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Abortions After Fetal Viability
Abortion is without a doubt one of the hottest and most politically divisive topics, as at least one in five of all UK women will have an abortion at some stage in their lives. This document will attempt to explore the following areas of abortion and termination: [1] The facts concerning termination of pregnancy. [2] The ethical and moral problems. [3] The controversies of an abortion/termination. What is an abortion: What is a termination:A termination, also called a medical abortion, describes an invasive "medical" or surgical procedure in which a fetus or unborn child is, in some way, removed from the uterus with the intension its death. This is also used as a form of sex selection or infanticide. Methods of termination: The following describes frequently used methods of termination in the later stages (middle of the final trimester) of a pregnancy: Saline injection: (Used after 16 weeks) A strong salt solution is injected into the infant's "sac". The baby swallows this fluid and is poisoned by it and it acts as a corrosive, burning off the outer layer of skin. It normally takes somewhat over an hour for the baby to die from this. Within 24 hours, labour will usually set in and the mother will give birth to a dead or dying baby. Hysterotomy: (Used in the last three months) The womb is entered by surgery and the umbilical cord is cut while the baby is still in the womb, thus cutting off its oxygen supply and causing it to suffocate. Sometimes the baby is removed alive and simply left in a corner to die of neglect or exposure. Prostaglandin: (Used in the last two-three months) Chemicals are used that artificially induce labour, causeing the uterus to contract intensely, pushing out the developing baby. The contractions are more violent than normal, natural contractions, so the unborn baby is frequently killed by them; some have even been decapitated. Historical background: To counter act this type of problem, the l967 Termination Act was passed so that the terminations could be performed by trained doctors that are regulated and to encourage education. it shoude be noted that this act assumes that abortion will cause less mental or physical harm than continuing a pregnancy. This assumption is without evidentiary support. Women from religious denominations which strongly oppose abortion resoursed to performing abortions on themselves. It should be noted that in the Jewis faith, where the health, life, and well-being of the mother are threatened by the completion of her pregnancy with the birth of the fetus, abortion is permissible, indeed mandated in some cases. Current legal position: Under the l967 Termination Act, two doctors are required to sign a form that gives the consent of the mother to allow the operation under for the following circumstances. [1] If the pregnancy presents grater risk to health of the mother than the termination. [2] If there is excessive foetal damage that wound seriously reduce the live expectancy of the fetus. [3] If there is a risk that the child would be born with a serious abnormality. An early termination can be carried out fore "personal reasons", and is the choice of the mother or a termination can also be carried out between 18 and 24 weeks under extreme circumstances if it can be justified, for example, if the new child would cause deterioration in the physical and/or mental health of the parent(s). The problem: [1] The first stage can be described as an unidentifiable mass which is not a live form. [2] The second stage can be described as a fetus that has developed identifiable features, for example, arms and legs, but is incapable of separate existence. [3] The final stage can be described as an infant sufficiently developed to the point of independent existence, despite the continued pregnancy. Different rules apply to each stage, the main street of thought is that termination in the first stage is not unlike the natural process of menstruation. At the third stage termination is strictly not abortion or termination but child destruction a crime classed as murder. The point at wich termination becomes child destruction is somewhere between stages two and three of pregnancy (see above). The deadline of 28 weeks, was thought to be the time at witch the unborn child becomes a life form. With increased medical knowledge, this has now been reduced to 18 weeks, 24 weeks given extreme circumstances. This time frame continues to contract as technology continues to expand our understanding of life; A personal example of the logic behind this change in the law is that I, myself an active and fully sentient person was born at 26.5 weeks. The argument: There is only one question in the main argument. What are the boundaries between stages two and three of pregnancy (see above)? There are two primary, diametrically opposed, groups that believe they are correct: The religious groups: Who believe that a killing of any kind is "evil", that human life comes into being at the instant of conception and not even contraception should prevent that the natural consequence of life. It should be noted that neither the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) nor