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The Green Cross
"We desperately need to recognize that we are the guests not the masters of nature and adopt a new paradigm for development, based on the costs and benefits to all people, and bound by the limits of nature herself rather than the limits of technology and consumerism." Mikhail Gorbachev, Chairman of the Board, Green Cross International "No sane person seeks a world divided between billions of excluded people living in absolute deprivation and a tiny elite guarding their wealth and luxury behind fortress walls. No one rejoices at the prospect of a life in a world of collapsing social and ecological systems. Yet we continue to place human civilization and even the survival of our species at risk mainly to allow a million or so people to accumulate money beyond any conceivable need. We continue to go boldly where no one wants to go." (David C. Korten, "When Corporations Rule the World") "The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged. And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints, and those who fear Your name, small and great, and should destroy those who destroy the earth." Revelation 11:18 THE RUSSIANS WERE FLABBERGASTED We swerved in and out of the two-lane streets of the Presidio next to San Francisco Bay. Our little group of Russian tourists had no idea where I was taking them-they simply thought we were heading for an underside view of the Golden Gate Bridge. Little did they realize they would shortly stand aghast at the small two-story gambrel cottage where the International Green Cross headquarters, headed by the deposed President Mikhail Gorbachev, stood in obscure testimony to the once mighty colossus of the Soviet Union. I was amused. More than reluctantly these Russian coal miners, now in 1994, were coaxed by me to get out of our large van and literally enter into this unbelievable sight-a military facility donated by the US to Mikhail Gorbachev's fledgling, altruistic ideal at earthly redemption: The International Green Cross. Sight seeing is one thing-peering into "how are the mighty fallen" is quite another! "How could this have happened? Gorbachev winding up in this hole in the wall underneath the Golden Gate Bridge in an old US Coast Guard facility huddled amongst warehouses and rickety old buildings of little import?" The surreal scene of it all was altogether bizarre, eerie, and even prophetic in its condescension. My Russian guests, most from Siberia, left this esoteric experience flabbergasted, embarrassed, and even angered that their once dynamic, articulate, and feared leader of the world's largest communist empire had embraced such a humiliating conclusion to his ignoble career. Alas! President Vladimir Putin this month bemoaned the Soviet Union's demise: "The greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century." WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE? . . . "THE GLOBAL ETHIC" Lee Penn in his article A Case Against the United Religions Initiative (URI) exposes the soft underbelly of Gorbachev's real agenda. How on earth (no pun intended) did folks like Mikhail Gorbachev, former California Senator Alan Cranston, George Schultz, et al, get behind this slogan: Give Humanity a Chance, give the Earth a future? "I believe in the cosmos. All of us are linked to the cosmos. Look at the sun. If there is no sun, then we cannot exist. So nature is my god. To me, nature is sacred. Trees are my temples and forests are my cathedrals" (an interview with Gorbachev). Penn deliberates on the New Age religion of Maurice Strong, Mikhail Gorbachev, and the likes of Ted Turner, who like Episcopal Bishop William Swing (founder of URI), back the new "Global Ethic" and its "Declaration of Human Responsibilities" in their new "Earth Charter." Gorbachev calls the Earth Charter, the new religion of Ecology (a.k.a., the GREEN CROSS) . . . ". . . a kind of Ten Commandments, a 'Sermon on the Mount,' that provides a guide for human behavior toward the environment in the next century and beyond . . . the protection of the Biosphere, as the Common Interest of Humanity, must not be subservient to the rules of state sovereignty, demands of the free market or individual rights" (The Earth Charter: The Green Cross Philosophy). The religious philosophy behind the Green Cross, epitomized in Bishop Swing's URI, is strongly supported by dissident Catholics like Hans Küng, who like Gorbachev, wish to use government power to create a world utopia by ridding the earth of what the Bible terms "The Merchants of the Earth" who clearly represent that "million" mentioned by David C. Korten, whose greed and avarice are Biblically denounced in the Almighty's ultimate judgment upon those who "destroy the earth!" Now, how can I say all this in one breath? It appears that I concur with the underlying assumption of both Korten and Gorbachev that somehow we must stop the ecological madness imposed upon and corrupting the earth. Those who "destroy the earth" are naught but conniving exploiters of earth's resources whose ultimate judgment the Almighty holds in special contempt! However, embedded within the Global Ethic of the Left is a fervent and repulsive hatred of the Cross of Christ and its defining demarcation against all for which it stands. Indeed, listen to the beguiling words of Bishop Swing: "The time comes, though, when common language and a common purpose for all religions and spiritual movements must be discerned and agreed upon. Merely respecting and understanding other religions is not enough . . . the nature of the United Religious would be to focus on: 1) the whole human family; 2) the whole health of our planet; and 3) the whole realm of living species, and to offer the unique gifts of religions . . . there will have to be a godly cease-fire, a temporary truce where the absolute exclusive claims of each (religion) will be honored but an agreed upon neutrality will be exercised in terms of proselytizing, condemning, murdering, or dominating. These will not be tolerated in the United Religions zone" (A Case Against the URI). The survivability of the URI or Gorbachev's International Green Cross is of no concern . . . the "religious philosophy" behind the Left's efforts