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Help With My Annuity
The cries are heard from the distance, "I need help with my annuities." Nothing has changed...just a lonely senior who can't trust anybody with her annuity because every time she asks for advice, someone tries to make her invest in a different annuity...Sound familiar? Well you are not alone. Often times when speaking to a senior about their annuities, I ask them their biggest complaint. Time and time again they say that it is hard to find someone who can help them with their annuity without trying to sell them another one. It is not uncommon. The truth of the matter is, many annuity agents are not out to help the client, but to help themselves (I am sure you are not surprised). They want to make the "fast buck" without regards for the client's needs or investment objectives. The unfortunate part is that, this isn't going to change. Honest help with an annuity is hard to find. Insurance agents don't get paid for their time, they usually only get paid for making a sale. So it's no wonder why they always recommend another annuity. I once visited someone who needed help with an annuity that an agent "talked him into." The problem was, in order to get into this annuity, the agent talked him into surrendering his old annuity and paying a $13,000 surrender charge to do so-AND THE ANNUITY HE PUT HIM INTO WAS WORSE THAN THE ANNUITY HE GOT HIM OUT OF...When I asked him why he called the other salesperson in the first place, he told me he just needed to make a small withdrawal from his annuity and didn't know how...And the agent tricked him into switching it into another annuity and paying a huge surrender charge which he could never recover due to his age...Fortunately it wasn't too late and we were able to reverse his transaction. However, good help is hard to find. There is no doubt. This may come as no surprise but my recommendation to anyone who needs help is to first purchase the book "Annuities: The Shocking Truths Revealed." Sure, I wrote it and sure I have a vested interest in saying that, but at least it talks about annuities in a way that anyone can understand them. And at least it points out all the things people who own annuities or are looking for annuities need to be careful of. Most importantly, it points out the dirty little secrets that agents never tell you about annuities. The bottom line is this. If you need help with your annuity, you need to be vigilant. Many agents are out there for their own good and you must be aware of this. Utilize your resources and learn the right questions to ask your agent before making a decision (Also found in the book). Sure, you may just give up and never get help but the worst decision is no decision. Help with your annuity is hard to find, but not impossible...that's why I wrote the book!!! Good luck and remember... Ignorance is not bliss... Tony Bahu is also the author of the controversial document, 'Annuities: The Shocking Truths Revealed', which reveals the secrets that the banks and insurance companies don't want you to know. For more information visit http://www.annuitymd.com
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Risky Business: You May Not be as Daring as You Think I thought I was through with exams when I finished college. Then my financial adviser (a.k.a. stockbroker) had me take a test to measure my tolerance for risk. He said, there were no right or wrong answers, but I knew better. Budgeting Before Buying With interest rates being at an all-time low, I can understand the urgency for people wanting to purchase a home. But I caution the first-time home buyer to learn how to budget their money before buying a new home. Save Money on your Clothing Budget. Tame the Closet Monster! Reducing the clothing budget was a serious challenge for me. Two pre-teen girls and a teenage girl certainly didn't make life any easier. My son wasn't much of a challenge. Thank goodness, he's not "fashion conscious". Do You Know What Tomorrow Will Bring? I've been sharing the following idea with people for a few years now, and realized recently that I had never written specifically about it. So here it is: Save Your Money, Dont Give to Charity Scammers **If it's Spam, it's a Scam!- If it sounds too good, if it shows up in your bulk folder or your spam folder - don't touch it, just delete it What?s New in Checking ? From Designs to Photos Just about everyone has a checking account. Checks present easy ways to make payments and they have simply become a way of life. Most checking accounts are pretty much the same, but there are some ways that you can make the most out of your personal checks. How To Get Ahead On A Low Income Do you struggle from week to week trying to make ends meet? Are you consistently going without things that you really wish you could afford? Well I have some possible and practical solutions to your dilemma: Chex Systems ? Why Every American Needs To Guard His Checking Account With His Life Most Americans have been brought up to be concerned about a good personal credit rating, because of the role a positive rating can play in your long term plans; purchasing a home, buying a car, getting a business loan, etc. They have also been made to understand that the premier organizations that pretty much hold the key to their financial futures are Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. Vesting and Your 401(k) Do you have a 401(k) retirement account? Are you vested yet? Before you move on to your next job, it is critical for you to find out if you are fully vested in your retirement account before you make the move. If you are not, you could lose hundreds if not thousands of dollars in employer contributions. Budgets And Eating - Can They Co-Exist? Whatever your reason for having a tight budget, thetruth is that going to the grocery store without a planis a BIG budget breaker. And sadly all that cash endsup vanishing into our stomachs and then...well, youknow what comes next. Identity Theft ? More Tips on How it Can Be Avoided Recent security breaches at several credit card companies continue to worry Americans, as stolen financial information can lead to identity theft. Identity theft occurs when someone obtains your Social Security number and/or other vital information and uses it to pose as you. By doing so, they can take advantage of your good credit history to open new credit card accounts or obtain loans. They get to spend the money, but you get to pay the bills. It often takes a victim a year or more to even detect that he or she has been a victim of ID theft; clearing up the mess caused by an identity theft scam can take years and can harm you personal credit report indefinitely. Family Money Management: The Importance of Agreement Are you having problems with debt? Are you afraid to answer the phone because it may be an angry