the Christian Scriptures address abortion directly but they still condemn abortions after fetal viability. The feminist groups: That totally support termination and believe requested termination is the right only of a mother, because it is a life that she crated and is growing inside her body, thus is hers to do with as she likes. However, the general majority, as least in England believe that we should agree on a compromise. For example, where the rights of the baby and (where possible) both parents are all considered. Arguments for termination: Abortion may also be a contributing factor for increased risks in subsequent childbearing and there is even anecdotal evidence which suggests negative effects on mental health. Terminations prevent unwanted pregnancy: [a] In time, one or both parents may become attached to the infant and try to manage, doing so may lead to this end because they cannot put the infant up for adoption. [2] If a woman is raped, without a termination she will ultimately be forced to give dearth to a child that she may not be able to support, who the father of which violated her, this could lead to deterioration of her mental health. Terminations can prevent a live time of suffering: Arguments ageist termination: Abortion/termination is against the will of god:Termination and or any type of abortion or contraception that may interfere with the creation of live is sacrilege. Abortion/termination is a traumatic experience:Abortion and termination can cause grate emotional and or physical suffering. In some cases extensive torment and even the death of the mother. Conclusions: Having said this, I believe that except in extreme cases, for example, fetal defects that would reduce the life expectancy in the child, the death of the fetus/unborn child or when the mothers life is at risk, termination should not be an option beyond the first weeks of a pregnancy. Termination is not a good thing, I believe that killing one life to save another is unethical! However, in cases like that above I consider it euthanasia, as the termination of a fetus or unborn child that has immeasurable or no "feeling" is an action that alleviates risk to the mother or extensive suffering such an infant would be forced to "live" through, despite the fact that doing so has the secondary effect of causing death. I am the website administrator of the The Wandle Industrial Museum (http://www.wandle.org). Established in 1983 by local people determined to ensure that the history of the valley was no longer neglected but enhanced awareness its heritage for the use and benefits of the community.
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How do Pregnancy Tests Work? Pregnancy tests identify a special hormone in the blood or urine produced during pregnancy. This hormone is called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), often referred to as the pregnancy hormone. There are two basic types of pregnancy tests, blood and urine. Feeling Sexy During Pregnancy Some people think that the word sexy and pregnancy do not belong together. I have to disagree. In fact, I have heard many men say that a woman is her sexiest and most beautiful when she is pregnant! You Might Be Pregnant If Your breasts are now twice their normal size. Reducing Your Pain In Childbirth Pain is the word most associated with labor. Women go to great lengths to deal with the discomforts of childbirth. They attend classes, buy products, read books and talk to their friends. However, relaxation is the one essential ingredient, often overlooked, which helps with the reduction of painful contractions. When Moms have fear in labor, their body tenses. When there is tension (opposite of relaxation), there is pain. Relaxation takes away the fear, therefore, reducing tension and pain. You can't have relaxation and tension at the same time. Fetal Development Month by Month Month 1: Your first month of pregnancy your baby will accomplish many things, first and foremost, conception, fertilization, and implantation. After a woman ovulates, the egg is normally fertilized within 24-48 hours. The single fertilized cell begins to rapidly divide and at this point in time is called a zygote. Many amazing things happen at fertilization. Your baby's entire physical attributes are determined including gender, hair color, and eye color. Between days 7-10 from fertilization implantation usually occurs. Implantation should occur within the uterus if it does not this is considered an ectopic pregnancy. The amniotic sac, umbilical cord and yolk sac are already beginning to form. By the end of this month your baby is approximately 2mm long and beginning early stages of development. Are Epidurals Bad? EPIDURALS CAN SAVE YOU FROM THE "HORRORS" OF CHILDBIRTH Pregnancy Week By Week There are three stages of pregnancy. These are the first, second and third trimesters. The first trimester runs from week one to week fourteen, the second covers weeks 15 ? 26, then the third is weeks 27 ? 