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Hobbits and Lice
HOBBITS AND LICE: In late 2004 the media was all agog with the small hominids found on Flores Island where I had written about artifacts showing sea travel technology must have existed. I had argued with many people about the issue and their argument had some merit in that we had no proof of a connection to humans or the nearby Mungo Man. However, once we found these creatures which some researchers even think could be part chimpanzee the issue became clearly in my favor. I think the divergence of human lice proven through DNA technology going back 1.18 to 1.8 million years ago is even more telling and I look forward to the further research on pubic lice that might prove hominids cross-breeding. Here is one source for further review. "It was astonishing and exciting enough to have discovered a new - and wholly unexpected - hominid species last week. The discovery of the partial skeletons of three-foot tall "hobbits" on the Indonesian island of Flores would have been front page news however old they were. But what made them really extraordinary was their age. They weren't fossils. These were bones rotted to the consistency of blotting paper, less than 18,000 years old; and there are grounds for hoping that the creatures lived on into historical times. Some might even be alive in sufficiently remote island jungles today. The native legends about "Ebu Gogo" suggest that contact between Homo sapiens and Homo floresiensis took place within the last century on Flores. The idea that our ancestors had contact with other human species is a profound and disturbing one. The whole term "human species" begs the question. If they are other species, can they really be what we mean by "human"? Human is a moral category as much as a biological one. That's why it is such a useful weapon word in the debates about abortion. To call someone or something human is generally meant as praise, and implies that they should be treated as we treat ourselves. This interpretation of "humanity" is not, of course, a necessarily human trait. It's certainly not encoded in our genes. Most cultures, in most of history, have had no trouble in treating other human beings as domesticated animals or very much worse. But we, who speak English, call this process "dehumanisation". The skeletal fragments, and the legends from local people, make this story far more vivid than the other evidence for human encounters with other humanoid species. That shouldn't obscure the fact that this is the second such story this autumn, and the first one is far more chilling. The evidence there came from lice. As the parents of almost any school age girl will know, human lice are extraordinarily tenacious and well adapted to life on our scalps. They don't survive for more than a few hours away from human flesh. The war between lice and their hosts has continued for billions of years - there are species of louse adapted to almost every sort of primate and many species of birds. In humans, they infest our head, our clothes, and our bodily hair. Curiously, the body lice are the same species as head lice - although they behave quite differently, living in clothes, and coming in to feed on skin once or twice a day. Head lice live in hair and feed more often. But it turns out that DNA analysis shows there are two distinct sub-species of head lice in humans. All over the world, except in western North America, they are the same. But there is a population of lice along the Pacific coast of North America which have been evolving separately from the rest of the world for about 1.8m years. The only way to make sense of this is to assume that their separate development took place on Homo erectus, who also split off from our hominid ancestors about that time ago. So how could these lice have reached their present, wholly human hosts? It seems to me that this could only have happened through some act of primal genocide when Homo erectus met Homo sapiens somewhere in eastern Siberia. Lice can only travel between living bodies, or very freshly dead ones. If the transmission had been from living bodies, we would expect the same pattern in bodily lice. It isn't there. Nor is there any trace of Homo erectus in our DNA. So the lice must have come from very fresh corpses and it is hard to suppose that they had died peacefully just before the intruders turned up. The story of "Ebu Gogo" sounds more improving. According to local villagers, these creatures were around until about a century ago: three feet tall, hairy, and speechless, though they could imitate human speech, like parrots. The villagers tolerated them and even fed them, though they would only eat raw food, until they stole and ate a baby. They drove them from their cave with blazing bales of grass. Shortly thereafter, the villagers themselves moved off and western settlers arrived. The cave where the Ebu Gogo lived has not been found. But if it is - and scientists are looking - it might yield some extraordinary remains. These wouldn't be technological. Perhaps the saddest aspect of the whole story is the slow loss of technology it implies. Ebu Gogo seems to have been a descendent of Homo erectus, also known as Java man, who reached the island about 840,000 years ago. This was almost certainly something that required boats, which seem a pretty human-level technology." (1) Author of Diverse DruidsColumnist for The ES Press MagazineSoon to be featured with Philip Gardiner
