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Real Estate Development Feasibility Study (Income) - $1.2 Billion Developer Tells You How To Do One
There are two sides to a feasibility study and in an earlier article I discussed the cost side of the format and: Now Let's Discuss The Income Side Without the Sales Income, All You've Done Is Spend Money, And Anyone Can Do That. So that we are clear in what I am going to define for you, let me say that there are two forms of Income. We shall be dealing with Sales Income, in this article, which in our case will consist of large amounts of money being received as a developer in exchange for the property units we have created. The other form of income in a feasibility study, is Rental Income and will be addressed at another time when I write an E-book on Commercial Development. Sales Income Because of the make up of our feasibility study sheet, there will be no deductions from out Gross Sales Income, because we have allowed for those costs on the Cost Side of our feasibility study. Items such as sales commissions for sales agents and various marketing costs have already been allowed for previously. Now I have seen some formats of feasibility study, which deducts marketing costs from the Gross Sales Income to produce a Net Sales Income. It achieves nothing ? "all costs are costs" and they should be put on the cost side of the feasibility study, which is what I do and have always done. When Can You Get Your Hands On The Sales Income. Getting the sales income into your account is very important, yet many people never ask the question as to what the procedure is "exactly" in their neck of the woods. Get to your Conveyance Expert and have them give you a schedule of events "with an estimate of time for each stage." This information is important in preparing your cash flow feasibility study format, as it results in reducing your interest cost. So by knowing this information at the beginning of a development investigation, you are adding a little bit of "certainty" to the early stages of your feasibility study. Let me give you an example: At the end of the construction phase the builder moves off site, there are a whole range of things that have to occur, any or all of which can delay, settlement taking place and so delay you getting the Sales Income. Some of these things are: ? Architect's inspection of the entire project. ? Architect preparing a Defects List. ? Builder calling back subcontractors to correct defects. ? Architect's final inspection. ? Architect issues Completion Certificate ? Surveyor (engineers in some countries) does final measurement of the individual residential accommodation units and compares to Unit Plan that is included in the Sales Contract. ? Preparation of the Final Unit Plan (as used by conveyance office) for settlement. ? Lodgment of the Unit Plan with the Titles Office. ? Registered Title Issued by the Titles Office. Can you see that any delay in these items will impact on the settlement date and also on your interest calculation in your feasibility study? Body Corporate / Management Plan It is hard to keep up with all the different names that are used around the world for the Legal Entity that runs the complex of units you have developed, however your legal advisor will let you know. Just as out Towns, Cities and States need Rules & Regulations for all its citizens to live in harmony, so too does a small complex of units, condos, apartment etc. What ever it is called in your part of the world, is necessary for you to engage a legal advisor to prepare one for you, which will include the preparation of a Budget to which you, as the developer, will have to pay in a certain amount of money. The reason I am giving this brief explanation on Body Corporate / Management Plans is because at Settlement you will get back some of the money you put in to get the Budget off the ground. In addition you will have paid the Local Council, Utility etc other amounts of money that cover a set period of time. Once again you will get some of this money back at Settlement. They are generally referred to as "Adjustments at Settlement" and act as a reduction on the cost side of your feasibility study. So What's Next? Remember I told you earlier about the Unit Plan that was lodged with the Titles Office, well has it issued yet? Phew ? we just got it today ? great! Now your conveyance expert has to let the Buyers' representative know in writing that you are ready to settle. In addition the buyers have to let their individual Finance Lenders know to have the Mortgage Documents completed on time and finally a date has to be agreed on which all these differing parties can meet and settle. Now I don't want you to be concerned about all this stuff, but I do want you to know about it, so that you can understand and manage (yourself) and others who have to do all this work for you. Blowing your Top (blood pressure up) achieves nothing. But understanding, on your part, achieves a great deal. Blowing your top, when you haven't taken the trouble to find out, makes you look foolish and unprofessional, to the professionals you have engaged to do the work for you. So Do I Get The Money Now Or Is There More Colm? Well, the Lender Gets the money actually ? yep, the lender gets his Capital Debt and Interest paid off first. And when there is no debt, all the rest is yours. That is, your equity is returned to your account and that lovely Profit, you worked so hard to get. Author & $1.2 Billion Developer, Colm Dillon, Has Written The Best Selling 'How-To' E-book, "Residential Development Made Easy," With Readers In All States Of The USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland and 79 Other Countries. His Independent Web Site is: http://www.realestatedevelopmentcoach.com/ez
