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Real Estate Investing - Maximum Leveraging of Your Money
At this moment, you have access to some amount of money, from the extremes of only pocket change to the reserves of Bill Gates or Warren Buffet. Suppose you want to invest your funds into some vehicle that will multiply the return. You look around for the Return on Investment of various investment instruments. For every investment tool, varying deposit amounts of your funds are required. You must either put up your cash or guarantee payment from specified resources. Real estate investing offers the maximum leverage potential possible for your funds. I found a large house for sale 25 years ago. It was listed for $150,000, but had been on the market for an extended period of time because of its large size with an awkward layout. But when I walked through the house for the first time, I immediately envisioned how the layout was conducive to three living units instead of the single family home as it was constructed. I offered $10,000 down payment for the house for a reduced sales price of $100,000, and my offer was accepted. The upscale house is now worth $500,000 and has been refinanced numerous times to pull out cash. Yet, the three units have consistently returned a cash flow of much more than the mortgage payment for 25 years. Leverage from the $10,000 down payment is astronomical. But leverage available from real estate investing gets even better. I started a practice years ago of submitting zero down purchase offers to motivated sellers with a $10 earnest money deposit. I bought $1 million in houses during my first year of real estate investing. I bought another $1 million in property the next year, and $10 million worth of properties by the 4th year. Yet, all of these purchases were made without any cash down payment and only $10 in earnest money deposits. (Even the $10 was in the form of a check attached to the Purchase Contract, and seldom even cashed by the Seller!) But the real estate investing professional can take leverage even another step. The earnest money deposit check for $10 could be equally legal as a check for just $1. And in most states, so I'm told by my friends who are experts in legalese, a verbal agreement is just as binding as one accompanied with cash or check. Now that's leverage! Don't let 'em tell you that buying real estate investments without cash or credit is impossible. My first four years of buying $10 million in properties for zero down is proof that prompted an editorial in the Wall St. Journal featuring my real estate investing. And I have packaged that information in a huge Guide for the would-be and veteran real estate investing professional. Phil Speer, Ph.D., started his real estate investing career 25 years ago. Without the availability of credit and using only a $10 bill, he purchased $1 million in properties in his first year, and had accumulated $10 million in properties by his fourth year. He was featured in a Wall St.Journal editorial as most successful investor in the Nothing Down Real Estate Movement, and was honored with a Caribbean cruise as top investor of the year. In his hometown of Nashville, Tennessee, he has been a businessman and Human Resources Consultant for 30 years. He is an author, speaker and seminar director. To learn how to profit in real estate investing, even without cash or credit, read his report at http://www.CashinHouses.com/. Subscription is free to his Fix-up Ezine. He and other contributing authors provide free articles and resources on real estate investing at his online "Academy of Advanced Real Estate Investing Techniques" - http://www.AAREIT.com.
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Various Aspects Of The Lease Purchase Business In a previous article, we wrote why we believe that Lease Purchasing is the perfect home-based business, here we want to briefly touch on some of the actual aspects of operating such a business, the pluses and minuses and why Lease Purchasing represents a win-win situation for the seller, the tenant/buyer and just as importantly, you, as the business owner. Investment Property Part 2 of 2: What You Need to Know Before You Buy Welcome to the second portion of a two-part series on investment property. In the first installment, "How Not to Become a Slumlord", we discussed a little of what it takes to own and operate a property as well as some of the do's and don'ts of the property management trade. In this second segment, we will be discussing some pre-investment principles that will help you maximize your ROI. Property Investing ? Port Melbourne Life on the Edge Property investing prices pick up following a cooler winter last year. Susannah Petty Reports. Making Money In Real Estate - 10 Ways Making money in real estate is an endless topic that includes all the various types of real estate investments. There is land, apartment buildings, homes, commercial buildings and more. Whatever the type however, you'll make your profits in some of the basic ways listed below. Use this list to get yourself thinking of the possibilities. Real Estate Development Feasibility Study (Income) - $1.2 Billion Developer Tells You How To Do One There are two sides to a feasibility study and in an earlier article I discussed the cost side of the format and: Buying Land Online In the old days people generally only bought land and improved Real Estate in the areas in which they lived or