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Electrical Industrys Protection - Destruction for Good Destruction! Blow Up! Eliminate! These are not pleasant words! Para Trooper Gliders With Angle of Attack Motor or Crank Para Trooper Gliders were very popular in WW II, they were used by both the Axis and Allied Forces. Some of these gliders were huge in size and the Germans had one which had took three bombers to get it off the ground along with two-four rockets used in take off. I believe there is a Wings Discovery Channel Documentary on this. The allied forces also used such tactics, which are well documented and some links are provided as well as pictures below this topic. Droughts and Salt Water Canals Random Thoughts We need solutions to our drought crisis in this country. There are simple but expensive solutions; for instance; Desalination, salt water rivers and conservation strategies. Now before you accusing me of hyping any of the newest technologies or try to tell me it costs too much, let me explain something about the Earth's water supply. Only 3% of the Earth's Water is fresh. This includes the water and moisture in the clouds, underground reservoirs, rivers, lakes, streams and pipelines. So if we keep increasing the population of mammals we will need to have a larger supply of fresh water. The oceans are full and the atmosphere converts this to fresh water and then it rains and we collect it. So far we end up flooding areas when we make it rain or we fail. We use up all the fresh water in the waterways, which pass through our cities and we waste the rest on things that are not important unless you love what Tiger Woods does. People say it will cost too much to take water from the ocean where 70 percent of our population lives and turn it into fresh water to serve that population's growing needs. Well I say it does not cost that much at all. Water generally and it depends where you live in the US, costs about $ 1.60-2.10 per 743 gallons, (a unit of water) do not ask me about our system of measurement I am still trying to figure out how much a fathom, knot, bushel or pint is. Apparently the scientists have not figured out the difference between a yard and a meter either judging by the crash of the last Mars Probe a few years back, even though I do not believe it actually crashed. Locusts To Help Make Energy From Bio Waste, part III If we bring the locusts to a feasting area of green cut up bio-waste to allow them to turn that into methane and protein, then we will be able to win the game. We must first limit the areas for egg laying so we do not end up with red-goo syndrome and runaway locust populations. This can be done by; pancake stacking, similar to bread racks moist sand in trays, about 4 inches thick and ten inches apart. Sprinkled with grass clippings like a light snow or dust upon the ground. Once the Adult females have laid their egg pods they have fulfilled their biological mission and need as per their genetic software code and will of course need to repeat this every six weeks or so. These little fulfilled species will be happy and we as humans get the best of all worlds, protein, energy and solving of a plight upon the earth. Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics of the Human Body, Birds, and Boeing The aerodynamics of the human body are very interesting indeed. This may sound somewhat funny, because human beings can't fly, however our desire to fly has enabled us to adapt and innovate to achieve the same purpose. Man has always dreamed of being able to fly like the birds. The aerodynamics of the human body are quite serious in many sports. To confirm this, just at Lance Armstrong in a tour to France. The As Have it ALTERNATE AND PARALLEL UNIVERSES: - The modern science of physics has opened many pathways or doorways to the infinite possibilities of 'creation'. Evolution is not the only operational factor in our life and its purpose. Martin Rees is a world recognized astronomer and more. He has recently proposed that there have been many universes and their other components which have been created. The news reports have said that it was a matter of trial and error, until it became right. If so, who can say it is RIGHT at this moment? The theory of the mystics that is covered in 'Harmonic Convergence' relates to this possibility. There are universes outside the known universe according to science as it now stands. A Case for Human Machine Visual Interface Animation of personified reality is intriguing, memorable and interesting as well. Perhaps we ought to remember this when letting kids watch cartoons of attacking counter parts? Or maybe this is a good way to help them better understand the Machiavellian characteristics of the species before they enter the real world, where everything is not so warm and fuzzy. Ultra Thin Space Suits, just a concept The space suits we saw on the first Moon visit were too large and bulky. We need Ultra thin space suits, but what if you break the skin underneath. You could bleed for hours until you get help and get the space suit off. Now then please view this company and Blood Coagulations products by: Z-Medica Corporation Cold Fusion And as I was typing this, I stopped for a while to watch the news and saw that what I wrote just a while ago in terms of human evolution has already become the likely scenario according to the media because of a new skull found in Kenya. A 3.5 million year old with smaller teeth than an australopithecine! Clearly evolution has much more ancient roots and they said we might well not be connected to australopithecines. Is this common sense or a synchronicity or something more? It happens all the time as I have been doing this research in depth, and writing during the past two years. Austin Osman Spare would say I am in the appropriate state of Zos and others would claim Ain Soph is the operating principle of the Qabala while I accept the World Mind and myself as a flux for it. Maybe Robert Park of Voodoo Science could debunk me just as he has done to J. B. Rhine but what would he say about the 'vacuum' that science now knows and that fits the ESP paradigm so thoroughly? How can anyone doubt perpetual motion when creative and FREE energy is everywhere? Yes, anyone can have an opinion - BUT is it informed? Organic