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Grandparents --- Homeschool Your Grandchildren and Feel Younger
Grandparents, what better way to stay close to your grown children than to advise them about important issues like the dangers of public schools for your grandchildren? What better way to feel younger if you offer to help homeschool your grandchildren? When your children grow up and get careers of their own, that doesn't mean you have to be lonely in a big, empty house and lose contact with your kids. Helping to homeschool your grandchildren can be a wonderful way for you to stay in close and loving contact with your grown children and grandchildren. You can be a loving part of the family again. If you read "Public Schools, Public Menace," tell your grown children about how your grandkids are in real danger by going to public schools. Don't let your grandchildren's mind's, self-confidence, and love of learning go to waste in public schools. Give your grown children the book to read. Even better, then offer to help watch the grandkids and homeschool them if your grown children and their spouses work. Who better to help your children and adorable grandchildren than you? Doing so could make your retirement years the happiest years of your life. You have so much wisdom and knowledge that you have accumulated over the years. You have so much love you still have to give. How your children would appreciate your love and help with your grandchildren! If you helped homeschool your grandchildren, what a wonderful gift that would be for your children, your grandkids, and most of all, yourself. Think about it. Joel Turtel is an education policy analyst, and author of "Public Schools, Public Menace: How Public Schools Lie To Parents and Betray Our Children."Contact Information:Website: http://www.mykidsdeservebetter.com, Email: lbooksusa@aol.com, Phone: 718-447-7348. Article Copyrighted © 2005 by Joel Turtel. NOTE: You may post this Article on another website only if you set up a hyperlink to Joel Turtel's email address and website URL, http://www.mykidsdeservebetter.com.
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Using Diet, Counseling, and Attend to Overcome ADHD When it comes to the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or with problems of Attention, Impulse Control, Over-Activity, or Learning Problems in "the real world," there are a number of approaches to treatment that may work well. Lifebooks: Every Adopted Child Needs One Information is gold when you are adopted. Every tiny piece is precious, whether it's a photo or quote from the orphanage staff. LifeBooks help put all the information pieces together in a way that helps your child make sense of, and ultimately feel good, about his/her history. Public-School True Believers with a Mission One reason public schools get away with educational failure, year after year, is because they are run by school officials who passionately believe in what they are doing. As the great English writer C. S. Lewis wrote, "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." Just What Is A Learning Disability? A learning disability is defined as a permanent problem that affects a person with average to above average intelligence, in the way that he/she receives, stores, and processes information. Humans and Their Innate Need for Drug Stimulation We know that ancient cultures and Indians and the like across the globe used such mind-altering drugs to alter their states. Still today in the world we have whole cultures enslaved to drugs of some type. Heroine, Opium, Peyote, Marijuana, Cocaine, it almost appears to be a human issue, a need. Most who study such believe that since the addictions affect the frontal lobes that the it also affects the basic drives of that individual which we have all heard of when individuals will steal from friends and family to obtain more drugs. For mankind to progress we will need to maintain flow of thought in all members of the species. We have failed miserably in this regard. How Much Water are You Wasting? Are you being smart about water conservation? Do you consider yourself an environmentally conscious person? Well, how do you wash your car? Do you do it in your driveway? If you wash your car in your driveway with a garden hose and shut-off nozzle, you will use five gallons of water to fill your soap bucket to get suds. You will then wet down your car for two minutes or more, soap your car and then rinse the car for four minutes or more. If the garden hose has 60 PSI of pressure or more it puts out a minimum of ten gallons of water per minute (GPM). The total amount of water usage is as follows: How Can I Teach My Child Respect? A common theme over the past 20 years has been how much children have changed from when we were growing up in terms of how they show respect. I know that for the most part in the 1960's, anyone in a position of authority commanded respect which included parents, teachers, police officers, principals, bosses, coaches and anyone else we viewed in some way as a person in authority. We in fact were taught to "obey" and do as we were told; no questions asked. Many of those people did command respect but unfortunately many of them abused their position of power and felt they were licensed to say and do whatever they wanted simply by virtue of the position they held. Are You Too Busy for Your Kids? In his recent newsletter "Happy Kids", parenting expert Michael Grose (yes he is an expert with three kids of his own) said: Sharing Books with Children One of my first memories of childhood is that of my mother reading Dr. Seuss books to me in a big brown recliner in our living room. That memory brings with it sounds and smells and a general feeling of safety and comfort that never fades, even after all these years. Naturally, one of the first memories I have of my own first born child is sitting in a big chair and reading Little Golden Books to him. Raise Awesome Kids! This 4-Point Plan Gets Results Are your children truthful, kind, and helpful? If so, read no further. If not, please listen to Colby and his mom. Homework Doesn?t Have to Be a Battle of Wills Homework. It doesn't have to be a daily battle of wills between child and parent. There are several strategies and elements that a parent can use to maximize an opportunity to support a child's education and to massage the parent/child bond. For the parent, it is a way to understand what is going on at school and an opportunity for communication. Simply put, a parent has the ability to guide a child to positive feelings about education and to the rewards of good efforts. Working Moms: Too Busy for Your Children? 17 Quick Ways to Strengthen the Bonds of Love Parenting Your Teenager: Kids and Money Most teens go into the work world ill-prepared to manage the money they will be making. Even if their parents have attempted to teach them about money, they still haven't had the wonderfully frightening experience we have all had. You know the one: It's called ``getting to the end of the money before the end of the month.'' Parenting Your Teenager: 4 Traps to Avoid 4 traps to avoid The Most Innovative New Approach for ADHD, a Natural Remedy What's new and effective in the treatment of Attention problems? A powerful intervention that is clinically tested with computerized testing, not merely parent reports, has been available to the public since 1997, but is little known. Parenting Your Teenager: Self-Decorating or Self-Harm - How to Tell the Difference Q. I need your help with a question about my teen-age daughter. Getting her ears pierced was no big deal, but then she wanted to get a belly button ring and a tongue ring. We let her get the belly button one but not the tongue one. Potty Training Caveats- Dont Start Too Soon The First Reason: For one thing, child development experts are concerned that previous generations of parents were putting too much pressure on their children to potty train early. Children were often being punished for not learning to use the toilet. Diana, Princess of Whales Younger generations unfortunately will not understand how larger than life Diana really was and it would be difficult to describe. If you will read the book about her or go buy the audiotape you can play it for your children. Even having shared part of the human history with her in this period, I learned quite a bit about the real Diana and all the good she bought to the world. You will learn more and be able to pass on a true account of a larger than life character of the human endeavor. So I recommend to you: The ADHD Parents Guide: Questions for the School Here is something that you might want to keep if you are thinking about changing your child's school next fall or if you are planning to have your child tested by the school in the near future. Let me say this, if you are planning to have your child tested by your district, do not put off doing the paperwork. Sign them up today! Typically districts have 10 weeks in which to do assessments, but the clock doesn't start until you fill out the paperwork. This can be a long process, and if you delay at doing the paperwork you may not be able to get the assessment done until next year! Surprise ? Public School Class Size Doesnt Matter Very Much School authorities often complain that classes are too large. They claim that teachers can't be expected to give their students the individual attention they need if there are too many students in the class. On the surface, this excuse seems to have some merit. Common sense tells us that in smaller classes, teachers can give more time and attention to each student. ![]() |
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