traveled often. Today, thanks to the blossoming of the Internet, one can purchase land all over the United States from the comfort of home. While there are some cautionary measures to be taken, the profits that can be realized are immeasurable. Advantages to Buying or Owning a Condominium Condos have become an increasingly attractive home ownership option for singles, young couples, families and retired couples (that's just about everybody!). A condo is a viable option for anyone who wants to own a home without the worry of repairs, maintenance and dreaded chores like snow shoveling. Real Estate Disputes And Partition What if two people pooled their resources and began investing in real estate. Like many partnerships things progress smoothly for a while and then a dispute arises. Landlords Dance The FICO Fandango Fair Isaac Corporation is the creator of the FICOcredit score that is used today by most lenders toevaluate consumer credit risk. FICO scores rangefrom a poor credit low of 500 to a best credit ratingof 850. Basic Real Estate Valuation Given the current interest (dare I say hysteria) associated with investing in dirt and buildings, I thought it might be interesting for our readers to have a quick, dirty manual on real estate valuation. My perspective comes from years in the industry as well as some time learning at the knee of some of the better real estate minds in academia. Buy to Let Property Investment In recent years buy to let has been a popular way of investing in residential property. Stock markets are out of favour with many investors who have seen the values of their portfolios, endowment policies and pension funds shrink, whereas property has generally continued to rise in value. Interest rates are at historically low levels and mortgage finance is readily available on competitive terms from major banks and building societies. This brings property investment within the means of more investors than ever before. In these notes we will take the example of a foreign domiciled person, a non-resident of the United Kingdom, buying a property in London with the benefit of loan finance, but the general principles can apply to many other markets. Real Estate Investing ? The First House Purchase Real estate investing usually begins with the purchase of a house, rather than raw land or commercial property. The purchase of a relatively inexpensive house for rental or fix-up purpose is usually lower risk than any other type of real estate investment. And the return on investment can be quicker than from any other type of real estate investment. Top Ten Suggestions for Selecting a Real Estate Agent In order to find a real estate broker or agent who meets your needs and makes your buying or selling experience a positive one, Century 21 Real Estate Corporation recommends you: How to Sell Your House by Lease Options Many people buy a house then have to move within a few years, due to divorce, relocation or financial difficulties. Without any equity though, it can be nearly impossible to find buyers and you still have realtor fees to contend with. There is a simple, easy way to have your payments taken care of for you and find a buyer, so that you can move onto your new life quickly and easily. Fixing Houses: Mixing Your Own Paint for Savings and Harmony To make the maximum profit on your investment properties, you'll need to save money wherever you can. One way to save significant amounts of money is to mix your own paint. How to Qualify For 90% Plus Commercial Financing!!! There are three important questions that you must understand and answer correctly in order to achieve 90% plus commercial financing! Where to go to locate it? What type of project will qualify? And last, how to negotiate for it? Horses In My Back Yard Horses In My Back Yard The Real Estate Bubble-When Will it Burst? More and more individuals are realizing that real estate is much safer, and a better return on investment than many traditional investment vehicles. Unlike stocks or bonds, real estate investments can usually be liquidated in order for the investor to access funds in far less time. Additionally, unlike many other investment vehicles, real estate does not come with the stiff penalties associated with early withdrawal. In most cases, investors can liquidate and not have to worry about losing large sums of money. Finally, real estate provides the assurance of a higher yield of return than other types of investment. Create a Great Webpage to Sell Your Home The majority of people in the UK who are looking to move house use the internet to find properties for sale. So it makes sense to ensure that your property is on the web if you want to sell. If you are with an estate agent, most will list your property on one of the major property portals. However more and more people, tired of paying thousands of pounds to estate agents who do little work, are voting with their feet and deciding to sell their home by themselves. How To Simplify Your Real Estate Buying/Selling Experience Today's real estate consumer has a lot to consider during the sale or purchase of a home. Be it waiting for the right buyer/seller, mortgage rates, or the moving truck, the experience can take a bit of patience on the part of the consumer. With this in mind, it is incumbent upon real estate brokers/agents/firms to institute services that will the buying/selling process hassle-free. ![]() |
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