Decoy Devices for Warfare (ODDW) We can genetically modify a rat to be the same body temperature as a humans, then parachute in several thousand rats into enemy territory. These rats will pick up the enemies advanced warning and intrusion sensors by way of heat signature. Planet Hugging Tree hugging is a thing of the past. It is not just about the trees anymore. It is about the air, the ocean, the earth, the ozone, the future. There are new concerns about the environment every day; it is a crisis unlike any other. You must care about the conditions under which the future generations will have to live, you must care about every aspect of the environment on the planet of which we live, and most importantly, you must care about fixing the problems that have already been created instead of simply making "Band-Aid" (Nering 352) solutions for these potential disasters. MP Apprehension of High Strung or Drunken Soldiers Recently scientists have discovered the hydrogen sulfide gas caused mice to go into spontaneous hibernation. The genetic similarities to the mammalian class humans belong to includes these rodents as well. The ability to put humans into spontaneous hibernation has incredible military applications, most of which have to do with stopping an advancing army, simply put them to sleep and thus serve your political will without having to kill them. Indeed this would change the battle space of the future in a way no one probably ever considered. Older C-130 Hercules Aircraft Problematic We have certainly seen around the world many Lockheed C-130 Aircraft, which have had problems over the last five years. Many of these aircraft have in excess of 100,000 total time airframe hours on them. The British lost on in Iraq, one crashed in Germany. Several have been lost fighting fires. The USMC lost one and the USAF lost one. Many of the older A, B and C models have been committed to moth balls, but many are still being flown as we need them, they are superb work horses and capable of unbelievable feats. The newest versions of the C-130 are hardly the same aircraft with many new features, engines, airframe enhancements fan blade style props and a completely redesigned wing; thanks to NASA and Lockheed research and development. Luckily my brother is a USMC pilot in command on a C-130 and he is able to fly the newer versions. UUV - Unmanned Underwater Vehicles to be Used for Fish Farming or Algae Bloom Removal What is a UUV? UUV is the abbreviation given to Unmanned Underwater Vehicle. It is a mini-submarine without anyone in it. Is it possible to use UUVs to farm fish in lakes, reservoirs and the ocean? Can UUVs keep a watchful eye on Algae Blooms and deliver micro-encapsulation timed release anti algae chemicals? A Unique History of the Light Bulb Most people assume that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. This is only partially true however. Historically speaking, many people helped developed the modern incandescent bulb. Though Thomas Edison's achievements were by far the most significant, there are several others that deserve some credit. Visual Limits of the Human Brain Processing Speed Visual limits of the human brain and the visual processing time is quite evident. This why animals have camouflage skin, humans get headaches at trade shows and why video or game players will be the fighter pilots of the future. Archaeology When the Egypt Exploration Fund was created they had memoranda and articles of incorporation that directed the funding for site excavations which showed promise of being outside the Bible Narrative - should not be researched! This troublesome kind of bias is beyond reproach because sites like Memphis have been built over and for all intents and purposes destroyed. In the efforts of people like Schliemann (Troy) and Evans (Crete) to uncover their dreams that led from the 'myths' of Homer they also confused and made horrible mistakes that allow debunking science to discredit artifacts that would have proven valuable. There are so many examples of actual government destruction of artifacts and people's careers that it is hard to pick one single example. Acoustic Transducers To Detect And Eliminate Incoming Mortar Rounds There maybe a way to use acoustic transducers to pin-point incoming enemy ordinance such as mortar rounds in order to shoot them down. Directional sound waves from acoustic transducers set at specific locations around friendly locations can create artificial barriers, which the incoming ordinance will have to pass to reach its target and thus be detected and triangulated or quadrangulated for interception. How Body Piercing Works -- The Ins and Outs of this Cutting Edge Process Body piercing (defined as any piercing beyond the standard earlobe piercing) has become such a popular form of body modification that between five and ten percent of the population of the United States has indulged in at least one form of it at some time in their lives. In most cases, once a person gets a body piercing, they follow the first one with more. There are lots of considerations; however, for making sure that your body piercing is done safely so that you don't end up with either an infection or a poorly done piercing that could leave an unsightly scar. Life Under Mars Ice Shelf? When looking for life on Mars we should be thinking of how life forms on Earth. Not because it will be similar, although it possibly could be, but because we know the things, which inhibit life and the things which help it flourish. This is not to say that life does not exist inside the rocks or under the surface in underground aquifers or that the rocks themselves are not alive, but in all probability we will find the life or remnants of previous life in those places where we find life on Earth which are similar to those places on Mars. That makes sense right? ![]() |
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