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All My Needs, Desires, and Goals are Met -- INSTANTANEOUSLY
I get emails and questions from people all the time who are frustrated because they have read all types of self-help books, attended all types of motivational seminars, received personal coaching and yet, they still are unable to live the life that they dream of living. I know how frustrating it can be. You know all the things that you need to know, but how to do put it all into practice? How do you start to see the results of all of your hard work? When do you start to live the life that you dream of living--a life of purpose--a life of happiness and prosperity? When does it happen? Let's say that you are, right now, in the process of looking for a job. You left your last job because you weren't satisfied with it. Now you find yourself unemployed and youare living off of the money, which you managed to save because the next job you find will be THE career for you. You are going to find the one job that will make you happy and prosperous. But as time goes by, you find that the money you have saved is now dwindling down and it is getting harder and harder to find that perfect career. So, what do you do? You start looking at jobs doing the same thing that you just left-regardless of how unsatisfied you were on that job. You ask yourself, "Why or why can't I live a happy and successful life. Why can't I live my life's purpose?" Now here is my question for you? How serious are you about living a life of purpose? How serious are you about living a happy and prosperous life? How bad do you want it? The only way to get it is to CHANGE YOUR MIND. Change your thoughts and beliefs-change them from the thoughts and beliefs of the things that you DON'T want in your life, to ONLY the things that you DO desire in your life and in no time at all-you will have all that you desire. "Well, yeah, I hear you, Dawn. I don't WANT to get a job doing what I know I will eventually hate, probably after two months of doing it. But I HAVE to do it or else I won't have any money to live, to pay my bills, to eat even." It's that EXACT thought-that EXACT belief that is keeping you where you are and not allowing you to live the life you desire. The bible tells us to be IN the world, but not OF the world. What this means is that the things that people OF the world believe, shouldn't be what YOU believe. You should have the belief that God will provide. If you have the belief that God will provide, then GOD WILL PROVIDE. Simple as that. "Yeah, that might be all well in good, Dawn, but rent is due." All I can say to that is, "You are right." Rent is due. You have to eat and food cost money. Bills have to be paid, too. And because of your past thoughts and past beliefs, you have put yourself in a situation where money is tight and you have to "get a job." But all hope is not lost. If you find yourself in that situation where you simply HAVE to get a job, by all means, get a job. But while you are on your next job, or while you are on your present job-you know the one that you aren't really feeling, but are there because it pays the bills-work on your thoughts and your beliefs. Again, how do you do that? Take note and take action. The best way to live your life with purpose and to live the life you desire is to change your thoughts and beliefs with prayer. Yeah, that's right, PRAYER. Some people call it affirmations, but I call it prayers. I recently came across a very strong and powerful prayer (affirmation) that I have incorporated into my life. It's a prayer, that I understand, but have not confirmed, was used by Tony Robbins, well known motivational speaker on self development, that helped him go from being over weight, living in a one room apartment where he had to wash his dishes in the bathtub, to a life that is incredible-great shape, handsome, wonderful marriage, living in a mansion and having all that he desired AND helping others along the way. I thought this prayer was SO powerful I want to share it with you today. I believe that if you incorporate this prayer into your life, there is no way you cannot see positive changes INSTANTANEOUSLY. Like to hear it, here it goes: "God's wealth is circulating in my life. His wealth is flowing in my life in an avalanche of abundance. All my needs, desires and goals are met instantaneously, because I am one with God, and God is everything." Isn't that powerful? Prayer (or affirmations) that are positive and draws emotions from you is the quickest way to change your life for the best. You can't read those words above without feeling good. If you say this prayer over and over and over again, it seeps into your subconscious mind and will change your thoughts and your belief. You will start believing that God's wealth IS flowing in your life and that an avalanche of abundance and ALL of your needs, desires and goals are met INSTANTANEOUSLY. And do you know what? You will start seeing, almost immediately "miracles" starting to happen in your