creditor calling? Do you have problems getting from one paycheck to the next? The simple answer is that you need to budget. But for that budget to work, both you and your spouse need to be in total agreement. Honor Those Who Serve with Checking Account Supplies Our global society has had a wake up call in the last five years regarding our safety. But there are those in our communities that fight to keep us safe from day to day. They are take charge people and we like to honor them as our heroes. What better way than on your checking supplies? Top 10+ Ways to Jumpstart your New Year?s Finances! Of course, these don't have to be done in any particular order! Just pick one or two that particularly apply to your situation. Eight Ways To Sink Yourself Financially 1. Don't focus on your finances. Government Grants - Beware of Scams As the saying goes: "Buyer Beware". If you see ads claiming youqualify to receive a "free grant" for education, to start a homebusiness or to payoff unpaid bills, be wary. Scam artists will claim your grant application is guaranteed to be accepted and approved, and you never have to repay the money. But the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) warns that these grant offers are often a scam. The grant isn't free, nor is it guaranteed, nor is a refund.According to the FTC, some scam artists market "free grants" inclassified ads and even provide a toll free phone number. Here's an example of what happens when you call:A company representative asks non-threatening, simple questions to supposedly determine if you qualify to receive a grant. The representative then acts as if he/she is checking your eligibility, and then congratulates you as being eligible. But for you to get the grant information from them, they will chargeyou a processing fee. Although they will promise you that the grant is guaranteed or you can get your money back, the truth is far different.They will tell you that the processing fee is for finding a grant source and sending you the appropriate application package in the mail. But you won't receive an application or a source. Instead they send you a list of agencies and foundations which you must write and request an application. In order to getyour refund, you must apply to; and be rejected by, all these agencies within 90 days.Most grantors don't award grants to individuals for personal needs. Generally grants are to serve mankind and communities as a whole, such as job expansion, training under-employed youth, preserving history, funding charities, art museums, or for researching medical issues. So, even if you're in a financialhardship, or you may be an unwed mother, a single parent, a minority, etc, you're not likely to approved. And you may as well forget about getting a refund from the grant "broker" because the conditions for a refund are nearly impossible, requiring you to apply at every grantor on the list theyprovided to you and be denied by each resource within 90 days. If even one resource doesn't reject you within the first 90 days, you won't get your refund, nor will you get it back if the rejections are past the 90 day requirement.If you're thinking about applying for a grant, remember that the applications are available to you for free and that anyone who guarantees you a grant is likely to be interested in their own financial gain, not yours. If you think you may have been a victim of a grant scam, file a complaint with the FTC byvisiting www.ftc.gov or call toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357); TTY: 1-866-653-4261.Don't fall for grant scams. Use the free resources available to you at public libraries, on the internet, and at www.creditfederal.com/government-grant.html Budgeting -- The Critical Flaw That Causes Most Budgets to Fail Budgeting. It's a word we're all familiar with. Everyone knows what a budget is, right? Yet how many of us actually make and stick to a solid monthly budget? The truth is that most of us start out with the best of intentions, but an unexpected expense comes up and busts our budget. Then we give up and go back to juggling our finances and worrying about having too much month left at the end of the money. However, if you are striving to create a budget for the purpose of systematically paying off your debts, or to start a savings and investment program, then it's critical to develop a workable and realistic budget. Reporting Identity Theft Would you know what to do if you suspect that your personal information had been stolen and used by thieves to open new accounts? It's important that you take the right actions to clear your name as quickly as possible. The Magic Of Compound Interest Christians are called to be good stewards of God's resources. A steward can be described as someone who manages the resources of another. "The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it, the world and those who dwell therein"-Psalms 24:1 (The New English Bible). To effectively manage God's financial resources, it helps to have some understanding of modern day financial concepts, strategies, and mathematical formulas. Compound interest is a great ally in catapulting you toward achieving your financial goals. Through an understanding of compound interest, God can pour out a blessing upon you, which you will not be able to measure! Albert Einstein once called compound interest "the world's most impressive invention" and dubbed it the "eighth wonder of the world." Compound interest means all the money you've invested earns interest and then the combined amount of the original investments plus your interest earns more interest. Compounding means interest added to interest. Compound interest does not produce linear growth like the pattern 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and so on; it produces geometric growth through compounding like the pattern 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and so on. Usually, the more frequently your money compounds when earning interest, the better. For example, daily compounding is normally better than monthly compounding, which is better than quarterly compounding, which is better than yearly compounding. Budgeting Your Way to Financial Freedom Financial freedom cannot be achieved without budgeting. Budgeting involves tracking your sources of income and more importantly tracking your expenses. It is novel tool for controlling your expenses and making you aware of how you spend your money. At the outset, budgeting may seem to be onerous and boring, particularly for those of us who hate numbers. But once you realize the benefits emanating from it, you will find it an interesting exercise. Even businesses, whether small or large, use budgeting as a tool to achieve their financial goals. It is, in fact, an integral part of managing an organization. ![]() |
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