40. Pregnancy Exercise One of the best things you can do to prepare for pregnancy is start exercising regularly. You don't have to join the Boston Marathon, but even walking around the block a few times per week will help tone and condition your body and help you prepare for the journey ahead. Start Growing Healthy Children Before Getting Pregnant When I was in my early 20's, I read Adele Davis's book, "Let's Eat Right To Keep fit." I learned from her that "you are what you eat." I also learned that our babies are what we eat while we are pregnant, and then are what they eat once they are born. If you nurse your babies, then they continue to be what you eat as long as you are nursing them. My bible during my first pregnancy over 38 years ago was "Let's Have Healthy Children," also by Adele Davis. I started to follow her guidelines way before getting pregnant, knowing that my health had a big effect on my baby's health. What Would I Do Without My Doula? By the time my husband and I finally got pregnant the first time, I had done a lot of reading about birth options and we had already decided to have a midwife instead of a doctor. We believe that pregnancy is a healthy state of being, and unless something came up, a midwife was the best way to go for us. Besides, where we live, a midwife can deliver babies at hospitals, so I felt that was the safest way to go. (Although, now, I feel I could have had my babies at home... but that is a whole other article!). Blimpy: Pregnancy Weight Gain The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that women gain somewhere between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy. Of course, this poundage depends on the woman's starting weight. If she is overweight, then she should gain less and if she is underweight, then she should gain more. Easy enough. Now, let's assume that your gal starts her pregnancy at a healthy and sexy weight. What the heck will she look like with thirty more pounds? Don't worry! It gets evenly distributed throughout her body and doesn't all go to her ass. Here's a general breakdown of where the weight goes: Is a Healthy Pregnancy Possible After Gastric Bypass Surgery? When a woman in the child bearing years undergoes gastric bypass surgery to lose weight one of the first things she will hear from the nay-sayers is that after surgery she cannot have a healthy pregnancy because of presumed nutritional deficiencies. The contrary is true. Morbid obesity results in a high rate of complicated pregnancies and a high rate of miscarriage. Women who become pregnant after achieving weight loss with gastric bypass generally have lower risk pregnancies than morbidly obese women. The Myths of Fitness During Pregnancy - The Straight Facts on the ACOG Guidelines The American College of Obstetics and Gynecology (ACOG) guidelines are often misquoted or quoted with outdated information. In fact, two of the myths listed in this article were just printed in a current (Spring 2005), large national publication catering to expectant mothers. The latest and correct information on exercise during pregnancy needs to be widely distributed. Hopefully, this article will help to remedy some of the misinformation. Pregnancy Preparation: Who is a Baby Whisperer? A baby whisper is a Dr. Mommy who inspires and instructs new Moms on building strong connections with their babies. Mommy Is Having A Baby! Preparing for a new arrival from the beginning of your pregnancy is the best way to familiarize your children with the lifestyle changes a new baby brings. Involving young children as your body grows and changes will build the anticipation of meeting the newborn. Vitamin C Prevents Pregnancy Complication Women who supplement with a small amount of vitamin C during the second half of pregnancy reduce their risk of one contributor to premature birth, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2005; 81:859?63). Obesity And Pregnancy If you are overweight when you become pregnant, your physician will likely recommend that you gain less weight than a woman who is average or normal weight. You should not diet during pregnancy because it is vital that you supply your body and unborn baby with an adequate number of nutrients. What you can do however to minimize your weight gain is to ensure that you eat a healthy selection of foods during your pregnancy. Extent of Pregnancy Prejudice Extent of pregnancy prejudice in Britain's workplaces Morbidly Obese and Suffering Pregnancy Complications? Consider Gastric Bypass Obese and morbidly obese women are more likely to have pregnancy complications and caesarean sections than women of average weight, according to a study published in the April 2004 American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The controlled study is one of the largest ever to look at obesity in pregnancy, following more than 16,000 pregnant women at 14 medical centers across the country. Common Sense Approach To Weight Loss After A Pregnancy Every woman gains weight while she is pregnant. This is the way how it is and always has been. And it is as it is: It is also perfectly normal for a woman wanting to lose weight after a pregnancy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with aspiring to get yourself back into shape right after having giving birth to a baby. In fact - weight loss to a certain degree is certainly encouraged. Overweight just causes different health issues in the mid to long term. ![]() |
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