is . . . "We can't afford fundamentalists in a world this small" (Paul Chafee; transcribed by Lee Penn from URI-provided tape of URI forum at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, held on 2/2/97). BATTLE OF THE CROSSES A convergence of political and religious interests from the Left has coalesced around the Green Cross, juxtaposed to their antithesis: The Religious Right. Amazing how religion, especially the Christian religion-its use or lack thereof-is manipulated by Left and Right. While traveling through Kentucky, and throughout the Midwest of the USA, several years back, and shortly after 9/11, I witnessed a most remarkable sight blazoned on the double doors of country churches and atop church steeples . . . and, since a picture's worth a thousand words . . . Can I ask you . . . has not the Cross of Christ been politicized by both the Christian Right and by the Religious Left? Come on now . . . just who's using the Cross for their own agenda? The truth of the matter is altogether clear . . . politics and religion (be it from Left or Right) fully understands the dynamic of religious support for their political agenda and visa versa (i.e., religion realizes its need for political support)). THE WORLD FORUM Former U. S. Senator Alan Cranston was not only the co-organizer of The World Forum but acted as the chairman of the Gorbachev Foundation (the funding mechanism behind the International Green Cross). The Cranston/Gorbachev alliance was/is straightforward: "First discuss the state of the world, what might be done about it, what the options are and what practical steps might be taken. Issues include how to get weapons under control, mediating disputes, protecting the environment and creating a climate for rational development." However, without the "religious component" under girding the political designs to change the environment, the goals and aspirations of organizations like the World Forum and the International Green Cross, are doomed to irrelevance and political solitude. Thus, those who embrace the Green Cross and who "rediscover a reverence for all life and respect for the sacredness of the whole of Planet Earth" must get clergy and laity to accept the gradual development of their New Religion by "retooling" both clergy and lay religious leaders in the philosophy of "spiritual ecology." SPIRITUAL DYNAMIC YES, BUT WHICH ONE? Korten has hit on something . . . something utterly profound, when he states: "Our spiritual awakening may be integral to our political awakening. Alienation from our spiritual nature has left us exposed to manipulation by both the advertisers who turn our longing for spiritual connection into an insatiable quest for money and the political demagogues who connect this quest with the corporate interest. . . The complete article/links/graphics can be found on the www at http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/dougkrieger/green_cross.htm Doug is a member of the "LastDaysNetwork" . . . a group of evangelical writers committed to presenting news analysis of major events as they relate to Religion in Politics. Christianity's immediate impact upon the American body politic is more profound today than it has been since the formation of the "experiment." To discard the impact that religion, in particular, the Christian religion, has upon American politics is utterly absurd . . . to "speak from the inside" of American evangelicalism and its resurgence upon the political scene during the last ten years, is a unique perspective that Doug, Dene McGriff, and other writers within the Tribulation Network/Last Days Network possess . . . you'll enjoy their perspectives immensely whether you agree or disagree; for one thing, you will see a side of this equation that is absolutely different from most you observe . . . and, NO, you won't be "Left Behind!"
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What Is Perfect Love? Today, sitting in my pink armchair, reading about how a world-famous medium was able to communicate with the spirit world and our physical world and end the grief of those who had been left behind, I became even more aware of how love is the central theme of the universe itself. This was what the departed passed on to those who remained on earth. Their major regret was that they had not loved or expressed their love when they were alive. Great Seats And hath raised [us] up together, and made [us] sit together in heavenly [places] in Christ Jesus: Choosing the Christian Path - 147.5 million Americans claim affiliation with a religious group Development of Liberal Theology: An Overview (Part 2) The American theologian Horace Bushnell also played a vital role in the advancement of liberal theology. Bushnell's liberalism included historical tradition and took into account the emotional nature of religion. He espoused the supernatural character of personality and the immanence of God in personality. By means of preaching, teaching, writing and personal practice, Bushnell attempted to divert man away from dogmas and to seek satisfaction and security in experience. In his book, Religion in America, Hudson pointed out:?the real key to the influence of Bushnell upon his contemporaries was his success in fashioning a definitely Christocentric theology that was based upon Christian experience rather than upon any external dogmatic authority. Thus the believer was no longer under compulsion to find his security in biblical proof texts. He could not accept the conclusions of biblical scholars with relative equanimity and appropriate the results of other scientific investigations without great difficulty because his faith was validated by the inward testimony of the heart?Bushnell found a freedom denied to those who felt compelled to meet a rationalistic assault with a purely rationalistic defense. Unholy Shadows: Gnosticism One cannot begin to appreciate the early struggles of Christianity for existence without at least a rudimentary knowledge of its formative history. Thus, it behooves us to take a brief look at Gnosticism and its challenge to early Christianity. The Emmaus Journal ~ Strangers In A Strange Land The Emmaus Journal White Sun - Tao of Heaven: Heaven and Man are One Entity The whole universe originated