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Teas from Wild Plants and Their Benefits
All these teas (unless specified) are brewed with one teaspoon of driedleaves or two teaspoons of fresh leaves to one cup of water. You should always steep the teas. This means pouring hot water over the tea substitutes andleaving for five to fifteen minutes. You should always dry the tea leaves and roots outof the sun, in dark airy places. Then you should store the dried teas in airtightcontainers. Persimmon Tea: a fine strong tea can be made from the persimmon leaves when dried and crushed. The leaves can be used all year round and are rich in vitamin C. Use Persimmon tea as a healthy tonic. Sassafras Tea: Boil the fresh Sassafras roots after washing, until the waterturns reddish brown. They can then be sliced and dried for use later on. Some claim this tea to be a blood thinner, a blood purifier, to helpbronchitis, and is a stimulating spring tonic. Mostly this tea is used forpure enjoyment. Birch Tea (Wintergreen): Tea can be made from th The Black, yellow and white birch leaves. Driedleaves can be used year round for making tea. A large handful of fresh leavessteeped in hot water can be drunk( 1 to 2 cups a day) - for rheumatismand headaches. Birch tea is said to reduce the pain of passing kidney stones,and is a fever reducer. If used cold, this tea can be used as a mouthwash. Blackberry or Raspberry Tea: The dried mature leaves of thesebrambles make a good tea. This tea can be used to help control diarrhea, as ablood purifier and a tonic. Use this tea all year round. Blueberry Tea: The dried mature leaves are steeped until cool.Drink 1 to 2 cups per day as a blood purifier and a tonic. Blueberry tea can be used to help inflamed kidneys and to increase the flow ofurine. This tea can be a little bitter. Use it all year round. Alfalfa Tea: The dried and powdered leaves and flower headsbrew into a very nutritious tea, but can be a little bland. You can mix them with normal teas to stretch them out and addfurther nutrition. This tea's vitamin content is very high. Use it all year round. Wild Strawberry Tea: For this tea, use the dried leaves as per normal. Pour severalcups of boiling water over a handful of fresh leaves in theevening. Cover the tea and let it steep overnight. IN the morning, strain the water and reheat.This tea is reputed to help with a multitude of health problems,such as stomach troubles, eczema and diarrhea. According toexperts, it is much more healthy than purchased coffee orteas. Use this tea all year round. Wild Rose-Hip Tea: Gather a handful of these leaves, steep them for 10 minutes,then strain, and make a healthy tea. The leaves can be used dried or freshwhen in season. Instead of boiling, you can place a handful in cool waterovernight, then strain and reheat in the morning. Use the tea all yearround. This tea has a very high Vitamin C content and helps with Colds and the flu. It is also helpful for a sore throat. Sweet Goldenrod Tea (Anise): For this tea, you can use the dried or fresh leaves orflowers. It makes a very flavorsome tea. This tea is very enjoyable! Use it all year round. Soldier's Herb Tea: This common backyard weed has green leaves andtwo seedy spikes. It was used by the colonials and Indians as well. One teaspoon of seeds per cup of boiling water steeped for a halfhour is useful for dropsy and jaundice. To make this tea, use fresh leaveschopped fine. Place one heaping teaspoon per cup of boiling wateranc steep for a half hour. If you have dried powdered leaves, use one levelteaspoon and reduce the brewing time to fifteen minutes. Drink this tea four to five times a day until relief is obtained. This tea can be Used for gout, to help clean out nasal passages and to slow menstruation. It is also used to expelworms. A cooled tea made from rainwater can be used as an eyewash. Steve Happ is a flash and web developer. His hobbies include the tea ceremony, cars, and psychology. To see more about this topic, go to his tea site.
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Teas from Wild Plants and Their Benefits All these teas (unless specified) are brewed with one teaspoon of driedleaves or two teaspoons of fresh leaves to one cup of water. You should always steep the teas. This means pouring hot water over the tea substitutes andleaving for five to fifteen minutes. You should always dry the tea leaves and roots outof the sun, in dark airy places. Then you should store the dried teas in airtightcontainers. Fresh Fruit: The Sweet, Healthy Dessert Americans love dessert so much that some of us eat it before the meal instead of after. Fudgy brownies, gooey layer cake, cookies the size of saucers - we savor them all. But these desserts are high in sugar, fat, and calories. Is there such a thing as a healthy dessert? Yes, and it's fresh fruit. 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