjoy and with every positive there is a negative, with every up there is a down and with every action a reaction. So then, let's talk about the negative side of things; which we are reminded of all too often: Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Typhoons, Volcanoes, Wild Fires and Floods. Conspiring to Create Our Weather Some say the weather is totally random and does not exist in any pattern. Even some academia wonder kids show us kaleidoscope pictures of randomness and say see; this is why we cannot predict the weather. Please people give me a break. Just admit it, you don't know anything, you are all faking it. We do not need a bunch of hunch, fed to us like sack lunch. My Grandfather was 200 miles off the coast of NJ during the WWII before the invasion of Normandy calling in the weather to the likes of Churchill and General Dwight D Eisenhower. Surely we have come along better than that? Others agree the problem of accurate weather prediction is immense: Making Diamonds Using The Earth We can make diamonds using the Earth's inner forces, extreme pressure and heat. We simply send Carbon Blocks in tubes, which have been drilled into the Earth's Mantle. Then let them return under the pressure built up in the tube and you will be able to make diamonds. Why would we wish to make diamonds? We can make diamonds for wealth to pay off our national debt, for nation building or even feeding starving Africans or perhaps poor South Americans in our own backyard? CCTV Decoy Registration System Avoiding cameras? Gotcha, what are you trying to hide from. Cameras in Subways and airports often do not get a face shot good enough for face recognition software. There is a solution to this dilemma which can assist us in catching would be International Terrorists on watch lists. When we look over the video on television from the London Train Bombing we see many images from not so good angles, from this the authorities are asking all citizens foreign and domestic to help identify those in the photos. The photos being of course a single frame from a full motion video Close Circuit Television Surveillance System. We all know that such cameras are not so good and often the perpetrator is looking away from the camera at the time when they pass by? Of course those who are perpetrators know where the cameras are and they purposely look away. America and its Collision Course Energy ESP #7 - America and its Collision CourseCrude oil explodes through $46.50 as the problems are growing -It's bigger than Iraq, bigger than Bin Laden and even bigger thanthe next election. America has entered into an exhaustive racefor survival - And nobody is talking about it.Talking about what you ask?"Taking down Saudi Arabia's oil infrastructure is like spearingfish in a barrel... a coordinated assault on five or more key[pipelines]junctions in the system could put the Saudis out ofthe oil business for two years..." Robert Baer, Former CIAofficer, USA Today, May 10 2004.In a country portrayed to be the wealthiest oil nation in theworld, Saudi Arabia also has the greatest divergence betweenthe wealthy and poor. With the average individual income at$7,500 per year the poor is kept at bay by charity. Somethingwe all know the Saudis are good at. Men by the hundreds line upto meet the prince and ask (is it asking or begging) forfinancial help for whatever ails them. Is this charity? Or isit a clever way to keep the not-so-fortunate from rising up?Over generations of this practice, the locals have becomeaccustom. At what point do they rebel against these extremeunjust ways of life that they have been delt.? At what point doAMERICANS realize that this is the kind of society we dependway too much on and far too often?!?!CNBC reported last week that OPEC (or could we just say the Houseof Saud) said that 'the current average price of oil is notsufficient (high) enough to meet the needs of the OPECcountries.' Gee... wonder why the 10 year oil futures have beenpropelling themselves into space over the past few years? ? Whatdoes this all mean?... America is dependent on an extremelyunstable country(s). I fear that this will soon come to a headand Americans will be up the creek with only half a paddle.Over the past 30 years., approx. 75% of U.S. trade deficit wasmoney gone to oil imports - That must change What Americans don'trealize is the great divergence in the prices of the things weconsume. . . and it's about to catch up. . . One quart of oil foryou car costs between $2-$5. One gallon as gas about $2. But ifyou're in a restaurant and order a Coke or a glass of milk, it isnearly SIX times that. Now you tell me something, do you need a"Coke and a smile" to get to work in the morning? FACT - SaudiOIL FIELDS are shrinking as oil prices are flying. During the70's, 15 oil fields pumped one million barrels per day - Todayonly two of those are at a steady (or is it) one million.OPEC's SECRET SHORTAGE THAT THEY WONT TELL YOU - Today's oilreserves estimates DO NOT include the two billion barrels of oilthat was burned in the 91' Gulf War. Yet, OPEC has added 287billion barrels to their reserves without claiming any new oildiscovery. - Anyone smell anything fishy???All this is reason enough that Americans need to work together,in a NON-PARTISAN effort and bring CLEAN - RENEWABLE ENERGY TOAMERICAN SOIL ASAP!! America needs to follow in the foot step ofDenmark - where they actually produce more electricity than theyconsume... and sell the rest.ANYONE you know, if they are in college or not - PLEASEforward them this newsletter. Spread the word! It will takeeveryone you know! Aluminum Oxide to Disrupt Laser Weapons In a defensive move to eliminate communication of an enemy, an offensive system using a chemical laser would be a good idea. In manufacturing we have lasers, which coat materials so they can be combined or heat-treated in the application process. This process of depositing coatings by lasers is known in manufacturing as Direct Metal Deposition (DMD) is a generative laser process. Micro Blimps Cleaning the Air in Buildings to Eliminate Anthrax spores Presently mini-blimps are being deployed in government leadership buildings as sensor units to identify biological threats in the air. We believe this new technology being deployed in this way is a most excellent use of such technology. We believe we should go one step better. Anthrax spores can be killed by some household cleaners, it is for that reason we propose a vacuum cleaner system within these blimps. The new mini-blimp