from Tao. Mankind also originated from Tao. Therefore, man and Heaven are connected. Hence man and Heaven can be aligned and united as a single entity and become one. The soul of a man is nurtured by the essence of Heaven and Earth, and hence man possesses the essence of nature. In other words, man possesses the same essence that make up the cosmos, that is, a man is a small cosmos within the large cosmos. Biblical Hermeneutics ? Part 3 Instead of being passive consumers of Biblical commentary, we can participate in the forming of a very particular, but no less authentic, commentary of our own. The only thing that should happen between text and commentary is exegesis, not homiletics. In other words, we should not become reliant on them. Continued dependence on commentaries will handicap or hinder the development of exegetical skills needed to do independent pre-commentary study. This is why it is probably safest to consult more than one commentary and to consult it at the end of the exegetical process and not the beginning. Fundamental Church Failures Every great human movement toward freedom, whether commercial, political or religious or a combination thereof, begins with the determination of concerned men and women to make life better by resolving recurring human problems. The Renaissance and the Age of Reason occurred through the efforts of talented people to end the brutal political, financial and religious abuses common within Medieval Europe. The Protestant Reformation and the revival of a personal redemptive relationship with God occurred because people rebelled against a corrupt Catholic hierarchy that was using the Spanish Inquisition to maintain their dominance over society and burning thousands of reformers alive in the name of God. Even the American Revolution of 1776 and the Mexican Revolution of 1917, erupted along fault lines between thoughtful people and a ruthless aristocracy that controlled virtually all the wealth. And while the new nation wasn't perfect, we spent the next two centuries getting more and more things right in the service of a more equitable society. That desire to serve people is collapsing now for one major reason. Religion and Social Engineering - Part of an Introduction Thomas Carlyle is just one of the interesting characters who had much to do with Calvinism and the Knox family he married into. Friedrich Nietzsche never really completed a book and yet before he went crazy his Wagnerian or Illuminized 'radical aristocratic' handlers used him well. Even so-called political religions like Marxism must be considered before we can understand the reasons for the likes of Francis Fukayama saying 'absolute religions' are important to his social engineering compatriots who I think are anything but patriots to the cause of any populace. Frederick T. Gates was a Baptist theologian in the Rothschild employ before they got more aggressive with the 'invasions of science' or the Palmer Raids and other controls including the Fed. We must go into the 'torch-bearer of Christ' (Hitler) a little more in this examination as well. Water Into Wine: The Meaning of Jesus First Miracle The second chapter of John's Gospel offers a most interesting account of the beginning of Jesus's ministry of miracles and teaching. Yet, where is John going with this, and why did he include it? But before we undertake to solve this mystery, let us first read the text in question. Catholics Need To Take a Second Look at Morality According to CNN, Catholics voted for President Bush over Senator John Kerry by a 51 to 48 percent margin. Hence, Catholics voted for a Born Again Methodist over a Catholic candidate. Many Catholic Bishops have declared abortion a "non-negotiable issue." In the diocese of Brooklyn, which encompasses Brooklyn and Queens, there is not a single memorial to those who have been put to death by our government. Nonetheless, I know of at least one parish in Brooklyn that has a three-thousand dollar memorial dedicated to the aborted. Meanwhile, 36 million people in the United States live in poverty. If the Bishops are not silent, they most certainly speak in a whisper when it comes to issues of social justice and the death penalty. The Catholic Bishop's candidate, George W. Bush, executed nearly 30 individuals in 1999 alone. Miracle Worker The power of the Holy Spirit is so profound it is truly a wonder, beyond human intelligence. Let's take a look at what the Bible says about miracles. Look at 1Corinthians 1:20 it says Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified; a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength. Now look at verse 31 it says Therefore, as it is written; Let him who boasts boast in the Lord. What is God? Does Proof Exist? Apology: Catholic Hierarchy: The Nobiliary Element in the Catholic Church It seems to me that some of the oldest still surviving hierarchies are those of the nobility, the Church and the military. What is perhaps not commonly known is how they correspond with each other. Below is an outline of the correspondence between the catholic hierarchy of the Holy Roman Catholic Church and that of the nobility. The Christian Community Tries To Take Back What Belongs To Them! "See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." Is. 43:19 Imagine Some people imagine what glory will behold them at the end of this age, others wonder what it will be like to be like Jesus Christ. Well let's see what the Bible says about this. Look at Colossians 1:15 it says He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities, all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. The Pope Hates Potter ? Both of Them This month a court in Burlington, Kentucky issued the largest settlement to date against the Catholic Church in the "Priestofeelya" scandal. How to Study the Bible 5 Keys This article was inspired by a book by E. W. Bullinger called How to Enjoy the Bible, it was written in the early 1900's and has inspired me to devote a lifetime of research to the Word of God, I hope this will inspire you too. We Must Be Ready. But How? Revelation 19:7 states, "Let us rejoice and give honor unto him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready." ![]() |
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