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Notify Them When Youre Moving One of your first steps, when you're getting ready to move, is to pick up a stack of change-of-address cards from the post office. Yes, old-fashioned go-by-snail post cards! You'll want to notify everyone in your address book and also. Water, Water Everywhere on the Waterfront Waterfront living is among the most desirable of locations in our area (Florida). The views and vistas are fantastic, not to mention the ability to walk out one's door to drop a line to fish or untie a line to enjoy boating. However, all this joy is not without some special concerns. Old House? New House? Weighing Your Options Maybe it has something to do with a childhood home we fondly remember. Many of us long for old homes built with solid construction, quality craftsmanship and beautiful details. We wax poetic and wistfully recall the hand carvings, plaster walls and eyebrow dormers of homes we've known. On the other hand, how do the old homes we admire compare with newly minted models-and what should we consider before deciding which to buy? Want To Be Profitable In This Real Estate Bubble? I?ll Show You How In Just Three Easy Steps STEP#1. First you have to recognize that in order to make money in almost any market (i.e. stocks, commodities, real estate, etc.) you need to have the market in motion. In other words, the prices or value have to be changing substantially, either up or down, for you to make money. Did you know that many traders back in the NASDAQ bubble made millions by adopting a style that made perfect sense for the type of bubble market that was being experienced? Of course this was financially devastating to buy and hold investors who bought at the market top. So what is the difference? The answer is a difference in investing/trading style and risk management. Top Tips for First Time Home Buyers Advice to Help When You're Buying a Home Real Estate Investing - Maximum Leveraging of Your Money At this moment, you have access to some amount of money, from the extremes of only pocket change to the reserves of Bill Gates or Warren Buffet. Selling Your House - $100,000 Pets Is your pet worth $100,000? It may be if you don't make accommodations for it when selling your home. Before You Buy A House ? Top 10 Tips There are serveral things you need to think about and check on before you buy a house. Even looking at so many houses can be confusing. Below is a list of the top ten things to help you before you buy. 1. Pre-qualify for a mortgage. Now you know how much house you can afford before you start looking. This will narrow your search and keep you "real" and not disappointed on houses you can't afford.2. Find a good neighborhood. Know the school district and is it a good one if you have kids attending. Is shopping convenient? Is the area growing and can you look forward to appreciation on your house? What's the area like? Are you next to vacant land that could be a freeway or a new mall in your backyard?3. Log. Log your visits to potential houses. Sounds silly, but after you look at several, it can get confusing later on. Write down advantages and disadvantages of each house. Even draw a simple layout sketch to refresh your memory. A Powerful Suggested Technique for YOUR Home & Property Search A Powerful Suggested Technique for YOUR Home & Property Search An Estate Planning Primer An estate plan can be designed by clients and their professional advisors to achieve the client's personal and financial objectives. Or, it can be an arrangement imposed upon survivors by state intestate succession laws if someone dies withŽout a valid, up-to-date will. Even though a will is the most basic estate planŽning tool, two out of three Americans die without one. Fixing Houses for Resale: Three Beginning Steps to Increase Profits and Have Fun Real estate investors specializing in fixers make higher profits when they have a detailed work plan and know how to get around the future resale appraisal issues. Be Careful - A Real Estate Agent Could Lead You Astray The real estate agent is a valuable source of potential deals for you as an investor. They have access to the multiple listing resources and of course, have a monopoly on this information so they have to be part of your game plan as an investor. Working with real estate agents can be difficult depending on the agent. How Do I Implement The Lease Purchase Plan? Well, as we have discussed in previous newsletters first you have to set up goals for yourself, both long term and short term. Don't forget these goals define how your business is run. They will determine what you do on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. The best way to do this is to picture yourself a year down the road. Close your eyes and get a mental picture of where you want to be, what you want to have, how you want to look, then open your eyes and write all that down on paper or speak into a voice recorder. Where Does Your Real Estate Commission Fee Go - Why is The Commission so HIGH? Many who have bought and sold properties through Realtors numerous times; even many real estate agents themselves, don't know where the commission money goes. After all, when a property sells for hundreds of thousands of dollars and the commission is tens of thousands of dollars, it seems like there is a terrific amount of money charged as commission -- and there is. Golf and Waterfront Living: Live, Play, Relax With today's planned lifestyle communities, golf and boating enthusiasts have an opportunity to purchase the home of their dreams just a chip shot away from the green or stone's throw from the marina. In addition to an ideal home setting, golf and waterfront community residents enjoy an active and diversified lifestyle experience complete with first-class golf courses, marinas, beaches, spas, clubhouses, recreation areas, fine dining and countless other amenities. Out of the 10,000 master planned communities across the United States, over 2,500 are built around golf courses and pristine waterfront property. Making sense of all the options can be mind boggling. If you are thinking about relocating to one of these golf and waterfront communities, it is imperative to be able to distinguish one community from the next and more importantly, know what to look for before you buy. In the past, golf and waterfront master planned communities catered to distinct segments of the housing market, namely middle to upper income empty nesters and retirees. Things have changed. Today, golf course and waterfront developments are designed to accommodate budgets of all levels and generally fall into one of two categories: multi-generational and age restricted. The construction of multi-generational communities represents a recent trend in planned community home building. The underlying idea is to attract a diverse population of families including retirees and young professionals of varying income levels and backgrounds in order to establish a robust and vibrant community. After decades of building age restricted communities, builders and developers have recognized that the