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How Gratitude Can Be Your Partner in Life
Gratitude is one of the most important things you can practise if you want to manifest unlimited wealth. One of the best ways to keep abundance and wealth flowing into your life is to give thanks for what you have today. By focusing on what you already have, you allow yourself to receive even more, so it is really vital to practise true gratitude. We live in a world that focuses on instant gratification. If we don't have the money for something that we want to buy right now, then all we have to do is go to the bank and they are more than happy to loan us the money. As a result, many people are inundated in debt, and they become trapped in a neverending cycle of wanting, buying, and then spiralling deeper in debt. When we get stuck in this cycle, we are constantly wanting things that we don't have, and in the process, we forget to appreciate what we DO have; Every day, we remind ourselves of what we are missing in our lives, and we can't begin to grasp the concept of gratitude. Instead, we say: "When I have everything I want...THEN I'll be grateful!" But that is not the way the Universe works.... Are you always comparing what you have with what others have, or wishing you could have what is advertised on TV? Or perhaps the people who live next door have a better car, a nicer house and more "things to play with" than you. Of course, it doesn't help when pictures of the "perfect family" with the "perfect life" are right on that TV screen in front of you every day. Do you feel deprived, frustrated or angry because you don't have what seems to be on offer to everybody else? Whatever your situation is, focusing on what is lacking in your life is the single most effective way to ensure that you remain in a state of scarcity. You might ask this question: But How Can I Show Gratitude When I Don't Have What I Want Yet? . And that IS a good question; so here's a good answer: Make A Habit Of It. Now, if you have become accustomed to only seeing scarcity all around you, then my guess is that gratitude will be the last thing on your mind. So the suggestion I am going to make may be difficult for you at first; I would even go as far as to say that you may feel a bit resentful about having to do it. Some people don't want to take responsibility for the fact that they are not doing well financially. It's so much easier for us to blame other people and outside circumstances for our lack of wealth; because if it's all other people's fault, then we don't have to do anything ourselves in order for "things to change"?. right?? Well Okay, that's fine if you're happy for things to remain exactly as they are now. But if not, why not give this a go? You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! So make a commitment to change the way you see your life. Take stock of everything you have. You might be surprised and even amazed at all of the little things that you forgot are so special to you. Begin by writing of all the positive things you have in your life. Who loves you? Who are your friends? What about your children?.how do they light up your life? These are just a few things that we forget about that add so much value and joy to our lives. Practising gratitude each day will remind you of the good things in your life. Now, I don't want to sound like a Pollyanna, but this is worth a try! If nothing else, it will help you feel better about your current life circumstances. Add something new to your gratitude list each day, and you'll be amazed at how many great things you will be able to think of once you develop this skill! When you are grateful for everything you already have, you open yourself up to attract more great things. The Law Of Attraction always makes sure that this will happen. Thank the Universal Source for everything you currently have, and you will invite and allow even more prosperity to come to you. Make gratitude a part of your daily routine....and witness miracles in your life! *** You are licensed to publish this article free of charge, on condition that the author's name is included, and the link to her website remains visible and clickable to human readers, and as long as the links can be read and followed by the search engine spiders. *** Sonia Devine is a qualified professional hypnotherapist and success coach with a caring and committed approach to healing, who lives in Melbourne, Australia. You can find more of her information on gratitude, wealth, self image, love, relationships, phobias and much more on her website Manifest Your Success
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Lets Get to the Bottom of Low Self-Esteem If you suffer from low self-esteem, it's because you don't know yourself well enough to appreciate how basically wonderful you are. This is not empty flattery. It is true. Good News! The Pathway of Change Is Predictable Often when radical change occurs in our lives we feel confusion - not only about what's happening but also about how we'll cope with it. This is especially true of negative change such as the loss of a romantic relationship, a job or a loved one. Of course, confusion is perfectly normal and natural, but it needn't get in the way of handling situations effectively and of accommodating any kind of change. Why? Because your personal path through change is probably predictable. Growth From Discontent: Lifes Way Of Giving You A Little Push That strange, gut-wrenching feeling you have is not the sushi you had for lunch. It's your soul trying to give you a nudge to do something. A word for that feeling is "discontent." Discontent is a state of not being satisfied or fulfilled in your current situation. Impact of Positive and Negative Catalysts on Events in Human Lives Have you ever noticed what can happen if you just met a friend in the street and