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Honor Those Who Serve with Checking Account Supplies
Our global society has had a wake up call in the last five years regarding our safety. But there are those in our communities that fight to keep us safe from day to day. They are take charge people and we like to honor them as our heroes. What better way than on your checking supplies? Respect for those who serve has always been in the back of our minds, but it is hard to honor them in person. The ability to show our passion for these heroes is easier than ever before. Custom design personal checks can be that shining star in your heart. The simplicity of a check sometimes goes unnoticed, but if it emblazons an image of those who fight, people take notice. There are various check designs that can capture your spirit:
These unique, yet simple check ideas will go along way in reminding us who to be thankful to. The reminder will make us think of those who have sacrificed, and those who are currently putting their lives on the line. Such a basic everyday supply, the check we write, can have a powerful impact on us and those we pass them to. The next time you're ordering checks, consider honoring the heroes that don't get the gratitude they deserve. It will open your eyes and the eyes of others. Robb Ksiazek is an author and publisher for Checks-4U.com. He has researched and written about the little things that make a difference in the paper supply industry, from personal and business checks to envelopes and address labels. Turn the ordinary into extraordinary.
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Knowing Me, Knowing You: Why ID Protection Plans Are Flawed For Fraud ID theft is a major consumer concern, though there is apparently much confusion about proactive protection initiatives and apparently safe and unsafe spending behaviour. For example, many consumers remain reluctant about shopping online, but they may still give out personal details over the phone in a cold call, or they may have redundant or dormant accounts and financial products which are susceptible to fraud. How To Free-Up 10% to 15% of Your Income Would you be interested in freeing up 10% to 15% of your current income? Just imagine what you could do with this money. You could pay down your debts, increase your savings, or work toward that next important purchase that you have in mind. Wouldn't it be exciting to actually have money left over at the end of the month? Understanding and Controlling Your Finances Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be able to have complete control over your finances? Personal Finance ? Why You Should Compare, not Despair Sorting out your personal finances can be a tricky and exasperating time. Whether you are looking to obtain money through a loan, protect your finances with life insurance, medical, travel or car insurance, save some money through an individual savings account (ISA), apply for a credit card or a mortgage, change a telephone or fuel utility supplier, or simply decide what the best current account is for your needs, the choices are seemingly endless as well as being extremely complicated. They can also be potentially serious if you get it wrong. With so many options, and so many companies trying to get you to use their product, it is difficult to know where to turn. Budgeting is Bothersome It doesn't take much for you to get behind on monthly bills, but it sure takes some time to catch up. The comparison in my mind is to weight gain. A one-week vacation can easily pack on 5 to 7 pounds. Losing that weight however, can take a good month of cardio. That's no fun, and neither is trying to find the extra cash to pay last month's credit card payment. Bank On It: Places to Hide and Invest Money Today I passed a thermometer at a bank that read 110 degrees, but I am not telling you that to show you how hot it was. I am telling you that because this bank really needs to fix their thermometer. According to their thermometer, it was also 110 degrees in December. There are a lot of people, places and things that can be more accurate with the weather, and as I've never said (but have always wanted to), "Whatever I trust with the weather is what I also trust with my money." Here are some examples: College Expenses: Seven Ways to Save on an Education Many people graduate from college owing thousands of dollars in student loans. It isn't uncommon for students to graduate owing $30,000 to $40,000. For people that get married shortly after graduation that means starting out with around $80,000 in debt. Thats a lot of debt for a young couple just looking to buy a house and possibly replace their aging vehicles. Financial Readiness: Preparing for BRAC (Base Realignment And Closing) The recommendations for military base closings have been released and the news is not good. If the recommendations are accepted, you will lose your job. So what do you do? Hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. Reporting Identity Theft Would you know what to do if you suspect that your personal information had been stolen and used by thieves to open new accounts? It's important that you take the right actions to clear your name as quickly as possible. If All Things Are Possible, Why Cant I Balance My Checkbook? For me, the most terrible time of each month is the day our bank statement comes. We commonly call it BSS (Bank Statement Syndrome). I don't know why it is, but I have trouble getting the parsonage checkbook to balance with the monthly bank statement. How To Place an Online Order for Checks ? It is Easy as 1-2-3 If You Have an Existing Account and 5 Minutes, You Can Place Your Online Order that Easy! 10 Quick And Cheap Ways To Cut Your Heating Bill When you received an energy (heating) bill last winter, were you afraid to open it? Granted that we have a home with a lot of really big windows, but we saw energy bills last winter in the hundreds of dollars. Your bill probably wasn't that bad but I'm guessing that it was a lot higher than you would have liked. 10 Steps to Take if You Are a Victim of Identity Theft There have been an estimated 9.9 million victims on America and over 40% of all consumer complaints in the U.S. involve identity theft. About half of the victims do not know how the thief obtained their personal information. The Boston Globe and Newsweek have both covered Identity theft this month telling us how important it is for us to educate ourselves on preventing and protecting ourselves from this type of robbery. Identity theft can happen anytime, anywhere and to anyone, individuals or businesses. Everyone must be educated and aware so it can be avoided. Michael Blanchard, US Postal Inspector says postal money orders and business or certified checks are one way you can be at risk. Most identity theft involves the U.S. Mail which is why the U.S. Postal Inspection Service is a lead agency in investigating Identity Theft. Identity Theft is a criminal offense. The Origins of Check Writing People haven't always written checks to buy goods and services. But you know that right? So how did people transfer money from one place to another in times of old? Photo Checks ? A Great Alternative in Checking It's the little things in life that make it interesting. Everyday life can be so boring at times. To make the ordinary extraordinary takes time to explore and to discover. Fortunately, there are some wonderful places online to personalize those ordinary items and make them the pride of you day. Know Thy Finances The first step to financial success lies in knowing your financial situation at any given time. There is an anecdote attributed to John D. Rockefeller--that as a child he was given a monthly allowance from his parents, but upon stipulation that he had to save 10% of it, give away 10% to charity, and account for the rest of it. While his parents required that he record down to the penny where he spent it--you can be a bit more lenient on yourself! 5 Steps to Healthy Spending Habits Next to our physical health most of us are primarily concerned with our financial health, and with good reason. Although our intentions are usually great our follow-through and discipline generally isn't. Mere mention of the word budget or cutback sends us into fits. Strategies for Success Holy Shenanigans! More STUFF? Stretching Your Grocery Dollars Shopping for groceries is an inevitable fact of our ever busy lives. We may imagine that we are saving time by dashing in, roaming the aisles and throwing whatever looks good into the cart. Most often, what we end up with is repetitive, nutritionally unbalanced meals and ballooning grocery bills. Or worse, frequent fast-food stops and pizza calls. Brighten your meals and save time and money by planning ahead ? an added bonus you may even save a few calories. Personal Checks ? Extreme Benefits Millions of people have a checking account and many people have two of three. They have the choice of choosing a variety of check designs to compliment the checking account. The styles range from solid color checks to more intricate designs that reflect the personality. ![]() |
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