life. Now, you can't say this prayer one or two times and think something is going to happen. You must say it over and over and over again. In addition to saying it, it works even better if you add visualization exercises to it. Visualize your life when God's abundant wealth flows in your life. Try this for a week and look out for miracles. In a little no time, you will be living the life of your dreams. Dawn Fields is a motivational speaker, life coach and author. She teaches how to discover your life's purpose and incorporate it into a lucrative career. Visit the web site at http://www.dawnfields.com and sign up for Your Life's Purpose newsletter by sending a blank email to mailto:dawnfields.com with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Tune in each and every Thursday at 9 p.m. est to Your Life's Purpose Interactive Internet Radio Show at http://www.dawnfields.com/radioshow.htm
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Life Writing, One Facet of Living an Enchanted Life I started life writing in the fifth grade. My mother bought me my own Girl Shout diary! Are you wondering what a Girl Shout diary is? It was a Girl Scout diary kept by me. I had a minor learning disability, undiagnosed in those days, resulting in funny spellings. Undaunted, I wrote to Dear Diary, sharing the best of I Love Lucy, visits with grandparents, and weekly meeting with the Girl Scouts. Then one day this dairy was put away. Junior High School, High School and college were years when Believe It Or Not I am often astounded at what and why people believe what they do. I am sure that you too have noticed that some people believe in the oddest things. You may be Shocked to Hear This What I mean of course is, to appreciate life through the eyes of a child. Remember your unbounding joy when you received your first tricycle or bike with training wheels or visited Disneyland for the first time. The awe you felt was partly because of your innocence. You saw only the good in those times and you felt an unconditional love coming from those who gave you the gift or took you to visit Mickey and Minnie.I'll bet you didn't even notice the other park visitors. If you did you were unaware or unconcerned with the color of their skin, race, size, language,clothes, hair etc. The feeling of unconditional love and the innocence we all experienced in our youth are the antidote to many of society's ills-prejudice, hatred and selfishness,consumerism etc. Community After Tragedy One Friday in November, I began a journey from New Jersey to downtown New York City to visit old work friends. It was my first visit since the tragic September 11th attack. Although I've traveled this same route--the commuter train to the Hoboken station from 1996-2000--there were now, of course, changes in the environment when I got to Hoboken. 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The ability to out-think the other fellow, a friend or a foe, is the pathway to victory and success in life." - Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe in his book 'Renascent Africa.' Reframing Rejection So people will reject us no matter how good we look, no matterhow successful we are, and no matter how giving we are. If wewere to become even nicer, and even more spiritually aware theywould still reject us so it is a pointless battle trying to winover everyone. How to Cope With Your Inner Food Critic Every day that I eat EnergyRich? Food, I get almost instantaneous results. It's wonderful: I feel good about myself, I am productive in my work, I am available for my friends and family. These days are the rockin' days and make me all warm and fuzzy inside. 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Discover what it was. White Sun: How to Cultivate Ones Body Drinking damages the soul; being lustful damages the vitality; greed damages the virtues; anger damages the liver; smoking damages the spirit. These are the five poisons between Heaven and Earth. The world is polluted with these five filthy elements. Heaven has the spirit of the five fundamental elements and Earth has the characters of the five fundamental elements. Building Unshakeable Self Confidence! One of things that Charismatic people share is an unshakeable self confidence. It comes from deep within and it's the knowing that everything will be okay. It's a faith that their life is going somewhere and it has purpose. These people often are the ones that everyone notices when they walk in the room. They magically attract people to them in a social environment and everyone stops to listen to them in a business meeting. Everyone knows they mean business and what they have to say is going to be important. Management of the Almighty Anger Apart form the Emotions and the attitude, Anger is a quite unsolved thing. we become angry when things are not according to us or not as we want, or not up to our expectation. We just simply becomes angry to satisfy & gratify our ego, super ego and false ego. ![]() |
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