shared a cab? You are both in the cab, all is fine, you plan to attend a social function and suddenly your cab gets involved in an accident. The police comes and you are a witness in an unforeseen event. Per chance? Not quite. There might be an explanation.All people have vibrations emanating from their bodies. Some people have much stronger vibrations than others (as evident in the human aura) while others have energies very focused at a certain point in the human system (physical, mental or spiritual) and of greater strength than most. Such people are instrumental in attracting to themselves events of a positive or negative nature. As in the case of an earthquake that has an epicenter. I term such people as catalysts because that's what they are. How Tapping The Goodness Within Attracts Positive Change If your life is difficult--if it's challenging, exasperating, and vexatious-- then it's time to tap the goodness within. Clenching? What are you holding onto? Wanta quit? Managing Your OCD, Panic Attacks, and Obsessive Thoughts There are times that we encounter fearful thoughts that can be difficult to manage. For some people, the more they try to get rid of the thoughts, the stronger the thoughts become and the more difficult they become to manage. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their fearful and obsessive thoughts and anxieties. Your Choice of Music can Shape Your Beliefs Music is very powerful. The kind of music you listen to says a lot about who you are. What music you choose to listen to today will help to determine what type of person you are tomorrow. Be careful about what type of music you choose to listen to. Music can either build you up or tear you down. Enlarge Your Vision Millions struggle through life barely earning enough to survive. Many are trapped in a job they hate, but are making just enough that they think they can't afford to start at the bottom in something else. They go through the motions at work, spend a frustrating time stuck in traffic getting home, and are too exhausted to have a pleasant conversation with their family. How You Treat People Matters I encountered several interesting people that really taught me something. The first person was a man who works for Mc Donald in Thousand Oaks Mall. If you look at him for the first time, you may think that he is a quiet and shy person. You may even think that he is not nice and you may think that he is the last person that will help you. He is not very attractive; he wears no jewelry, or not even a watch. I watched him worked really hard by mopping the floor and he kept the Mc Donald very clean. C-R-I-T-I-C-I-S-M Yuk! Get the Confidence to Be Your Best A confidence crisis is looming with a recent study showing that 3 out of 4 of us would love to be more confident but don't know how to go about it. The Use of Affirmations What is an affirmation? One possible definition is a specific positive thought that you create in response to a current need or goal. We need to continue repeating the affirmation until it becomes a part of us, and we find ourselves believing it. Balanced Living: 18 Steps A balanced life not only leaves you feeling more fulfilled; you will become healthier in body as well as mind. Ponder on each step below. One per day is the ideal. If you rush then you are failing before you begin. Taking your time over anything is the first positive step to a sustainable success in all things. Anything worthwhile ? they say ? is worth waiting for. Today we cannot wait for anything ? allow your self the luxury of slowing down and discover you will actually achieve more. Seeing Challenges as Opportunities Are you a person who loves challenges, or hates them? I must admit I've spent most of my life as a person who hates them. I've always thought of challenges as frustrating, maddening obstacles keeping me from where I want to be. I even used to take them personally, feeling like the universe must hate me and like to see me struggle. ;-) Our Beliefs Define Our Limits The universe is vast, it's dimensions inconceivable, it's potentialities unimaginable, and we know too that our own consciousness has depths to it that are virtually infinite, and yet despite this enormity within and without, we choose to confine ourselves to beliefs in scarce resources. You may be Shocked to Hear This What I mean of course is, to appreciate life through the eyes of a child. Remember your unbounding joy when you received your first tricycle or bike with training wheels or visited Disneyland for the first time. The awe you felt was partly because of your innocence. You saw only the good in those times and you felt an unconditional love coming from those who gave you the gift or took you to visit Mickey and Minnie.I'll bet you didn't even notice the other park visitors. If you did you were unaware or unconcerned with the color of their skin, race, size, language,clothes, hair etc. The feeling of unconditional love and the innocence we all experienced in our youth are the antidote to many of society's ills-prejudice, hatred and selfishness,consumerism etc. What Every Employee Should Know About Looking Beyond His Attitude Our attitude makes seems to control just about everything about us. It helps us get better grades in school, become more generous and courteous to others, and enjoy better health. Mastering Mindfulness: A Thinkers Ode to Meditation I'm lucky. Taking Responsibility for Yourself This week I happened to catch a few minutes of a popular talk show on television, and the topic was confessions. A young man was confessing to his girlfriend of 5 years that he had cheated on her with her best friend. Not too unusual these days I guess. But what he said next floored me. "It was an accident. One thing led to another and before I knew it, we were having sex." ![]() |
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