traditional elements of planned community living such as security, on-site amenities and low maintenance housing appeal to home buyers of all ages. Most new communities are multi-generational developments. Vistancia situated in the beautiful Sonoran desert outside of Peoria, Arizona is a recently opened golf community attracting individuals and families of all ages. Since home sales began in March 2004, almost 500 families have moved into this scenic development with 1,700 total acres of open space and a 900-acre mountain preserve. Conversely, age restricted planned communities are developed for the +55 home owner with amenities and facilities for today's discerning empty nester and retiree. Typically, the age restriction requires one household resident to be at least 55 in order to qualify for home ownership. Over the last decade, an evolution has occurred with the age restricted community model of yesteryear making way for contemporary activity based developments complete with lavish amenities and world-class recreation areas, not to mention the conventional facilities required by the +55 demographic. The undisputed leader in age restricted master planned community development is Del Webb. Since the 1960s, Del Webb has constructed numerous age restricted golf and waterfront communities across the United States. Del Webb's Sun City developments are arguably the most recognizable line of age restricted communities stretching from coast to coast with Sun City Hilton Head in North Carolina and Sun City Lincoln Hill in California. The most important criterion in selecting a traditional home is location and the same is true when deciding on a golf and waterfront community. The old adage "location, location, location" aside, one has to consider whether the new property will serve as a primary residence, second home getaway or retirement abode. The final location decision is generally based on three primary factors: home use, surrounding area and local weather. For most of us working folk, our primary residence is located within an hour or so of a major metropolitan center. Don't fret, there are hundreds of golf and waterfront communities centrally located within driving distance from most major metropolitan areas. If by chance you live near Dallas, you have several options to choose from including Stonebridge Ranch in north Dallas and Black Horse Ranch which is only 25 minutes from downtown. Washington D.C. commuters are also in luck with conveniently located golf and waterfront communities in Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. Belmont Country Club, a Toll Brothers property, is a mere 40 minutes from Washington D.C. in Ashburn, Virginia. These examples represent only a fraction of the actual number of suburban golf and waterfront developments. The location decision is a bit more complicated and not as clear cut when one considers purchasing a second home retreat or retirement residence. In this situation, other factors come in to play such as the activity and cultural richness of the immediate area and of course, local weather. If you are looking for a second home, would you like to be nestled in the woods away from the hustle and bustle of the city, located in a more suburban area or some in between? Climate is also an integral factor to take into consideration when purchasing a home particularly if you are feeling abused by recent harsh winters. This may clearly point to a direction that takes you out of your home state or even to another part of the country. Conversely, the summer's never ending heat may drive you to consider the cooler climates up north. Fortunately, there are 2,500 golf and waterfront communities spread out across the United States from Minnesota to Texas and California to Massachusetts. What is clear in the case of retirement homes is that good local health care and transportation facilities are a must. For most retirees, living over 60 miles away from the closest hospital or airport is just not an option. In the end, it comes down to striking a balance between modern necessities and the beauty of the great outdoors. Once you have settled on a geographic location, the next area to focus on is amenities. These can vary greatly from one golf and waterfront development to the next. Typically, these expanded 'goodies' fall into two categories: conveniences and lifestyle enhancements. Conveniences include such things as security services, home maintenance, gardening services, concierge service, on-site retail and office space, cable television and high-speed internet. Lifestyle enhancements relate to recreation activities and rest and relaxation befitting an enhanced life of leisure. One can find a mix of facilities at planned communities which support numerous activities like tennis, hunting, boating, skiing, and hiking. To balance the rigors of recreation, planned communities provide residents with rest and relaxation amenities such as spas, clubhouses, wilderness preserves, pools, beaches and fine dining. With real estate opportunities for every budget, isn't it about time you looked into moving to a golf and waterfront community that offers unbelievable vistas, year round activities, low maintenance living and first-class amenities? Avoiding A Bad Investment Is Easier Than You Might Think Human nature being what it is, none of us can get serious about the idea of buying a house without experiencing at least a few small twinges of worry. What we fear, of course, is making a mistake. And the mistake we tend to fear most is buying a "lemon" ? a house that doesn't simply fail to satisfy our hopes but turns out to have so many flaws that it's a disastrously bad investment. 10 Frequently Asked Short Sale Questions 1. What happens to the seller's credit rating when they allow an investor to short sell their property? Do You Speak Real Estate? Anyone interested in real estate should be able to talk the talk. Here is a list of common phrases and words with ashort explanation. Use it as a reference: The Professional Investors Plan The art of using high-leveraged activities. Dont Just GET THE DEED - The Infamous Kitchen Table Closing Q: Hi Lou, I have a property under contract that I want to resell/flip as-is to a rehabber/renovator, but I may have to purchase it quickly and simply record the Quit Claim Deed, without using a closing attorney or waiting for a title exam. I need your advice. ![]() |
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