device will be an "Anthrax Killing Machine," or AKM it will operate in the air much the same as a robotic pool sweep. A Tuned Bio-Field and a New Definition of Consciousness: Part 1 I rarely hear about the role of the Heart or the power of Love as relevant determinants of human health or spirituality. This was particularly highlighted at a recent energy psychology conference in which a keynote presentation on the topic of Enlightenment seemed to focus almost entirely on achieving altered states of consciousness. I could feel my heart crying out inside me how incomplete this felt. Paternity Testing - Are You Raising Someone Elses Child? The dawn of the DNA test UAV - Terrain Following Technologies There are many technologies being used today such as ultrasonic sensors, which provide non-contact for solution levels in liquid storage tanks. Using this technology the tanks can use non-corrosive methods to prevent failure of parts. For instance in a fuel tank the bacteria can eat through a 505 (2-inch) think piece of stainless steel in about a week or so. Even plastic, which is made from petroleum products becomes brittle in such environments. So the solution in the various industries is to use sound waves to control switches and float leveling systems. One company in our industry is Compac Engineering which makes all types of "Eracta Switches" like an erector set you build the desired structure or device out of plastic, insert their sensors, plug it in and you are completed. You can know soap levels, waster water levels, freshwater levels using devices, which do not corrode, rust or deteriorate quickly. UAV Blimps Powered By Hydro-Electric Motors Using Hydro and Fluid Dynamic Theory I believe it is possible to design a pilot-less hydro-electric blimp which would have a propulsion system which never requires fuel and would be based on a Perpetual Motion Machine which uses fluid dynamics in a hydro-electric. First the shape of this thing would be similar to the new shopping mall shade cover on the Las Vegas Strip. An oblong flying saucer shape would be two of these, which would be stacked like pancakes. They would be apart by 1/3 the length of each symmetrically shaped oblong saucers shaped lighter than air blimps. In the middle would be an hourglass shaped unit. Attaching the two blimps, similar to the struts on a Baby Great Lakes Acrobatic Aircraft. Reverse Osmosis and Deionized Water Filtration Let's face it if you are in a business needing de-ionized water or reverse osmosis water you are always concerned about the quality of your water. I know as a mobile detailing business that when we have ultra clean water in our tanks we are a happy camper. We know it will make your job so much easier. We also like the idea and concept of spot free water. Have you ever considered how Reverse Osmosis really works? Let me describe the process from my industries perspective. Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics of the Human Body, Birds, and Boeing The aerodynamics of the human body are very interesting indeed. This may sound somewhat funny, because human beings can't fly, however our desire to fly has enabled us to adapt and innovate to achieve the same purpose. Man has always dreamed of being able to fly like the birds. The aerodynamics of the human body are quite serious in many sports. To confirm this, just at Lance Armstrong in a tour to France. God Created Man, 5000 years ago? Well it is written that God created man 5000 years ago, there can be no doubt about it. The Holy scripture guarantees that is in fact how it exactly happened? Oh really? So how do you explain the fossil record, life on mars and dinosaur bones? Oh, you cannot explain that? I see, but you still wish to debate the works in the various religions and completely factual and to be followed literally then? Hmm? Okay, then I have a book that, I personally recommend that you do not read: Submarine Propulsion and Internet web sources Let us discuss the patent for the Submarine, which is now in the public domain, not that any foreign governments ever cared since they have been building them for years. Since my Grandfather built the first Ring Gyro at Stanford Research years back, I think it wise to discuss these things in a modern context. The device he built is now called a Laser Ring Gyro Inertia Guidance system which is not nearly the size of the original the first one ever built by my Grandfather was six feet in diameter and six feet high and was used in a submarine after it was perfected. Today you can make one in a small box with a computer chip about 3 inches by three inches. Proving Moore's Law in more ways than one. So if you were going to build a submarine right now how would you build it? What would power it? What would be its limitations on performance? Could it also fly? Go on land? Who would you pay to build it? How fast could it go? Well we could use a Hydrogen fuel Cell, actually that has already been done and by the way it works fine. No more, Red Octobers, here is some history leading up to this discussion you may find rather interesting. How to Build a Mechanical Bullet Which Turns A Mechanical bullet, which will turn in flight is well within our technical capabilities. The premise is to have a bullet, which is preset to turn a corner can be achieved thru a small gear setting on the bullet or a preset finger on the barrel or in the chamber which can be dialed in prior to discharge. Picture a bullet and shell, directly above the shell on near the bottom of the bullet would be a small gear, which could be turned with your finger nail, each gear indentation would be equivalent to approximately 10 yards, written on the bullet shell would be a scale embossed, stamped or laser printed. The soldier would estimate from his night vision goggles, weapon sight or head gear the distance from his position where the turn needed to occur so the bullet would turn. Rover Stuck on Mars? NASA scientists had to solve a relatively common problem hear on Earth with the Rover on Mars. What do you do when you are stuck in the sand? Anyone who has ever raced off road or owned a 4X4, dune buggy or ATV understands these issues. There are many trucks to getting a vehicles unstuck from the sand. The scientists were able to get unstuck. Now then let's discuss this issue of Mars or Planetary exploration, because I fear that this is only one common problem we will face as we start to explore other worlds. ![]() |
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